Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Obamacare


HR Heisman
Gold Member
Jul 20, 2001
From the link:

"Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers posted an image on her official Facebook page, slamming the Affordable Care Act on the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing it into law. She asked constituents to share their Obamacare nightmare stories and well, the response probably wasn't what she expected. Below are a small sample of the comments constituents left on her page:"

"My story is that I once knew 7 people who couldn't get health insurance. Now they all have it, thanks to the ACA and President Obama, and their plans are as good as the one my employer provides--and they pay less for them. Now, that's not the kind of story you want to hear. You want to hear made-up horror stories. I don't know anyone with one of those stories.
I work for cancer care northwest. We actually have more patients with insurance and fewer having to choose treatment over bankruptcy. Cathy, I'm a die hard conservative and I'm asking you to stop just slamming Obamacare. Fix it, change it or come up with a better idea! Thanks
With Obamacare, I saved 300 bucks a month premium.. I have more coverage.. I like ObamaCare and can't wait til we go to the next step... Medicare for ALL."

My daughter is fighting for her life with stage 3 breast cancer! We are about to enter a second go round of diagnostic procedures and possibly more treatment after two full years of treatment! So yah! The ACA is more than helping! I resent that our rep thinks the only problems involve her personal story!
My whole family now has coverage. The ACA is the cause for this, I work in health care, I have seen the increase in covered patients first hand. The next step is universal coverage, this will truly lower costs and provide the best care. Cathy, you barely work, spend most of your time catering to special interests so you can be re-elected.. All while receiving a large wage and the best health insurance and care. Stop telling us how it doesn't work while enjoying your tax payer funded care and life.
Instead of trying to repeal it why don't you improve it? Our local rural clinics are packed daily with people who have needed healthcare for years!! it is a godsend. It is pitiful this nation does not have healthcare for all and that doesn't mean the EMERGENCY room!!
Thanks to the ACA, my cousin was able to get affordable insurance despite her preexisting condition. So grateful."

Does anyone think she will listen to her constituents?


No horror stories here
Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by Torg:

From the link:

"Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers posted an image on her official Facebook page, slamming the Affordable Care Act on the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing it into law. She asked constituents to share their Obamacare nightmare stories and well, the response probably wasn't what she expected. Below are a small sample of the comments constituents left on her page: "

"My story is that I once knew 7 people who couldn't get health insurance. Now they all have it, thanks to the ACA and President Obama, and their plans are as good as the one my employer provides--and they pay less for them. Now, that's not the kind of story you want to hear. You want to hear made-up horror stories. I don't know anyone with one of those stories.
I work for cancer care northwest. We actually have more patients with insurance and fewer having to choose treatment over bankruptcy. Cathy, I'm a die hard conservative and I'm asking you to stop just slamming Obamacare. Fix it, change it or come up with a better idea! Thanks
With Obamacare, I saved 300 bucks a month premium.. I have more coverage.. I like ObamaCare and can't wait til we go to the next step... Medicare for ALL."

My daughter is fighting for her life with stage 3 breast cancer! We are about to enter a second go round of diagnostic procedures and possibly more treatment after two full years of treatment! So yah! The ACA is more than helping! I resent that our rep thinks the only problems involve her personal story!
My whole family now has coverage. The ACA is the cause for this, I work in health care, I have seen the increase in covered patients first hand. The next step is universal coverage, this will truly lower costs and provide the best care. Cathy, you barely work, spend most of your time catering to special interests so you can be re-elected.. All while receiving a large wage and the best health insurance and care. Stop telling us how it doesn't work while enjoying your tax payer funded care and life.
Instead of trying to repeal it why don't you improve it? Our local rural clinics are packed daily with people who have needed healthcare for years!! it is a godsend. It is pitiful this nation does not have healthcare for all and that doesn't mean the EMERGENCY room!!
Thanks to the ACA, my cousin was able to get affordable insurance despite her preexisting condition. So grateful."

