Combined 41 points in 8 losses...

Nov 25, 2009
Man I was frustrated last night after the game and probably overthinking everything like a lot of people, so I went back to the schedule and looked at the losses and counted the 3-4 times to be sure. The worst margin was 7 at Indiana and I didn't think the boys played well at all. I don't know why, but I'm cautiously optimistic that they can turn this misery around starting Tuesday. The reason I say this is that Indiana and Iowa will not be slowing this game down. It will be more of a free flowing game and the ball and player movement should be crisper than it has been. I know Indiana is playing well, and shooting well, but it really wouldn't take that much to turn the season back around....The five point average differential is 3 plays in a game which would not be that difficult to accomplish. Fran just needs to keep things simplified and the boys need to make the 3-5 plays in the game that make the difference overall (although blowing out Indiana would be more fun!).

I guess the last thing I would say is that I am chalking this up under the banner of "things are never as good or as bad as they seem" and I think that this could very well be the case here. Now that they have pissed away the chance to win the league by themselves, maybe they will relax and get back to playing knowing that their margins are easily manageable between keeping turnovers down, rebounding a little better, hitting a couple more 3's or getting a little more bench production....or a combo of those...JMHO
The problem it goes right to the choke narrative. Iowa can't win close games. Fran's record has been terrible in close games. So, besides players maybe not being mentally tough, we have a coach who's a poor in-game coach who makes poor coaching decisions.
Fran is a solid X and O coach in my opinion, but is a very mediocre evaluator of talent. He either can't get the 'better' players or has adopted the Ferentz model of pursuing project players that aren't being recruited by other conference teams. It's a nice story to find an Aaron White flying under the radar, but you can't build a program with those guys (unless you are Wisconsin).

Wisconsin won because Hayes and Koenig made clutch shots. OSU won because Loving and the other guard hit clutch shots. We lost because we don't have guys capable of doing anything off the dribble, which turns Jok and Uthoff into spot up shooters that need action to get open. Other teams recognize that and jump screens and deny them the ball and for 4 years, we have not had any answers.

Hats off to the seniors for what they have accomplished, but outside of Uthoff transferring, Fran and staff did 0 to augment this team with a couple capable reserves. We have needed guard depth since Fran has been here and to quote him prior to OSU, 'We need another guard to step up'. Really? Who might that be? Ellingson who is overmatched athletically or Williams who has played about 5 minutes total since conference play started. It's not that hard to find a serviceable 1 or 2 with some dribble drive skills or maybe play the guy you recruited....Williams. Fran is not good with his personnel evaluation or management IMO and that has cost us a shot at great season. Still hope to salvage something in the tourney (hopefully).
Fran is a solid X and O coach in my opinion, but is a very mediocre evaluator of talent. He either can't get the 'better' players or has adopted the Ferentz model of pursuing project players that aren't being recruited by other conference teams. It's a nice story to find an Aaron White flying under the radar, but you can't build a program with those guys (unless you are Wisconsin).

Wisconsin won because Hayes and Koenig made clutch shots. OSU won because Loving and the other guard hit clutch shots. We lost because we don't have guys capable of doing anything off the dribble, which turns Jok and Uthoff into spot up shooters that need action to get open. Other teams recognize that and jump screens and deny them the ball and for 4 years, we have not had any answers.

Hats off to the seniors for what they have accomplished, but outside of Uthoff transferring, Fran and staff did 0 to augment this team with a couple capable reserves. We have needed guard depth since Fran has been here and to quote him prior to OSU, 'We need another guard to step up'. Really? Who might that be? Ellingson who is overmatched athletically or Williams who has played about 5 minutes total since conference play started. It's not that hard to find a serviceable 1 or 2 with some dribble drive skills or maybe play the guy you recruited....Williams. Fran is not good with his personnel evaluation or management IMO and that has cost us a shot at great season. Still hope to salvage something in the tourney (hopefully).

