When someone responds with good instead of well when I ask him how he is doing.
That's a well one.
Not so much a mispronunciation as It is possibly a WOB. I have a coworker that says flustrating or flustrated 20 times a day even after I’ve told him he’s effing it up. I want to punch him
That hurts by brain trying to pronounce it.Not so much a mispronunciation as It is possibly a WOB. I have a coworker that says flustrating or flustrated 20 times a day even after I’ve told him he’s effing it up. I want to punch him
Everyone says Norter Dame.Aldi's vs. Aldi
My BIL says Norter Dame.
I’ll start with two. If you call this candy Rees•EES you’re an idiot. It’s REES•is.
And this store is Hy-Vee. It’s NOT Hy-Vee’s.
Ive heard people in CF call it "skeels".I've heard people call it Shields.
Oh FFS now I'm triggered. My wife (no pic) will come home from a meeting at work and say "Tess in accounting just dished me." I wanna say "JFC it is not dished. It is dissed !! But I just nod and keep my mouth shut.
Legos, they are Lego
I believe a lot of those already mentioned are just regional colloquialisms.
The one that gets me is irregardless. That is not a damn word regardless of what you think.
I refuse to recognize Webster's recognition of a bastardized word just because so may ignorant people used it.The word has been officially recognized sir, so as painful as it is to hear, it is a word.
Merriam-Webster Has Officially Recognized ‘irregardless’ As A Word
As a former high school English teacher, I have been known to be a bit of a stickler for proper word usage and grammar. Now, ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="Merriam-Webster Has Officially Recognized ‘irregardless’ As A Word" class="read-more button"...www.wral.com
I let my wife no pic call it Shields for about 2 years before I finally had to say something.Never heard of it referred to as shields.
Fiscal doesn't start with a Y either.Just thought about this one.
We'll be in a budget meeting and someone will first say "FY 2021" and later say "Physical Year 2021". You know physical does not start with a Y.
I’ll start with two. If you call this candy Rees•EES you’re an idiot. It’s REES•is.
And this store is Hy-Vee. It’s NOT Hy-Vee’s.
I’ll start with two. If you call this candy Rees•EES you’re an idiot. It’s REES•is.
And this store is Hy-Vee. It’s NOT Hy-Vee’s.
Therapist instead of The Rapist.