Does anyone think she will listen to her constituents?


Link: No horror stories here[/URL]
Is the sample a fair representation of the comments she got in total? So far the law is holding at about 55% disapproval in polls
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Don't ask the question when you don't know what the answer will be.
Call it Obamacare and by a slight majority people don't like it. Call it the Affordable Care Act and the numbers swing the other way. Explain the benefits of the law and give examples and the approval rating goes up.
Promise to do away with the ACA with not guaranteed plan to replace it is a disaster waiting to happen in 2016 for Republicans.
Originally posted by Torg:

From the link:

"Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers posted an image on her official Facebook page, slamming the Affordable Care Act on the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing it into law. She asked constituents to share their Obamacare nightmare stories and well, the response probably wasn't what she expected. Below are a small sample of the comments constituents left on her page:"


"My story is that I once knew 7 people who couldn't get health insurance. Now they all have it, thanks to the ACA and President Obama, and their plans are as good as the one my employer provides--and they pay less for them. Now, that's not the kind of story you want to hear. You want to hear made-up horror stories. I don't know anyone with one of those stories.

I work for cancer care northwest. We actually have more patients with insurance and fewer having to choose treatment over bankruptcy. Cathy, I'm a die hard conservative and I'm asking you to stop just slamming Obamacare. Fix it, change it or come up with a better idea! Thanks

With Obamacare, I saved 300 bucks a month premium.. I have more coverage.. I like ObamaCare and can't wait til we go to the next step... Medicare for ALL."

My daughter is fighting for her life with stage 3 breast cancer! We are about to enter a second go round of diagnostic procedures and possibly more treatment after two full years of treatment! So yah! The ACA is more than helping! I resent that our rep thinks the only problems involve her personal story!

My whole family now has coverage. The ACA is the cause for this, I work in health care, I have seen the increase in covered patients first hand. The next step is universal coverage, this will truly lower costs and provide the best care. Cathy, you barely work, spend most of your time catering to special interests so you can be re-elected.. All while receiving a large wage and the best health insurance and care. Stop telling us how it doesn't work while enjoying your tax payer funded care and life.

Instead of trying to repeal it why don't you improve it? Our local rural clinics are packed daily with people who have needed healthcare for years!! it is a godsend. It is pitiful this nation does not have healthcare for all and that doesn't mean the EMERGENCY room!!

Thanks to the ACA, my cousin was able to get affordable insurance despite her preexisting condition. So grateful."

Does anyone think she will listen to her constituents?

Translation = I like other people paying for my health insurance premiums.
I could get nine or 10 folks to bombard a web page telling how good Obamacare is too. This says nothing.
Originally posted by Torg:

From the link:

"Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers posted an image on her official Facebook page, slamming the Affordable Care Act on the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing it into law. She asked constituents to share their Obamacare nightmare stories and well, the response probably wasn't what she expected. Below are a small sample of the comments constituents left on her page:"

"My story is that I once knew 7 people who couldn't get health insurance. Now they all have it, thanks to the ACA and President Obama, and their plans are as good as the one my employer provides--and they pay less for them. Now, that's not the kind of story you want to hear. You want to hear made-up horror stories. I don't know anyone with one of those stories.
I work for cancer care northwest. We actually have more patients with insurance and fewer having to choose treatment over bankruptcy. Cathy, I'm a die hard conservative and I'm asking you to stop just slamming Obamacare. Fix it, change it or come up with a better idea! Thanks
With Obamacare, I saved 300 bucks a month premium.. I have more coverage.. I like ObamaCare and can't wait til we go to the next step... Medicare for ALL."