Garbage post.
While it is possibly true that this senior class could bow out early of the NCAA tourney, it only reinforces just how far the BB program had fallen before Fran took over. Rock bottom. And one of the masterminds of that misery (through a terrible coaching hire) was recently rewarded with a fancy new contract, even though the athletic department as a whole has, at least until this year, finished dead last in overall on-the-field sports performance for several years in a row. And how quickly we forget the thoroughly mediocre state of the football program for several years running, only to be elated but ultimately crushed by yet another miserable bowl performance.
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start hitting some outside shots early and see how that will snowball into more intensity on the defensive end. Like many teams, this Iowa team is incredibly streaky and feeds off emotion. Start hitting shots and all will fall into place; if they come out cold it snowballs the other way.
Fran is a solid X and O coach in my opinion, but is a very mediocre evaluator of talent. He either can't get the 'better' players or has adopted the Ferentz model of pursuing project players that aren't being recruited by other conference teams. It's a nice story to find an Aaron White flying under the radar, but you can't build a program with those guys (unless you are Wisconsin).

Wisconsin won because Hayes and Koenig made clutch shots. OSU won because Loving and the other guard hit clutch shots. We lost because we don't have guys capable of doing anything off the dribble, which turns Jok and Uthoff into spot up shooters that need action to get open. Other teams recognize that and jump screens and deny them the ball and for 4 years, we have not had any answers.

Hats off to the seniors for what they have accomplished, but outside of Uthoff transferring, Fran and staff did 0 to augment this team with a couple capable reserves. We have needed guard depth since Fran has been here and to quote him prior to OSU, 'We need another guard to step up'. Really? Who might that be? Ellingson who is overmatched athletically or Williams who has played about 5 minutes total since conference play started. It's not that hard to find a serviceable 1 or 2 with some dribble drive skills or maybe play the guy you recruited....Williams. Fran is not good with his personnel evaluation or management IMO and that has cost us a shot at great season. Still hope to salvage something in the tourney (hopefully).
Good post, although I'm not a believer in Fran's in-game coaching. People get all excited about Fran's recruiting because he occasionally finds a diamond in the rough. Some people have conned themselves into believing rankings/stars don't matter. Fran has yet to bring in a quality guard (PG or SG) since AC and MG. Yet people still are saying, Fran knows what he's doing recruiting, he's a genius, etc. He's fortunate that Uthoff fell into his lap via transfer or Fran's recruiting problems would have really been exposed and he'd probably be on the hotseat. Take Uthoff off this team the past couple years and you are talking a .500 conference team, at best, and that's with a starting unit of a bunch of Jr's and Sr's. He's an avg coach, which is what some of us have been saying for a couple years now, but everyone got suckered in by some incredibly hot shooting in the month of Jan, only to see the team shooting come back down to earth in Feb.

As you say, they have no guards, who can take anyone off the dribble to open things up for Jok and Uthoff, so we settle for jump shots, and teams doesn't even both guarding MG and AC from outside anymore. I tough the ball more than Woody does in the offense. They have a 7 footer, who has some offensive skills, and he's running around setting screens 15-20 feet from the basket. Brilliant. Since you'll never get any real offense from AC and MG, run the offense through Woody. He's the 2nd best passer on the team. If he starts making shots this can open up Jok and Uthoff. I'm still at a loss how Fran goes 3 years of recruiting and his best guard option off the bench is Ellingson, who is so overmatched I actually feel sorry for the kid. He's the worst defender on the team. Just brutal. At least Oglesby play adequate defense and didn't turn the ball over. Unless Ellingson greatly improves over the summer he should transfer to a MAC or lower conference school. He's just not a major conference player right now. Fran recruits a bunch of wings, but nobody who can beat anyone off the dribble, or shoot the ball well from beyond the arc. Fran's too obsessed with height and length and not enough with skills, athleticism, and talent.
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start hitting some outside shots early and see how that will snowball into more intensity on the defensive end. Like many teams, this Iowa team is incredibly streaky and feeds off emotion. Start hitting shots and all will fall into place; if they come out cold it snowballs the other way.
They were shooting over the heads early in the season. They are playing at their proper level now. Uthoff and Jok are the only real shooters on the team. MG has the worst looking shot of any guard in the B1G. AC is probably a slightly better shooter than we've seen, but he takes forever to get his shot off. Run the offense through Woody. Quit having him set screens for AC and MG who can't do anything offensively. Get the ball to Woody and let him pass to cutters or put the ball up and have guys hit the boards hard.
Fran is a solid X and O coach in my opinion, but is a very mediocre evaluator of talent. He either can't get the 'better' players or has adopted the Ferentz model of pursuing project players that aren't being recruited by other conference teams. It's a nice story to find an Aaron White flying under the radar, but you can't build a program with those guys (unless you are Wisconsin).

