Common mispronunciations that drive you nuts

In much of the south there is a clothing store chain called Bealls. Many idiots pronounce it Beels (rhymes with the outer skin of an apple), despite the fact that their damn logo is very clearly a DAMN 🔔!!!
That's because anyone unfamiliar with the store would pronounce "Bealls" with a long e sound, like it's spelled. The picture of a bell in the logo doesn't really🔔 help. (I bet when you just read my last sentence, in your head you didn't hear "relly")
Mrs. Dragon (no pics) never took Spanish. She pronounces “pico de Gallo” with the heavy L’s instead of the double-L sounding with a Y sound. It is...infuriating.

Also, everyone calls it “Neh-brask-ah” when instead it is pronounced fa**ot maggots.
Not so much a mispronunciation as It is possibly a WOB. I have a coworker that says flustrating or flustrated 20 times a day even after I’ve told him he’s effing it up. I want to punch him
Eh, go ahead and punch him. What would be the harm? Actually I've heard "flustrated" numerous times over the years.
I refuse to recognize Webster's recognition of a bastardized word just because so may ignorant people used it.
Meriam-Webster is a bunch of whores. They'll recognize any bastardized word if it'll make 'em a buck.
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Lived in SE Michigan for a while. Same thing there. I absolutely detest that store. Been a while since I lived near one. But never seen a store move their stuff around as much as they did.

I don't go there often enough to detest it.
OP's mom always says "I'm crumming" instead of "I'm cumming."

Her sheets are kind of dusty and crusty, so maybe I'm the one who's wrong.
My grandpa worked for them in Waterloo for decades. He’d call them Deere’s sometimes.
Interesting. I suppose you could say, "Deere's run better than AC's" or something like that.
One of my foremen is a genius at what he does...the best in the area. It doesn’t drive me nuts at all because it’s funny as hell, but here are a few...

to despise someone=to spite someone
Ted Gin(like the liquor)=Ted Ginn
Matt Lionheart=Matt Leinart