Covid-19 cases are rising in more than half the nation, with a new “double mutant” strain now detected in California

I've explained to you, multiple times now, that the initial wave was extremely biased in where it hit.
There are two solutions to this bias: eliminate those hard hit states from the analysis completely OR skip past the first wave, and examine the datasets from the 2nd wave on.

Instead of recognizing that, you literally doubled-down on the cherry picking, and tried to examine the "recent months" as some sort of "gotcha" statistic.

From the 2nd Wave on, MOST of the areas hit have been on "equal footing", and things have hit more evenly over time. The other caveat right now are the more infectious variants, which are causing worse outbreaks in some areas vs others. And, again, over time that tends to even out. Which is why if you want to compare the states, you need to look over the longer timeframes IF that overall comparison is what your goal is. How each state handles local outbreaks on shorter timescales is subject to lots of other variables, which you consistently ignore.
Lol. You're literally trying to erase about four months of the pandemic because the data from that period makes blue states look bad.

Fluffles is the one who decided to make the discussion about the entire duration of the pandemic. If that hurts your feelings then take it up with him. And the reason I compared what's happening right now is because that was the original point of this thread. If that hurts your feelings then take it up with OP.

Thanks for posting this Joe. This is indeed good news as the vaccine rollout continues. I have zero clue on the science behind these vaccines, but didn’t stand to reason that these vaccines would prove to be effective against most mutations, since they are just slightly altered copies of the “original”. Don’t most of these respiratory coronavirus from the past and this current one have basic, similar “building blocks” or foundations? I know this mRNA technology has been worked for years, I assumed the vaccines developed would be effective no matter the mutation, but I guess you don’t know for sure until they see real world scenarios? Good new though.
Thanks for posting this Joe. This is indeed good news as the vaccine rollout continues. I have zero clue on the science behind these vaccines, but didn’t stand to reason that these vaccines would prove to be effective against most mutations, since they are just slightly altered copies of the “original”. Don’t most of these respiratory coronavirus from the past and this current one have basic, similar “building blocks” or foundations? I know this mRNA technology has been worked for years, I assumed the vaccines developed would be effective no matter the mutation, but I guess you don’t know for sure until they see real world scenarios? Good new though.
All it takes is the "crown" protein that binds to your cells to mutate so that the antibodies the vaccines produce no longer recognize it.

Now, if the mutation in that protein changes in a way that makes the virus ineffective in causing disease or in its transmissibility, it's still a 'win', because that makes Covid more like a common cold.

But if it mutates so that the antibodies the vaccines get your body to produce cannot see it, but it still stays virulent and transmissible, that's bad. So far, the vaccine responses are producing antibodies that still "see" these variants - not quite as well as the original strain, but still very good.
Lol. You're literally trying to erase about four months of the pandemic because the data from that period makes blue states look bad.
No; I've literally explained to you, four times now, that the initial waves hit unevenly, and well before anyone knew clearly how it was transmitted or treated.

You simply refuse to acknowledge those facts.
Poor NBC. They’re befuddled. Maybe they could seek out a reasonably informed middle schooler to explain seasonality to them.
well before anyone knew clearly how it was transmitted or treated.
Stop trying to hide behind a wall of bullshit. This isn’t our first tango with coronaviruses. We know exactly how they spread and we have some pretty ideas about how to treat them and mitigate their spread and we knew this one was more aggressive than most. Hell, our official guidance is still pretty much the same as it was a year ago - wash your hands frequently, wear a mask, practice social distancing. Avoid large gatherings, especially indoors, and stay home if you have a fever or cough or other viral symptoms.

And I’m no virologist, but I can pretty much guarantee that sending thousands of elderly infected patients back into nursing homes to live in close proximity to tens of thousands of the most vulnerable members of society is not an intelligent strategy for dealing with any pandemic.
Poor NBC. They’re befuddled. Maybe they could seek out a reasonably informed middle schooler to explain seasonality to them.
Oh of course. Positives are down because testing is down. Early on sure. When tests weren’t being done due to supply. Early Iowa had rules in place that only at risk and symptomatic were tested.