Wisconsin won because Hayes and Koenig made clutch shots. OSU won because Loving and the other guard hit clutch shots. We lost because we don't have guys capable of doing anything off the dribble, which turns Jok and Uthoff into spot up shooters that need action to get open. Other teams recognize that and jump screens and deny them the ball and for 4 years, we have not had any answers.

Hats off to the seniors for what they have accomplished, but outside of Uthoff transferring, Fran and staff did 0 to augment this team with a couple capable reserves. We have needed guard depth since Fran has been here and to quote him prior to OSU, 'We need another guard to step up'. Really? Who might that be? Ellingson who is overmatched athletically or Williams who has played about 5 minutes total since conference play started. It's not that hard to find a serviceable 1 or 2 with some dribble drive skills or maybe play the guy you recruited....Williams. Fran is not good with his personnel evaluation or management IMO and that has cost us a shot at great season. Still hope to salvage something in the tourney (hopefully).


I presume this is based mostly on Woodbury, that you think Woodbury should have been "figured out" by a coach while in HS?

Good lord this is idiotic. Fran's recruiting has been solid +, especially in evaluation.
They were shooting over the heads early in the season. They are playing at their proper level now. Uthoff and Jok are the only real shooters on the team. MG has the worst looking shot of any guard in the B1G. AC is probably a slightly better shooter than we've seen, but he takes forever to get his shot off. Run the offense through Woody. Quit having him set screens for AC and MG who can't do anything offensively. Get the ball to Woody and let him pass to cutters or put the ball up and have guys hit the boards hard.

I'm with this idea, but not quite as hard on the guys, sometimes MG has no choice but to take it. When he can actually take it he does quite well, it is when he gets stopped that it falls apart (see: last shot in games). But definitely go to Woody early and often, he can kick it so well that he isn't a black hole when covered.
Based on what? Wisconsin lost Kamminsky, Decker, and Jackson and has an interim coach, yet they plugged guys in from reserve roles and have freshman contributing. This was what we have been building for 4 years and it might result in a first round win the NCAA tourney.

Isn't that the same team that lost to Western Illinois, Milwaukee, Marquette? College basketball is a sport where teams get on a roll and can beat anyone. Whisky couldn't beat anyone to start conference play and now they are beating everyone.

Iowa's problems boil down to not playing with any energy and not making shots. Our defense is not playing as well as it was early in the season either. We played with energy against OSU but couldn't make shots the last 10 minutes. Against Penn St. we came out flat and didn't fight. Whisky I thought we played a good game and so did they we just didn't make shots at the end. Now Fran deserves blame too, he needs to use his Timeouts to stop runs and settle the guys down. The other thing that this team has done for years is not valuing the ball at key points of the game. They will be at certain points of the game where we could either go on a big run or let the other team back into the game and we will come down and throw up a quick shot or turn it over and let the other team right back into it.

I presume this is based mostly on Woodbury, that you think Woodbury should have been "figured out" by a coach while in HS?

