Combined 41 points in 8 losses...

According to you he should follow Bo's blueprint, that's what you said. Have you looked at his recruits since he got there?

I'm pointing out the ridiculousness of your stance, that Fran is failing at recruiting the needed studs and you use Wisconsin as the shining example. Silly.
LOL. Are you really serious?
Official Offers
Ben Brust - BC, Cal, Minn, Northwestern, Orego, USC (he also got offers from tourney regs: Bradley, Butler, Davidson)
Nigel Hayes - Minn, Ohio State, Butler and many smaller schools
Bronson Koenig - Duke, Kansas, Marquette, N. Carolina, Va, WSU and many smaller schools
Frank Kaminsky - Northwestern, DePaul, Bradley, N. Ill, S. Ill
Sam Dekker - Bradley, UNI - was a 5 star recruit. Other schools didn't offer because they knew he was going to Wis
Josh Gasser - Az State, Butler, Maryland, UNI, Northwestern, many other smaller schools
Traevon Jackson - Arizona State along with 4 MAC schools
Duje Dukan - Az State, Colorado, New Mex, Oregon State and several smaller schools
Vitto Brown - ISU, KSU, Minn, Neb, numerous smaller conference schools
Alex Illikainen - BC, Cal, Indiana, Iowa, ISU, Maryland, Minn, Neb, Oregon, Tex Tech, Vandy
Brevin Pritzl - mid major offers but 4 star recruit because big schools new the hometown boy was going to Wis
Khalil Iverson - PSU, Tenn
Andy Van Vliet - Okl St, Wash St

Dude, give it up, you are embarrassing yourself. This is just over the last 5 years. I didn't even look at what Wis has coming in next year. I don't expect Iowa to compete with OSU, MSU, Mich, Indiana in regards to recruiting, but Fran should be able to at least equal what Bo did in Wis. Again, look at the forest, not just the trees.
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