My daughter is fighting for her life with stage 3 breast cancer! We are about to enter a second go round of diagnostic procedures and possibly more treatment after two full years of treatment! So yah! The ACA is more than helping! I resent that our rep thinks the only problems involve her personal story!
My whole family now has coverage. The ACA is the cause for this, I work in health care, I have seen the increase in covered patients first hand. The next step is universal coverage, this will truly lower costs and provide the best care. Cathy, you barely work, spend most of your time catering to special interests so you can be re-elected.. All while receiving a large wage and the best health insurance and care. Stop telling us how it doesn't work while enjoying your tax payer funded care and life.
Instead of trying to repeal it why don't you improve it? Our local rural clinics are packed daily with people who have needed healthcare for years!! it is a godsend. It is pitiful this nation does not have healthcare for all and that doesn't mean the EMERGENCY room!!
Thanks to the ACA, my cousin was able to get affordable insurance despite her preexisting condition. So grateful."

Does anyone think she will listen to her constituents?

Exactly what I would have expected and exactly what she should have expected. Whatever else you can say about Obama, you have to admit his social media operation is second to none.
Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by aflachawk:
Is the sample a fair representation of the comments she got in total? So far the law is holding at about 55% disapproval in polls
Posted from Rivals Mobile
aflachawk...It is probably every bit as fair as the propaganda half truths and outright lies the GOP faithful have used to opposed ACA. If there was a "public option" as originally desired, ACA would be a monumental success. However, the GOP, understanding this, put that option id the shitter as quickly as they could.
ACA may not be THE answer. I understand that. However, it starts this nation on the road to finding a reasonable solution for the delivery of healthcare for ALL in this country. THe answer is somewhere the GOP has refused to look at present.
Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by Torg:

From the link:

"Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers posted an image on her official Facebook page, slamming the Affordable Care Act on the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing it into law. She asked constituents to share their Obamacare nightmare stories and well, the response probably wasn't what she expected. Below are a small sample of the comments constituents left on her page: "


"My story is that I once knew 7 people who couldn't get health insurance. Now they all have it, thanks to the ACA and President Obama, and their plans are as good as the one my employer provides--and they pay less for them. Now, that's not the kind of story you want to hear. You want to hear made-up horror stories. I don't know anyone with one of those stories.

I work for cancer care northwest. We actually have more patients with insurance and fewer having to choose treatment over bankruptcy. Cathy, I'm a die hard conservative and I'm asking you to stop just slamming Obamacare. Fix it, change it or come up with a better idea! Thanks

With Obamacare, I saved 300 bucks a month premium.. I have more coverage.. I like ObamaCare and can't wait til we go to the next step... Medicare for ALL."

My daughter is fighting for her life with stage 3 breast cancer! We are about to enter a second go round of diagnostic procedures and possibly more treatment after two full years of treatment! So yah! The ACA is more than helping! I resent that our rep thinks the only problems involve her personal story!

My whole family now has coverage. The ACA is the cause for this, I work in health care, I have seen the increase in covered patients first hand. The next step is universal coverage, this will truly lower costs and provide the best care. Cathy, you barely work, spend most of your time catering to special interests so you can be re-elected.. All while receiving a large wage and the best health insurance and care. Stop telling us how it doesn't work while enjoying your tax payer funded care and life.

Instead of trying to repeal it why don't you improve it? Our local rural clinics are packed daily with people who have needed healthcare for years!! it is a godsend. It is pitiful this nation does not have healthcare for all and that doesn't mean the EMERGENCY room!!

Thanks to the ACA, my cousin was able to get affordable insurance despite her preexisting condition. So grateful."

Does anyone think she will listen to her constituents?


Link: No horror stories here
Is the sample a fair representation of the comments she got in total? So far the law is holding at about 55% disapproval in polls

Posted from Rivals Mobile
This link seems to be of her actual Facebook page.

Here is from the new link:


5 Replies


Bart King My wife and I are both self-employed. Three years ago, we had extraordinarily expensive and substandard health insurance. With the ACA, we've enjoyed quality coverage at a reasonable price for the last two years. (And no, we don't receive subsidies.)

So Obamacare has been a complete success for our household.



