Cuban gonna run for POTUS with his new found wealth?

Damn $3.5 BILLION for part of the Mav's

We shall see Mark

Sounds good to me. A true outsider with some fresh views and a proven ability to create and grow businesses. Oh yeah, and a high EQ with an ability to feel empathy.
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You'd think Indiana would have the best college players in every sport. Wonder why not?
He was already rich, he didn’t need this $ to run.
There is no 3rd party or independent lane to win, so he’d have to run as a Republican, and he isn’t grievance laden and hate filled enough to win the primary.
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Cuban also sold out of investments before the dot com bubble. With this sale and his pulling out of shark tank I wonder if he's speculating on the market in general beyond considering a presidential run.
He was already rich, he didn’t need this $ to run.
There is no 3rd party or independent lane to win, so he’d have to run as a Republican, and he isn’t grievance laden and hate filled enough to win the primary.
Don't think Cuban would consider running as a dem? He'd have a lot of draw from independents and moderate Republicans imo especially depending on who the are decide to throw out there.
I'd probably vote for him over Biden and Trump. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders and I love what he's done with the prescription drug business. It would make more sense for him to wait until 2028 though. The field will be cleared and nobody will have an upper hand out of the gate.
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I think he'd have as hard a time as most other billionaires who are used to just giving orders/making decisions. But he'd certainly be more thoughtful than most.
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Don't think Cuban would consider running as a dem? He'd have a lot of draw from independents and moderate Republicans imo especially depending on who the are decide to throw out there.
In 2024? No way. He hates Trump but unseating the incumbent President in a primary is 1) extremely unlikely and 2) drive down generic Dem turnout leading to a Trump victory.

Also he’s not a Dem. He’s somewhere on the spectrum of a socially progressive libertarian.
No more businessmen in the WH.

Although, at least he was a successful businessman.
I think we need more businessmen, not less. I'd much prefer someone who's done something for themselves in the real world than a career politician. I don't even know how one could argue against it.
If I had a choice of Cuban vs. most normal human beings, I probably wouldn't vote for him. If I had a choice of Cuban vs. Trump or Biden, then viva President Cuban.

I would also likely vote for him over any of the other declared candidates.
I think we need more businessmen, not less. I'd much prefer someone who's done something for themselves in the real world than a career politician. I don't even know how one could argue against it.

Probably by saying trump. But I agree. Would take a smart non grifting, businessman or woman over the turd politicians any day.
I think we need more businessmen, not less. I'd much prefer someone who's done something for themselves in the real world than a career politician. I don't even know how one could argue against it.

The problem with businessmen is that the government isn't, and shouldn't be, run like a business. Businessmen are too focused on profit, the actual functioning is unimportant as long as there is a profit.
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In 2024? No way. He hates Trump but unseating the incumbent President in a primary is 1) extremely unlikely and 2) drive down generic Dem turnout leading to a Trump victory.

Also he’s not a Dem. He’s somewhere on the spectrum of a socially progressive libertarian.
Would he run true independent knowing he had no shot at winning? I believe the libertarian candidates are more or less decided, as irrelevant as they'll mostly be. It would be fun though to see how Cuban and kennedy would impact the overall vote. Whichever side loses will blame them ofc

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