Dailey gets slammed to pavement by Cleveland police officers, who thought his group had a gun

It's going to take a lot more to get me triggered than MD bringing up CK in an interview.

Nope...playing days are over. Went under the knife again recently...3rd knee surgery...after all those and a snapped Achilles my GF and the kids sat me down and asked me to stop playing as I was always in so much pain. Start every day with a 4 mile walk instead and while not as exciting and nothing will fill that competitive void, feels nice to be able to get out of the bed pain free these days.

Picked up a nice little side gig....sitting in LV right now scouting summer league for an NBA team, and then do the same for them w/ college games in AZ during the season.
Okay but your first response to me was awful triggered-ish, you must admit.

I'm playing less, but still playing. Enjoy Vegas. The Ball hype machine is entertainment, that's for sure.

Most impressive lead guard to me so far in summer leagues—Dennis Smith, Jr. Fox will have a nice career. Ball? I'm not completely sold… yet. I do love how he makes the game easier simply by getting the ball to the first open man up the floor. This is how (speaking for both of us) we all learned to play back in the day. So maybe Lonzo Ball will usher in a "new" era of pass-first, dance-with-the-ball second. Weird how this kid, this "new school" cultural phenomenon, actually has a lot of old school approach to his game.
I don't care how much money someone makes. That flag is a clear symbol of what so many people have fought and died for to protect i.e. 1st Amendment rights. CK should respect the flag and our national anthem. However, while I disagree strongly with CK's protest, I will defend his right to be wrong. Additionally, just because he has millions of dollars, doesn't mean he has any less of a right to exercise his 1st Amendment rights than anyone else, so that point is ridiculous.

About 30 people die each year from lightning strikes. Almost 1,000 are shot and killed by police, so that claim is patently false. But in the day and age of alternative facts not surprising someone would try to assert something ridiculous like that. Regardless, it's not about how many people are shot and killed by police that's the issue; the issue is are the shootings warranted and justified--most are.

The fact is speaking out against police brutality in the way of racism is popular right now. Is it completely without merit? Nope. However, I am in agreement that if CK or anyone else really wants to do something positive to save black lives, they would focus more of their attention on the number of gang bangers in poor, urban neighborhoods that are brutally shooting down kids and teens at a far greater clip than police officers. Again, though, this talk has nothing to do with the article, contrary to some people's beliefs on this thread.

Furthermore, it seems like we can't have honest dialogue about issues like these anymore because everyone is inventing their own statistics and alternative facts. Ironically, from what has been reported concerning the issue with Dailey and his friends, it seems Dailey has handled the incident with greater maturity and integrity than some people sounding off on this thread. I'm not saying you are one of them, I'm just saying there is a lot of stupid sh!t being tossed off on here right now.

Whenever a discussion like this thread occurs, I remind myself that no one is going to change another persons opinion unless the other person is willing to listen. So, I hold out little hope of some respondents on this thread ever considering anything but their own view.

All I hope, is that when hyperbole is presented by one side, and facts by the other, that persons more reasonable than me...that are smart enough to stay out of the fray...take the time to actually research claims and counter-claims. Those making false allegations and trying to bullsh!t their way though issues like this one will ultimately do more good for my "side"...facts....than for anything they think they can accomplish by their drum beating.
Okay but your first response to me was awful triggered-ish, you must admit.

I'm playing less, but still playing. Enjoy Vegas. The Ball hype machine is entertainment, that's for sure.

Most impressive lead guard to me so far in summer leagues—Dennis Smith, Jr. Fox will have a nice career. Ball? I'm not completely sold… yet. I do love how he makes the game easier simply by getting the ball to the first open man up the floor. This is how (speaking for both of us) we all learned to play back in the day. So maybe Lonzo Ball will usher in a "new" era of pass-first, dance-with-the-ball second. Weird how this kid, this "new school" cultural phenomenon, actually has a lot of old school approach to his game.

Please feel free to send me a private message with any tips regarding rookies in the league. My NBA fantasy basketball team can always use the help.
I don't care how much money someone makes. That flag is a clear symbol of what so many people have fought and died for to protect i.e. 1st Amendment rights. CK should respect the flag and our national anthem. However, while I disagree strongly with CK's protest, I will defend his right to be wrong. Additionally, just because he has millions of dollars, doesn't mean he has any less of a right to exercise his 1st Amendment rights than anyone else, so that point is ridiculous.

About 30 people die each year from lightning strikes. Almost 1,000 are shot and killed by police, so that claim is patently false. But in the day and age of alternative facts not surprising someone would try to assert something ridiculous like that. Regardless, it's not about how many people are shot and killed by police that's the issue; the issue is are the shootings warranted and justified--most are.

The fact is speaking out against police brutality in the way of racism is popular right now. Is it completely without merit? Nope. However, I am in agreement that if CK or anyone else really wants to do something positive to save black lives, they would focus more of their attention on the number of gang bangers in poor, urban neighborhoods that are brutally shooting down kids and teens at a far greater clip than police officers. Again, though, this talk has nothing to do with the article, contrary to some people's beliefs on this thread.