1 Reply


Mark Russell You do realize that #FactsLivesMatter

Obamacare saved hospitals $7 billion: HHS

Obamacare cut hospitals' costs for treating uninsured...|By Tom Howell Jr.



9 Replies


Beth Heart Without Obama care I would still be in a wheel chair. I do not support all of his decisions but.... I get to walk now.



1 Reply


Edwin Hurwitz My problem is idiot politicians who want to repeal it for partisan reasons and spread lies about it. Obama is the president. Work with him and stop throwing our country under the bus.



5 Replies


John M Moros I got insurance, I got a job, I have some dreams taking root.....I can honestly point to the failed republican horrendous, 1 percenter policies for the things that I have lost....I am a working man, not wealthy, and feel that we need another democrat in office if we are ever going to have a decent middle class again



10 Replies


Linda McHenry Why do you only want to hear the bad news? Tryjng to resurect another Bette?



1 Reply


Tim McHenry If the ACA is repealed what will you replace it with Cathy? Please be specific.



40 Replies


Doug Packer I was responsible for implementing 'Obamacare' here in Florida for a major employer...(over 100,000 employees) believe me, our employees are much MUCH better off. You got to be crazy to undermine the workers just to put a few more bucks in the pockets of the billionaires.



1 Reply


Dan Spector Just looking for horror stories, eh? That's all I need to know about you.

March 24 at 12:44 "

Actually by clicking on "view more comments" at the bottom of the page. There is another "view more comments" at the bottom of that page. Not sure how long it goes on but way more than the 10 comments made by one of our resident Obama haters.

Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Here is a good post from the link:
Originally posted by IMCC965:
I could get nine or 10 folks to bombard a web page telling how good Obamacare is too. This says nothing.
I guess you haven't looked at the link to what seems to be her Facebook page.

Originally posted by Torg:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
I could get nine or 10 folks to bombard a web page telling how good Obamacare is too. This says nothing.
I guess you haven't looked at the link to what seems to be her Facebook page.

I have still not been able to get to the end of the posts by continually clicking on "view more comments" on the bottom of the page. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of posts.

Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Originally posted by Torg:

From the link:

"Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers posted an image on her official Facebook page, slamming the Affordable Care Act on the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing it into law. She asked constituents to share their Obamacare nightmare stories and well, the response probably wasn't what she expected. Below are a small sample of the comments constituents left on her page: "


"My story is that I once knew 7 people who couldn't get health insurance. Now they all have it, thanks to the ACA and President Obama, and their plans are as good as the one my employer provides--and they pay less for them. Now, that's not the kind of story you want to hear. You want to hear made-up horror stories. I don't know anyone with one of those stories.

I work for cancer care northwest. We actually have more patients with insurance and fewer having to choose treatment over bankruptcy. Cathy, I'm a die hard conservative and I'm asking you to stop just slamming Obamacare. Fix it, change it or come up with a better idea! Thanks

With Obamacare, I saved 300 bucks a month premium.. I have more coverage.. I like ObamaCare and can't wait til we go to the next step... Medicare for ALL."

My daughter is fighting for her life with stage 3 breast cancer! We are about to enter a second go round of diagnostic procedures and possibly more treatment after two full years of treatment! So yah! The ACA is more than helping! I resent that our rep thinks the only problems involve her personal story!

My whole family now has coverage. The ACA is the cause for this, I work in health care, I have seen the increase in covered patients first hand. The next step is universal coverage, this will truly lower costs and provide the best care. Cathy, you barely work, spend most of your time catering to special interests so you can be re-elected.. All while receiving a large wage and the best health insurance and care. Stop telling us how it doesn't work while enjoying your tax payer funded care and life.

Instead of trying to repeal it why don't you improve it? Our local rural clinics are packed daily with people who have needed healthcare for years!! it is a godsend. It is pitiful this nation does not have healthcare for all and that doesn't mean the EMERGENCY room!!

Thanks to the ACA, my cousin was able to get affordable insurance despite her preexisting condition. So grateful."

Does anyone think she will listen to her constituents?

