Conservatism about to get slaughtered in Ferguson?

So Ferguson gets a chance to vote in more blacks onto the city council. Fine. Statistics say they should if they are to be accurately represented.

The article says Ferguson is 70% black. Haven't many of the whites left since August. I know I would have, if I had a choice about it. So, maybe the actual percentage is now >70%. That's a super-majority if they actually get out and vote. And that's assuming the whites & blacks will vote right down racial lines. They won't.

It will be sad if they chose to vote in race-baiters, social apologists or those who will just keep stirring up the anger without any long-term viable solutions like 'personal accountability'.

We'll see.
Originally posted by jscott78:
We can only hope.
What, so they can become Detroit? yippee You and these others don't even know what Conservantism is...and there's a good chance you'll never know. That's funny and odd but mostly a sad commentary on media lies in the information age.
Hasn't Ferguson always had control of their own destiny? Is anyone claiming that black or liberal voters were disenfranchised in any way? Seems to me this city was simply lazy. Look at all the injustice we could solve with mandatory voting.
The thing I don't get about conservatives and personal accountability is that their seems to be this dream amongst white males that the black folk will commence this mass social movement that will fix everything and make it better. What is the basis for this dream?

I think you fellas are better off taking away their vote and building gated, guarded communities full of lotsa weapons and whites. Like you are doing.
In order to be on a city council you need to give a damn about your community. It's obvious by their actions most of the individuals that were rioting, looting and burning buildings don't. They probably won't get out and vote, either.