Furthermore, it seems like we can't have honest dialogue about issues like these anymore because everyone is inventing their own statistics and alternative facts. Ironically, from what has been reported concerning the issue with Dailey and his friends, it seems Dailey has handled the incident with greater maturity and integrity than some people sounding off on this thread. I'm not saying you are one of them, I'm just saying there is a lot of stupid sh!t being tossed off on here right now.

You are so right about no chance at an honest dialogue. As to how many people are shot by cops per year, it is unfortunate that numbers haven't been kept. But at least the Washington Post attempted to research the numbers and are probably closer to right than anyone else.

From memory...(but info can be read)...something like 40 unarmed black persons are shot each year, on avg. The Mentally ill? Around 30.

Many people are shot for no reason but mistakes. Remember years ago in Iowa City when an artist named Shaw was shot and killed whil on the phone in his own Dad's building!

So I don't buy the whole, "Blacks have it worse!" thing in this regard. But if we agree that blacks have it bad and so does everyone else...or that we could all have it better, than some Kudos well deserved to Black Lives Matter for becoming a movement! Unfortunate name, in my opinion, but at least some folks were trying to do something.

And, to the persons who enforce the law. Please understand that I KNOW the vast majority of you are doing a great job. I pretty much presume you'd enjoy having this issue improved as well.
Maybe to Maishe Dailey they aren't, but you of course feel entitled to decide that for him.

CK has spoken out and/or demonstrated on biased policing, in doing so he has drawn intense scrutiny. That Dailey considered for a moment to keep his experience to himself, even for a moment, speaks to part of the problem—which is that people are so entrenched in their "side" that to speak out negatively, even if completely justified, is to invite vilification—facts and circumstances be-damned.

Living in NYC during Giuliani time I can tell you that biased policing most certainly is a problem. Does this make all police bad people? Nope.

CK might not express his activism in the way that makes people comfortable. Tough shit. I wonder how Muhammad Ali was received in his early expressions of his activism?

Anyways, the manner in which you've responded to me most certainly suggests that you are indeed a bit triggered. No need to be.

He didn't decide it for him, he stated his opinion.

Saying someone "decided for him" isnt a real thing. Its litterally not possible.
This thread is already too political, but I assure you that white privilege is no myth. Since I brought it up, I will respond by suggesting that many people have had it rough, I did as well. But here we stand alive right now and I'm pretty sure we have enjoyed:

Nobody ever accused us of getting a job only because of affirmative action.
Nobody comes up to us and expects us to answer for our whole race.
I have never been asked by someone on the street whether I was born here or not.

I could go on. But no reason. Five minutes of research would present the facts. You either are interested in them, or not.

Of those benefits you listed two of them are blatantly false and the notion of them is terribly hypocritical.
A) Many whites ARE accused of gaining positions due to favor over race, I mean it's a premise of your whole argument ffs.
B)The false narrative assigning privileges to skin color instead of socio-economics REQUIRES that whites answer for their entire race.

The separate and entirely unrelated subject of immigration is not purely an American ordeal nor is it a merely contemporary problem. Any person regardless of background can face such scrutiny by the indigenous peoples of the peticular region. Case in point, without getting caught up in comparing the differences in semantics, the Native American tribes probably didn't look too fondly on Europeans immigrating to this continent. Were they wrong to be upset? Was it handled perfectly? The answer is no, there were injustices and tragedy and controversy survives to this very day. What we really should be asking ourselves is how much of it really matters, and how is it being used to divide us as people so others can gain power?

I really like your posts Dan, but it is ok to disagree. Your advice about listening to facts and opposing opinions also applies to your arguments.

Now, ask me if I believe that Black Americans face extraordinary pressures and biases on a regular basis. My answer is yes, simply.
But, it is my opinion that the concept of White privilege is construed by the same debased lazy ignorance that births racism and hate. It serves no purpose other than defame a huge swath of society through generalities and presumptions.
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I don't care how much money someone makes. That flag is a clear symbol of what so many people have fought and died for to protect i.e. 1st Amendment rights. CK should respect the flag and our national anthem. However, while I disagree strongly with CK's protest, I will defend his right to be wrong. Additionally, just because he has millions of dollars, doesn't mean he has any less of a right to exercise his 1st Amendment rights than anyone else, so that point is ridiculous.

About 30 people die each year from lightning strikes. Almost 1,000 are shot and killed by police, so that claim is patently false. But in the day and age of alternative facts not surprising someone would try to assert something ridiculous like that. Regardless, it's not about how many people are shot and killed by police that's the issue; the issue is are the shootings warranted and justified--most are.

The fact is speaking out against police brutality in the way of racism is popular right now. Is it completely without merit? Nope. However, I am in agreement that if CK or anyone else really wants to do something positive to save black lives, they would focus more of their attention on the number of gang bangers in poor, urban neighborhoods that are brutally shooting down kids and teens at a far greater clip than police officers. Again, though, this talk has nothing to do with the article, contrary to some people's beliefs on this thread.