Good lord this is idiotic. Fran's recruiting has been solid +, especially in evaluation.
This is nowhere close to true. When Ellington is your best guard option, you can evaluate talent adequately enough to compete in the big ten. Need two solid players per class IMO
This is nowhere close to true. When Ellington is your best guard option, you can evaluate talent adequately enough to compete in the big ten. Need two solid players per class IMO

Like the 4 graduating have nothing to do with the numbers?
This is completely absurd.
No, it's spot on. Their bench blows. Hell, one of their best bench players is a walk on. Uthoff has saved Fran from having a crappy team this year. Fran should buy the kid a new car. Fran would be on very thin ice if not for Uthoff.
I'm with this idea, but not quite as hard on the guys, sometimes MG has no choice but to take it. When he can actually take it he does quite well, it is when he gets stopped that it falls apart (see: last shot in games). But definitely go to Woody early and often, he can kick it so well that he isn't a black hole when covered.
MG pretty much sucks any time he shoots the ball. His shot is awful, especially outside of 15 feet. He should NEVER take a shot in the final possession. Not only is he a bad shot, he's the ultimate choke artist. How in the hell does Woody have 1 or no shots tonight? Fran needs to shake Woody or whatever, but do something to get him involved in the offense or they won't win another game. The guards are terrible, so you need a 3rd option, especially if Jok or Uthoff is having an off night.
No, it's spot on. Their bench blows. Hell, one of their best bench players is a walk on. Uthoff has saved Fran from having a crappy team this year. Fran should buy the kid a new car. Fran would be on very thin ice if not for Uthoff.

So when that "bench" of Uhl, Wagner, Williams, and Baer combines with Jok next year they will place what in the Big Ten? Put your prediction out there, since those players "blow". Two of those are three stars ranked higher than Jok was, and we know Jok couldn't have been a "find" because you say Fran isn't good at assessment.
MG pretty much sucks any time he shoots the ball. His shot is awful, especially outside of 15 feet. He should NEVER take a shot in the final possession. Not only is he a bad shot, he's the ultimate choke artist. How in the hell does Woody have 1 or no shots tonight? Fran needs to shake Woody or whatever, but do something to get him involved in the offense or they won't win another game. The guards are terrible, so you need a 3rd option, especially if Jok or Uthoff is having an off night.

Gesell shot 3-5, Jok was 3-11 tonight.

I'm definitely in favor of Woodbury with more offensive touches, unfortunately he missed 3 fts tonight. Clemmons was easily the best player for Iowa...until he missed those two free throws.
Gesell shot 3-5, Jok was 3-11 tonight.

I'm definitely in favor of Woodbury with more offensive touches, unfortunately he missed 3 fts tonight. Clemmons was easily the best player for Iowa...until he missed those two free throws.
What has MG shot during the month of Feb? Again, someone else needs to step up their offense in games when Jok and Uthoff aren't on their game. Teams are designing their defense to stop Uthoff and Jok, they aren't the slightest bit worried about Gesell. They don't even guard him outside. The same is now true for AC. You can't have 2 guys who opposing teams have absolutely no respect for the offensive game, so they ignore them. You are putting way too much pressure on Jok and Uthoff. AC was 5-15, hardly a dynamite game. Plus he missed the 2 biggest FT's in the game. Even if he makes 1 of them it would have given Iowa a shot, where Uthoff or Jok could have driven the ball instead of taking a 3. Actually Woody would have had an easy putback to tie the game. AC cost them the game. He choked. We've seen it time and again with AC or MG.
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So when that "bench" of Uhl, Wagner, Williams, and Baer combines with Jok next year they will place what in the Big Ten? Put your prediction out there, since those players "blow". Two of those are three stars ranked higher than Jok was, and we know Jok couldn't have been a "find" because you say Fran isn't good at assessment.
Who knows? Depends on what other teams have next season. Do you have any idea what other B1G teams will have talent wise for next season? I'll be surprised if they make the NCAA tournament next year, but again, I'd like to see what other teams have before I start throwing out predictions for record.

