Covid-19 cases are rising in more than half the nation, with a new “double mutant” strain now detected in California

No. Trump's admin did not order enough vaccines for Americans
Trump's admin did not negotiate competitors making more vaccines using DPA - he didn't even use that for PPE or testing; it was all about "let the states figure it out"
Trump's admin did not coordinate FEMA and other federal resources for vaccine delivery - didn't even use that for testing either; "let the states figure it out".

The federal response to Covid was utterly pathetic. They did a few common sense things, like Warp Speed, but did nothing to assist with delivery to "the last mile"

So, no. No credit for D- quality work.
You really are a partisan hack and it really erodes any credibility you might have. Fail. Without Trumps admin there is no vaccine right now to distribute.
I post studies, data and questions.

You post Pharma talking points, fudged data and insults.

Who’s spreading bullshit?
Both of you. One is a paranoid scientist who actually has academic credentials. The other is some lunatic QANON who wears a tin foil hat. I'll let you sort out which one is which. Both of you let fear rule your lives, its just a fear of different things.
You really are a partisan hack

You're the one with the partisan glasses on, buddy. You parroted the "Covid is just like the flu" BS that came straight outta the Trump admin for months on end.

600,000 dead Americans later, you still cannot come to grips with your own stupidity.

Trump DID NOT order enough vaccine. Trump DID NOT utilize DPA for PPE, testing or vaccines, to facilitate faster and more efficient action against the pandemic.

Instead, they profiteered.

You really need to come to grips with that. Because it is the reality.
You're the one with the partisan glasses on, buddy. You parroted the "Covid is just like the flu" BS that came straight outta the Trump admin for months on end.

600,000 dead Americans later, you still cannot come to grips with your own stupidity.

Trump DID NOT order enough vaccine. Trump DID NOT utilize DPA for PPE, testing or vaccines, to facilitate faster and more efficient action against the pandemic.

Instead, they profiteered.

You really need to come to grips with that. Because it is the reality
I don’t recall ever saying this is ‘just like the flu’ but continue to misrepresent what I have said. And I have said a lot in the last year.
I don’t recall ever saying this is ‘just like the flu’
Just like you "don't recall" claiming we could never "exceed 10,000 deaths" from Covid (which would be substantially LESS THAN any typical flu year).

Uh huh.
You're the one with the partisan glasses on, buddy. You parroted the "Covid is just like the flu" BS that came straight outta the Trump admin for months on end.

600,000 dead Americans later, you still cannot come to grips with your own stupidity.

Trump DID NOT order enough vaccine. Trump DID NOT utilize DPA for PPE, testing or vaccines, to facilitate faster and more efficient action against the pandemic.

Instead, they profiteered.

You really need to come to grips with that. Because it is the reality.

We aren't to 600,000 deaths the last time I checked. I'm sure we will be and it'll be Bidens fault! Am I doing the political blame game correctly?

Over 100,000 deaths and counting under BIDEN! 🤣