Now that everyone and anyone can be tested the decreased testing no doubt is down due to decreased numbers of people with symptoms. Hospitals test asymptomatic people that are being admitted for other reasons and for procedures and surgery but largely people aren’t getting tested if they don’t have symptoms. So this idiot doctor(or selective video editing) isn’t grasping the entire picture.

This is akin to finding a state with decreased pregnancies and blaming that on decreased numbers of folks being tested for pregnancy. Uh no.
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No one "locked down"

You seem confused on the English here.
No. You’ve been for lock downs since March 2020. Or let me also state this. You’ve been against opening up since states have proposed it after the initial lock down period.
Your post is a wall of bullshit.
This is a coronavirus unlike anything ever seen by us. Literally why they call it the "Novel Coronavirus".
You’re an absolute trainwreck of stupidity. “Novel coronavirus” doesn’t mean “unlike anything ever seen” in the sense that we know nothing about it and are helpless to fight it.

Literally every new outbreak of coronavirus is a “novel coronavirus”. The 2002 SARS outbreak that primarily affected Asia was a novel coronavirus. The 2009 Swine flu outbreak was a novel coronavirus. The 2012 MERS outbreak in Saudi Arabia was a novel coronavirus. They all are novel coronaviruses. Every new one.

The differences tends to be how aggressive/deadly they are and whether they primarily affect elderly and immunocompromised patients or if they kill healthy young adults like the 1918 flu did.

We knew even before it hit our shores that COVID-19 was more lethal than most coronaviruses and we learned very quickly that it was especially deadly to elderly people and those with heart or lung diseases or diabetes but was relatively mild for most healthy young adults.

We knew almost as much about how it spreads in April 2020 as we know in April 2021.
This is a coronavirus unlike anything ever seen by us. Literally why they call it the "Novel Coronavirus".

Novel simply means "new",.. as in this the "new" corona virus as opposed to the old and familiar.
Lol, I’m going to keep “hiding” until I’m fully vaccinated. Because I’m not a dumbass.
You wanna get a “vaccine” that was rushed along in 6 months, to protect you from something with a 99% survival rate. I don’t know, that sounds pretty dumb.
You wanna get a “vaccine” that was rushed along in 6 months, to protect you from something with a 99% survival rate. I don’t know, that sounds pretty dumb.

Certain members of my family would not have a 99% chance of survival if they caught it. Sometimes you have to think about other people.

You also might want to do a little research about the long-term effects. It’s not all about survival rate.
No. You’ve been for lock downs since March 2020.
I have been for mitigations since then.

But I also projected >200,000 deaths from Covid, in comparison to your silly "we won't hit 10,000" bullshit. We're very likely to exceed 600,000 before this is all over.
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T-Cell immunity called; just wanted to say ‘Hey’. 🙄

Has nothing to do with variants.
And the info I'd posted already indicates the vaccines provide BETTER protection against the new variants than prior Covid infection does.
You’re an absolute trainwreck of stupidity. “Novel coronavirus” doesn’t mean “unlike anything ever seen” in the sense that we know nothing about it and are helpless to fight it.
Actually, we knew nothing about it, and WERE helpless to fight it.

Took MONTHS to figure out dexamethasone was the ONLY real drug that worked to keep people with serious infections alive from it. To this day, we have VERY few effective drugs to treat it.

So, ABSOLUTELY it was "like nothing we've ever seen".
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Novel simply means "new",.. as in this the "new" corona virus as opposed to the old and familiar.

No; it was unlike anything we'd experienced - FAR more infectious than SARs or MERs. It's killed a lot more people than either of them, too.
I have been for mitigations since then.

But I also projected >200,000 deaths from Covid, in comparison to your silly "we won't hit 10,000" bullshit. We're very likely to exceed 600,000 before this is all over.
And when again did I predict that Joe Lock Down? You keep dodging the question. Tell us because it’s relevant. I know the answer, so do you. What is it? If you’re honest you’ll answer.