No, I didn't say "Fran isn't good at assessment", but nice try. I said Fran needs to find better talent. He needs to land a Ulis once in a while. Put Ulis on this team and it would be a contender for the final four. You'd have either MG or AC sitting on the bench, where they should be, which would make your bench much stronger. You'd actually have a guy who can create and would create a lot more space for Jok and Uthoff. This is the B1G, you can't keep bringing in players who destined for E. Mich or Toledo if Fran didn't offer them a scholarship. You have to beat out Indiana, Purdue, Ill, Wis, OSU, Mich, MSU, at least once in a while.
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Who knows? Depends on what other teams have next season. Do you have any idea what other B1G teams will have talent wise for next season? I'll be surprised if they make the NCAA tournament next year, but again, I'd like to see what other teams have before I start throwing out predictions for record.

No, I didn't say "Fran isn't good at assessment", but nice try. I said Fran needs to find better talent. He needs to land a Ulis once in a while. Put Ulis on this team and it would be a contender for the final four. You'd have either MG or AC sitting on the bench, where they should be, which would make your bench much stronger. You'd actually have a guy who can create and would create a lot more space for Jok and Uthoff. This is the B1G, you can't keep bringing in players who destined for E. Mich or Toledo if Fran didn't offer them a scholarship. You have to beat out Indiana, Purdue, Ill, Wis, OSU, Mich, MSU, at least once in a while.

You are right, the guy I quoted before you said that.

Fran is a solid X and O coach in my opinion, but is a very mediocre evaluator of talent.
Even if he makes 1 of them it would have given Iowa a shot, where Uthoff or Jok could have driven the ball instead of taking a 3. .

That would require, you know, either of those guys actually driving to the basket, and they weren't. I'm not even sure this is hyperbole: Christian Williams drove more than both of them combined.
Like next year with Cook? Glad he can appease you.
That's a good start but we had to wait 4 years for this kind of talent? Plus, wouldn't it be nice if Fran would actually recruit/land a PG or SG who was highly rated instead of getting Toledo's leftovers? Let's be honest, college basketball is a guard oriented game. If you have avg/below avg guards, you aren't going anywhere in the tournament (if you even make the tournament).
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That would require, you know, either of those guys actually driving to the basket, and they weren't. I'm not even sure this is hyperbole: Christian Williams drove more than both of them combined.
Forget driving all the way to the hoop. How about pump fake at 3 pt line, take a couple dribbles and shoot a 15 foot jumper. Make 1 of 2 FT's and the last possession is opened up to a lot more options. Would you not agree?
Forget driving all the way to the hoop. How about pump fake at 3 pt line, take a couple dribbles and shoot a 15 foot jumper. Make 1 of 2 FT's and the last possession is opened up to a lot more options. Would you not agree?

It certainly would have been nice to see the starters driving ... the backups were having great success with it.
That's a good start but we had to wait 4 years for this kind of talent? Plus, wouldn't it be nice if Fran would actually recruit/land a PG or SG who was highly rated instead of getting Toledo's leftovers? Let's be honest, college basketball is a guard oriented game. If you have avg/below avg guards, you aren't going anywhere in the tournament (if you even make the tournament).

This seems simply like you fundamentally disagree with Fran's system and strategy. In what range do you realistically think Iowa should be recruiting? top 30? top 50? top 100?
This seems simply like you fundamentally disagree with Fran's system and strategy. In what range do you realistically think Iowa should be recruiting? top 30? top 50? top 100?
Swing for the fences. Just have fallback options. I'd love to see more top 100 kids on the roster. How about beating Wis and other big names out for a kid, instead of just beating W. Mich, and The Citadel out for a player? Look at the offers Iowa's kids are getting and it's pretty underwhelming. Fran is a young coach, great personality, he should be doing better than this.
Swing for the fences. Just have fallback options. I'd love to see more top 100 kids on the roster. How about beating Wis and other big names out for a kid, instead of just beating W. Mich, and The Citadel out for a player? Look at the offers Iowa's kids are getting and it's pretty underwhelming. Fran is a young coach, great personality, he should be doing better than this.

