Credit score


HB Legend
Feb 17, 2004
A what am I doing wrong post. My credit score, pulled by a dealer for a potential auto loan, is 754. That’s the first pull in four years. My only loans are a 20k house loan and a paid off student loan from just after the forgiveness was overturned. Well, sort of. I have a credit card we use for monthly expenses that is paid off every month. It is never above 20% utilization. We have never been late on any payment in our 28 years of marriage. Plenty of documented income. Why isn’t my score higher? Not enough credit utilization? It doesn’t really matter but apparently I don’t qualify for the absolute best interest rates. Pisses me off. It seems arbitrary.
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A what am I doing wrong post. My credit score, pulled by a dealer for a potential auto loan, is 754. That’s the first pull in four years. My only loans are a 20k house loan and a paid off student loan from just after the forgiveness was overturned. Well, sort of. I have a credit card we use for monthly expenses that is paid off every month. It is never above 20% utilization. We have never been late on any payment in our 28 years of marriage. Plenty of documented income. Why isn’t my score higher? Not enough credit utilization? It doesn’t really matter but apparently I don’t qualify for the absolute best interest rates. Pisses me off. It seems arbitrary.
FICO is frivolous. No rhyme or reason.
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A what am I doing wrong post. My credit score, pulled by a dealer for a potential auto loan, is 754. That’s the first pull in four years. My only loans are a 20k house loan and a paid off student loan from just after the forgiveness was overturned. Well, sort of. I have a credit card we use for monthly expenses that is paid off every month. It is never above 20% utilization. We have never been late on any payment in our 28 years of marriage. Plenty of documented income. Why isn’t my score higher? Not enough credit utilization? It doesn’t really matter but apparently I don’t qualify for the absolute best interest rates. Pisses me off. It seems arbitrary.

It should annoy the shit out of you and is totally arbitrary. It is an outdated system that rewards the Les responsible for carrying balances while punishing people, like yourself, that are responsible and using credit the way it should be used and too their advantage. It’s really frustrating
The best FICO is a 0. No activity aka no debt.
Is that you grandpa? That’s what he would have said. If I had never taken on debt, I wouldn’t have my current job, as I wouldn’t have been able to afford to get a degree. I wouldn’t have a house. I wouldn’t have had a dozen or more free nights in a hotel over the last year.
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Is that you grandpa? That’s what he would have said. If I had never taken on debt, I wouldn’t have my current job, as I wouldn’t have been able to afford to get a degree. I wouldn’t have a house. I wouldn’t have had a dozen or more free nights in a hotel over the last year.
No sir just saying. 754 is good. What you're dealing with are morons.
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No sir just saying. 754 is good. What you're dealing with are morons.
It’s not her system. It’s not her fault. It just is what it is. She doesn’t make the rules. However, based on my history, there is basically zero chance I’m not paying this back. That should lead to a lowest possible interest rate. I’m buy an 82,000 truck with 40,000 total down. They have zero risk with this loan.
It’s not her system. It’s not her fault. It just is what it is. She doesn’t make the rules. However, based on my history, there is basically zero chance I’m not paying this back. That should lead to a lowest possible interest rate. I’m buy an 82,000 truck with 40,000 total down. They have zero risk with this loan.
They do I now buy vehicles for cheap that last a long time. No more car loans for me.
A what am I doing wrong post. My credit score, pulled by a dealer for a potential auto loan, is 754. That’s the first pull in four years. My only loans are a 20k house loan and a paid off student loan from just after the forgiveness was overturned. Well, sort of. I have a credit card we use for monthly expenses that is paid off every month. It is never above 20% utilization. We have never been late on any payment in our 28 years of marriage. Plenty of documented income. Why isn’t my score higher? Not enough credit utilization? It doesn’t really matter but apparently I don’t qualify for the absolute best interest rates. Pisses me off. It seems arbitrary.

754 would qualify you for the best rates at most banks. I'm not sure who said you would not be eligible for the "best" rates, but if someone made that comment, look for another lender.
That said, the algorithm looks primarily at credit risk, if you want to improve your score, increase your available unused credit.
Presumably, you have 250k+ in your primary household savings account, so have your banker create a revolving card off of that account. The account will show on your report as available 250k revolving credit, which decreases your credit risk, resulting in an increased CS.
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I was offered 3.9. The best they have for anyone is 1.9. I’m almost certain those were the numbers. For what it’s worth my bank offered 3.9 and my credit union 4.1
1.9 is pretty ridiculous but yeah, 3.9-4.1 is pretty standard for an exceptional score. I wonder how many people actually qualify for 1.9. I doubt it's many.
I have an 820 but don't carry a balance on anything. When I do have a balance on a credit card, it can drop my score considerably, depending on the balance. If you pay it off and make sure the balance is zero on your report before applying for a loan, your score will be higher.
1.9 is pretty ridiculous but yeah, 3.9-4.1 is pretty standard for an exceptional score. I wonder how many people actually qualify for 1.9. I doubt it's many.
These seem like really good interest rates at the moment on a car loan. 1.9 sounds like some sort of new vehicle promotional rate. I imagine this would be model dependent.
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Also, join credit karma. You can see all the factors that affect your score and how they are weighted. It's free.

I could not disagree more strongly.
Intuit Credit Karma is a business that represents huge jumps/decreases in its Vantage Scoring system in hopes of selling products that are not tied to FICO and give a false sense of actual credit rating.
Get a sound credit card that offers free credit monitoring, and check once a quarter to monitor your status.