Translation = I like other people paying for my health insurance premiums.

You're not claim you pay all your own premiums are you?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by dgordo:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Originally posted by Torg:

From the link:

"Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers posted an image on her official Facebook page, slamming the Affordable Care Act on the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing it into law. She asked constituents to share their Obamacare nightmare stories and well, the response probably wasn't what she expected. Below are a small sample of the comments constituents left on her page: "


"My story is that I once knew 7 people who couldn't get health insurance. Now they all have it, thanks to the ACA and President Obama, and their plans are as good as the one my employer provides--and they pay less for them. Now, that's not the kind of story you want to hear. You want to hear made-up horror stories. I don't know anyone with one of those stories.

I work for cancer care northwest. We actually have more patients with insurance and fewer having to choose treatment over bankruptcy. Cathy, I'm a die hard conservative and I'm asking you to stop just slamming Obamacare. Fix it, change it or come up with a better idea! Thanks

With Obamacare, I saved 300 bucks a month premium.. I have more coverage.. I like ObamaCare and can't wait til we go to the next step... Medicare for ALL."

My daughter is fighting for her life with stage 3 breast cancer! We are about to enter a second go round of diagnostic procedures and possibly more treatment after two full years of treatment! So yah! The ACA is more than helping! I resent that our rep thinks the only problems involve her personal story!

My whole family now has coverage. The ACA is the cause for this, I work in health care, I have seen the increase in covered patients first hand. The next step is universal coverage, this will truly lower costs and provide the best care. Cathy, you barely work, spend most of your time catering to special interests so you can be re-elected.. All while receiving a large wage and the best health insurance and care. Stop telling us how it doesn't work while enjoying your tax payer funded care and life.

Instead of trying to repeal it why don't you improve it? Our local rural clinics are packed daily with people who have needed healthcare for years!! it is a godsend. It is pitiful this nation does not have healthcare for all and that doesn't mean the EMERGENCY room!!

Thanks to the ACA, my cousin was able to get affordable insurance despite her preexisting condition. So grateful."

Does anyone think she will listen to her constituents?

Translation = I like other people paying for my health insurance premiums.

You're not claim you pay all your own premiums are you?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Do you find no difference between what you bargain for with your employer vs getting coverage on the backs of the taxpayers?
Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Originally posted by dgordo:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Translation = I like other people paying for my health insurance premiums.

You're not claim you pay all your own premiums are you?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Do you find no difference between what you bargain for with your employer vs getting coverage on the backs of the taxpayers?
Yes, there are many difference.
Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by dgordo:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Originally posted by dgordo:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Translation = I like other people paying for my health insurance premiums.

You're not claim you pay all your own premiums are you?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Do you find no difference between what you bargain for with your employer vs getting coverage on the backs of the taxpayers?
Yes, there are many difference.
Great! Then let them find a J-O-B with benefits and stop expecting a handout off the backs of the taxpayers.
Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by aflachawk:

Is the sample a fair representation of the comments she got in total? So far the law is holding at about 55% disapproval in polls

Posted from Rivals Mobile
aflachawk...It is probably every bit as fair as the propaganda half truths and outright lies the GOP faithful have used to opposed ACA. If there was a "public option" as originally desired, ACA would be a monumental success. However, the GOP, understanding this, put that option id the shitter as quickly as they could.
ACA may not be THE answer. I understand that. However, it starts this nation on the road to finding a reasonable solution for the delivery of healthcare for ALL in this country. THe answer is somewhere the GOP has refused to look at present.
Its true that members of both parties use lies and half truths to advance their agenda but if this is a lie its still a lie. If the numbers are misrepresented to say what they do not say, then its a lie, plain and simple. Its still wrong.
Re: Congresswoman surprised when she asks for horror stories about Ob

Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Great! Then let them find a J-O-B with benefits and stop expecting a handout off the backs of the taxpayers.
I can see why someone who doesnt own the equtiy of a company would say this.