Obviously it isn't just "have fallback options" because you are complaining about Fran's options. So where should Iowa realistically be? Top 30? Top 50?

Fran is a young coach? Compared to who? He is 56 and has coached for 30 years.

Also, you seem to be claiming that Wisconsin is beating out Iowa for recruits? Which ones?
Obviously it isn't just "have fallback options" because you are complaining about Fran's options. So where should Iowa realistically be? Top 30? Top 50?

Fran is a young coach? Compared to who? He is 56 and has coached for 30 years.

Also, you seem to be claiming that Wisconsin is beating out Iowa for recruits? Which ones?
No, Fran went all-in with Ulis and had no fallback option, so he had to reach with Dickerson in the spring because all the good PG's were gone. So, swing for the fences, but don't just express interest or make offers to those players. Fran ended up with serious egg on his face with Ulis and it's badly burnt Iowa this year, as MG and AC have played poorly, and it will hurt them greatly next season starting a PG with basically no game experience and a FR backup.

Fran is relatively young. He's young enough to relate to kids. It's not like he's Bobby Knight recruiting kids.

The Bohannons. Uthoff. In the past, Wis has scored with several Iowa recruits from our own backyard. Besides my point of bringing up Wis was not that Wis is beating out Iowa for recruits, but why can't Iowa beat out Wis with kids both schools are interested in. Again, beating out S. Illinois, Colgate, The Citadel, for recruits isn't going to cut it in the B1G. If Fran doesn't get lucky with the Uthoff transfer this team comes nowhere near making the NCAA tournament. Fran must bring in better talent. You can't keep having recruiting classes ranked around 11th in the conference and expect the program to do much. Bo Ryan showed Fran the model.
No, Fran went all-in with Ulis and had no fallback option, so he had to reach with Dickerson in the spring because all the good PG's were gone. So, swing for the fences, but don't just express interest or make offers to those players. Fran ended up with serious egg on his face with Ulis and it's badly burnt Iowa this year, as MG and AC have played poorly, and it will hurt them greatly next season starting a PG with basically no game experience and a FR backup.

Fran is relatively young. He's young enough to relate to kids. It's not like he's Bobby Knight recruiting kids.

The Bohannons. Uthoff. In the past, Wis has scored with several Iowa recruits from our own backyard. Besides my point of bringing up Wis was not that Wis is beating out Iowa for recruits, but why can't Iowa beat out Wis with kids both schools are interested in. Again, beating out S. Illinois, Colgate, The Citadel, for recruits isn't going to cut it in the B1G. If Fran doesn't get lucky with the Uthoff transfer this team comes nowhere near making the NCAA tournament. Fran must bring in better talent. You can't keep having recruiting classes ranked around 11th in the conference and expect the program to do much. Bo Ryan showed Fran the model.

So where should they be ranked?

Also, you said he can't lose out to Wisconsin but are now saying he hasn't. Those are your words.

To put your position simply, you want him to recruit better and get better talent. Brilliant, send him an email.
So where should they be ranked?

Also, you said he can't lose out to Wisconsin but are now saying he hasn't. Those are your words.

To put your position simply, you want him to recruit better and get better talent. Brilliant, send him an email.
I've answered your first question. How about shooting for top 150 talent, with some in the top 100, and 1-2 in the top 50. I gave you several kids Iowa has lost out to Wis. Yes, those were my words, did you not read them? Still, the point is you have to land kids that are getting better offers than solely from MAC schools.

