COVID cover: Biden issues new Covid policy to distract from multiple crises

Apr 18, 2021
Buckhead GA
The Biden administration's summer was plagued by multiple crises: From Afghanistan, to rising prices, to a record setting influx of migrants at the border.

Even legacy media outlets, known for their mostly favorable coverage of President Biden, couldn't avoid covering the constant trickle of bad news from overseas and at home. Democrats – spurred by the deaths of 13 US service members in Afghanistan – even began hammering the president.

And as Republicans raked Biden over the coals for having "blood on his hands" in Afghanistan and leaving Americans stranded, President Biden needed to shift the national discussion away from his botched withdrawal.

But Biden's woes didn't end with the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The border crisis soon reemerged when 14,000 migrants huddled under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas last week; the Pentagon admitted a drone strike killed 10 civilians in Afghanistan and not ISIS terrorists; France pulled its ambassador to the U.S. from Washington, D.C; news broke that the nation's top-ranking military officer, Gen. Mark Milley, reportedly gave assurances to China that America would not strike the country during the Trump administration; and there's been confusion over Biden’s coronavirus booster campaign.

Just days after news of the Del Rio border crisis and the botched drone strike dominated headlines, the Biden administration announced new COVID travel requirements Monday for foreign nationals entering the U.S., ordering them to be vaccinated before coming to the country. The move nearly backfired when Fox News's Peter Doocy questioned White House press secretary Jen Psaki if proof of vaccination or negative COVID test will be required for migrants at the border as images of the Del Rio encampment became hard to ignore.

As the various troubles mounted for Biden, critics escalated criticism that his administration is distracting away from negative press.