Coordinators met with Media Today. Marco getting more reps than Deacon. Offense 85% installed

I agree, I think that is why they did it then, The sad part was everyone knew he was not going to make the 25ppg, but got out the pitchforks anyway. Probably the same fans that are complaining about the OL and want Barnett gone and we might have had Brian back at OL but that got ruined now didn't it?
Yeah, they were obviously going to demote BF back to OL coach and he was obviously going to accept that. /s
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I agree, I think that is why they did it then, The sad part was everyone knew he was not going to make the 25ppg, but got out the pitchforks anyway. Probably the same fans that are complaining about the OL and want Barnett gone and we might have had Brian back at OL but that got ruined now didn't it?
Whoops, this was supposed to be in response to Soberteacher.

Well, he wasn't coming back after how everything went down. As for would he have went back to doing what he does best? IDK, but I do know with the amount of money his family has made, including himself, he does not need to work. I do know he loves the University. I do know he grew up with and around the other coaches. The only thing stopping him from going back to the OL would have been pride and the way things went down. Lot's of reasons for it to happen and only one (besides the way things went down) for it not to happen. You notice what was said about support staff and assistant's the other day when they asked about Phil? Some people are happy with what they do. So you just never know how things might have gone.