And I’d rather be wrong early once(and I have admitted it) on a prediction than wrong the entire time as you have been regarding the best mitigation methods.
Has nothing to do with variants.
And the info I'd posted already indicates the vaccines provide BETTER protection against the new variants than prior Covid infection does.
Stop trying to hide behind a wall of bullshit. This isn’t our first tango with coronaviruses. We know exactly how they spread and we have some pretty ideas about how to treat them and mitigate their spread and we knew this one was more aggressive than most. Hell, our official guidance is still pretty much the same as it was a year ago - wash your hands frequently, wear a mask, practice social distancing. Avoid large gatherings, especially indoors, and stay home if you have a fever or cough or other viral symptoms.

And I’m no virologist, but I can pretty much guarantee that sending thousands of elderly infected patients back into nursing homes to live in close proximity to tens of thousands of the most vulnerable members of society is not an intelligent strategy for dealing with any pandemic.
But, but, but Trump’s fault!
But, but, but Trump’s fault!
The US having the poorest response to Covid of just about any other Western nation is, indeed, "Trump's fault".

We have 25% of the cases, with 5% of the world population.

Meanwhile, under Biden, we have 5x more vaccinations than most other countries. It's literally the opposite of the Trump dysfunctional response.
If I’m supposed to wear 2 or 3 masks with the original COVID strain does that mean I need to wear 4 to 6 masks to protect me from the double mutant COVID strain?

Or like 8-10 masks because it’s a mutant?
The US having the poorest response to Covid of just about any other Western nation is, indeed, "Trump's fault".

We have 25% of the cases, with 5% of the world population.

Meanwhile, under Biden, we have 5x more vaccinations than most other countries. It's literally the opposite of the Trump dysfunctional response.
This is so baseless. The vaccination process started under Trump and both he and Biden should share in the success of the rollout. Wouldn’t you agree?
If I’m supposed to wear 2 or 3 masks with the original COVID strain does that mean I need to wear 4 to 6 masks to protect me from the double mutant COVID strain?

Or like 8-10 masks because it’s a mutant?

If it’s a mutant, I think we wear these

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The US having the poorest response to Covid of just about any other Western nation is, indeed, "Trump's fault".

We have 25% of the cases, with 5% of the world population.

Meanwhile, under Biden, we have 5x more vaccinations than most other countries. It's literally the opposite of the Trump dysfunctional response.

You are such a pathetic political hack
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Literally what I just told you
It literally said nothing about vaccines providing BETTER protection against variants.

The US having the poorest response to Covid of just about any other Western nation is, indeed, "Trump's fault".

We have 25% of the cases, with 5% of the world population.

Meanwhile, under Biden, we have 5x more vaccinations than most other countries. It's literally the opposite of the Trump dysfunctional response.
We are the most obese, overmedicated, overtested, overvaccinated & gullible populace in the world. Those ‘cases’ have nothing to do with Trump’s competence, or lack thereof.
This is so baseless. The vaccination process started under Trump and both he and Biden should share in the success of the rollout. Wouldn’t you agree?

No. Trump's admin did not order enough vaccines for Americans
Trump's admin did not negotiate competitors making more vaccines using DPA - he didn't even use that for PPE or testing; it was all about "let the states figure it out"
Trump's admin did not coordinate FEMA and other federal resources for vaccine delivery - didn't even use that for testing either; "let the states figure it out".

The federal response to Covid was utterly pathetic. They did a few common sense things, like Warp Speed, but did nothing to assist with delivery to "the last mile"

So, no. No credit for D- quality work.
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You are such a pathetic political hack

You're obviously embarrassed by the US having 25% of the World's cases, with barely 5% of the World's population.

And now that a competent administration has tipped those numbers upside-down, delivering 5x more vaccine than just about any other country, you literally have nothing to say, other than "it's just a political attack"

Facts matter. And the facts in THIS matter do not support your politics.