Conservatives - legally, what do you think big tech should be able to do?

They can do what they want, I just think it's a slippery slope.
Exactly. I don't think the cons getting all in a tizzy are thinking through getting the government involved in a private businesses rules and regulations on what can or can not be controlled on their websites and who they allow or not allow to join and post.

If they don't like it create a competitor and stop using the business with offensive rules to them. They don't even realize the power they have to make a business change policy. A large enough group of consumers stops using them and/or goes to a competitor and the business will change, downsize or go under. But they usually aren't willing to sacrifice going without the precious FB or shopping at Amazon or dumping that iPhone or Google android or any other company's products that did something they disagree with.

Also saw some cons talk about not using google search engine anymore and using duck duck go or something. I told them I had to google what that was and would still use google from my android device. And I also still eat at Chick Fil A.

I am sure after a few months the whiny babies will stop their bitching the further we get away from the election and inauguration. Then it will all start back up again in 4 years.
Does anyone really doubt that the actions by Twitter, Facebook etc., don't happen without the events at the Capitol last week? That was the inciting event. I don't believe Trump for a second gets banned without that.

As for the larger argument surrounding Big Tech and whether Section 230 should remain as is, be amended or removed completely? Yes I do think the conversation should be had, although I fully admit I don't know what my solution is. Currently social media is essentially the Wild Wild West out there, and I'm not sure I think that should continue.
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I assume you believe in free market capitalism. The 1st amendment doesn't apply to restrictions made by non-governmental entities. Politicians affiliation isn't a protected class.

So why are you against any decisions big tech makes? What is it that they are doing that goes against your small government, free market idealism?

Shouldn't these companies be able to refuse service if they feel like it is a good business decision?
Not a con but I have a real problem with how much control and influence big tech has over information flow.
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And everyone that uses their services does so voluntarily. It's a sticky situation for sure, but they are not dictating an individual's behavior.
Sorry, that is not true. Do you use Google, Android, Apple, Facebook, twitter etc. voluntarily? There is no other option and they know it. They are a tech cabal. Ever heard of Parlor, they removed it. Have an opinion different than their own, they block you. Have a story they don't what disseminated , they will ignore it. It's easy to say you can use another platform but there aren't any other large options and they know it. They need to be broken up.

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