Now, you've been a pretty good poster so far, so no need to throw a hissy fit. I'm not claiming Fran doesn't know the problem, I'm claiming Fran hasn't delivered or fixed it. A surgeon might be able to identify his patient has a tumor, but if the surgeon is unable to successfully remove the tumor, I wouldn't want him operating on me. And if Fran continues to recruit avg/subpar talent then Barta should hire a new coach who can deliver better talent.
I've answered your first question. How about shooting for top 150 talent, with some in the top 100, and 1-2 in the top 50. I gave you several kids Iowa has lost out to Wis. Yes, those were my words, did you not read them? Still, the point is you have to land kids that are getting better offers than solely from MAC schools.

Now, you've been a pretty good poster so far, so no need to throw a hissy fit. I'm not claiming Fran doesn't know the problem, I'm claiming Fran hasn't delivered or fixed it. A surgeon might be able to identify his patient has a tumor, but if the surgeon is unable to successfully remove the tumor, I wouldn't want him operating on me. And if Fran continues to recruit avg/subpar talent then Barta should hire a new coach who can deliver better talent.

The Bohannons and Uthoff? So one who came to Iowa once Fran was settled and one whose younger brother is coming? Hardly supports your contention that Fran is losing recruits to Wisconsin.

So you want "some in the top 100 and 1-2 in the top 50" every what, year? 2 years? 4 years? You want 1-2 top 50 every year? What would that put Iowa's recruiting on par with? Top 15 overall? You don't seem to want to say what their overall ranking should be.

He seems to be doing exactly what you want, going after the top guys: Ulis, Cook. He missed out on Ulis to the best recruiter in the country and he got Cook. It seems to be that you claim you are ok with him missing Ulis as long as he brings in a top 150 .... which would be one of Iowa's historically highest ranked recruits.

Realistic expectations I guess.
The Bohannons and Uthoff? So one who came to Iowa once Fran was settled and one whose younger brother is coming? Hardly supports your contention that Fran is losing recruits to Wisconsin.

So you want "some in the top 100 and 1-2 in the top 50" every what, year? 2 years? 4 years? You want 1-2 top 50 every year? What would that put Iowa's recruiting on par with? Top 15 overall? You don't seem to want to say what their overall ranking should be.

He seems to be doing exactly what you want, going after the top guys: Ulis, Cook. He missed out on Ulis to the best recruiter in the country and he got Cook. It seems to be that you claim you are ok with him missing Ulis as long as he brings in a top 150 .... which would be one of Iowa's historically highest ranked recruits.

Realistic expectations I guess.
Do yourself a favor. Take a look at Iowa's roster (go back and look at every kid Fran has signed) and tell me the offers they were getting from other schools. Not a lot of B1G schools in the list but a lot of MAC and smaller conference offers.
Do yourself a favor. Take a look at Iowa's roster (go back and look at every kid Fran has signed) and tell me the offers they were getting from other schools. Not a lot of B1G schools in the list but a lot of MAC and smaller conference offers.

Oh, so no longer about losing the recruits to Wisconsin like you claimed? Got it.

You said they created the playbook for Fran to follow, but I doubt you'd approve of simply duplicating their recruiting based on what you've posted.
Oh, so no longer about losing the recruits to Wisconsin like you claimed? Got it.

You said they created the playbook for Fran to follow, but I doubt you'd approve of simply duplicating their recruiting based on what you've posted.
LOL. I mentioned Wis as an example. Iowa has lost players to Wis before. Look at the forest amongst the trees. Try and see the big picture here instead of trying to score cheap "gotcha" points.

So, I guess you were a little scared to look up who Iowa is beating out for the players Fran has signed. Your silence speaks volumes. I rest my case.
According to you he should follow Bo's blueprint, that's what you said. Have you looked at his recruits since he got there?

I'm pointing out the ridiculousness of your stance, that Fran is failing at recruiting the needed studs and you use Wisconsin as the shining example. Silly.