Furthermore, it seems like we can't have honest dialogue about issues like these anymore because everyone is inventing their own statistics and alternative facts. Ironically, from what has been reported concerning the issue with Dailey and his friends, it seems Dailey has handled the incident with greater maturity and integrity than some people sounding off on this thread. I'm not saying you are one of them, I'm just saying there is a lot of stupid sh!t being tossed off on here right now.

My point was not against anyone's right to protest. If I said that you can point it out. My argument is do something about it if it rises to the level of protesting during the national anthem. He has the means that few in this country have. He's likely a 1%'r with a net worth of 22 million yet this duty falls upon common folk? He gets the glory the rest of us have to figure it out.

I'll try to find Clay Travis's show on podcast on the stats. I think it was in late May or early June. He might have been comparing deaths by police involving unarmed men of which 25% of approximately 50 yearly are black men I think is what I read. That would be closer to the approximately 50 people killed each year by lightening strikes.

Just some sobering stats to put in perspective the 1000 or so police shooting deaths per year you found for ANY reason. If I read it correctly the most deaths in that group are white males who were armed? The CDC stats show there were 42,000+ (1.6%) deaths by suicide and 130,000+ (5.6%) by pure accident. It's possible the 1000 involving police fall in this category (1000 then of 130,000). That's not including the 500,000+ each by heart attack & cancer (23% each). That's looking at all 2.6 million deaths on an annual basis so there is natural aging deaths accounting for a large number. The greater discussion is the stats are 1000 of 2.6 million deaths per year and that's assuming all 1000 are intentional, deliberate acts by police which we know is not true. What % is that of 2.6 million? What's the population of the US... around 300 million? What's the population by race? Then factor in about a quarter of the 1000 deaths by police were black men. What's the real % look like? How does safety look on a day-to-day basis in the US?

Did CK know any stats? Did he mention any in his protest? I'm not excusing deaths at all but if it is an epedemic in CK's eyes then he has resources to do something about it. Where is he now? Trying to play football.
Of those benefits you listed two of them are blatantly false and the notion of them is terribly hypocritical.
A) Many whites ARE accused of gaining positions due to favor over race, I mean it's a premise of your whole argument ffs.
B)The false narrative assigning privileges to skin color instead of socio-economics REQUIRES that whites answer for their entire race.

The separate and entirely unrelated subject of immigration is not purely an American ordeal nor is it a merely contemporary problem. Any person regardless of background can face such scrutiny by the indigenous peoples of the peticular region. Case in point, without getting caught up in comparing the differences in semantics, the Native American tribes probably didn't look too fondly on Europeans immigrating to this continent. Were they wrong to be upset? Was it handled perfectly? The answer is no, there were injustices and tragedy and controversy survives to this very day. What we really should be asking ourselves is how much of it really matters, and how is it being used to divide us as people so others can gain power?

I really like your posts Dan, but it is ok to disagree. Your advice about listening to facts and opposing opinions also applies to your arguments.

Now, ask me if I believe that Black Americans face extraordinary pressures and biases on a regular basis. My answer is yes, simply.
But, it is my opinion that the concept of White privilege is construed by the same debased lazy ignorance that births racism and hate. It serves no purpose other than defame a huge swath of society through generalities and presumptions.

Yes it is ok to disagree. And in subjects such as this I'm not given to opinion. So for the good of enjoying sports let's let this go. Not my job to write a response to persons claiming white privilege is not true.
Yes it is ok to disagree. And in subjects such as this I'm not given to opinion. So for the good of enjoying sports let's let this go. Not my job to write a response to persons claiming white privilege is not true.

What I am claiming is that the very idea of White privilege IS RACIST. And I believe I made a pretty convincing case for why it is.

Privilege is much more related to socio-economic standing and personal history. To assign it to race should fit the very definition of racism.

This doesn't mean I think you are, just to be clear.
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What I am claiming is that the very idea of White privilege IS RACIST. And I believe I made a pretty convincing case for why it is.

Privilege is much more related to socio-economic standing and personal history. To assign it to race should fit the very definition of racism.

This doesn't mean I think you are, just to be clear.

Thanks Bro. I'm not claiming it...just pretty much every school of higher education in the country is teaching it. I think the debate stage, much like the global warming debate, was over about fifteen years ago.

So I'm not about to try to convince anyone, hell, it took awhile for me to finally get fed up hearing about it and spend a little time researching. If it helps any, dang straight there is socio-economic disparity (privilege) and I think it matters more to get a handle on that. We've got us a real Economic Cleansing going on right now.
One of our Hawkeyes. And he wasn't being a moron. Maishe clearly has had an experience that folks like me, enjoying white privilege, don't have to worry about. I think it is important to accept that this is something we can't understand.
I bet poor white kids understand it more than rich black kids.
But the poor white kid, who's just hoping to eat tonight, is much more privileged than the rich black kid.....right?
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The police have an incredibly difficult job and get little to no credit for it until someone needs them in an emergency. Don't like to hear about one of our own getting the treatment but there are 2 sides to things.
It would be easier if VIOLENT offenders actually stayed in jail where they belong!
Murders in chicago are sure to keep climbing.....who the hell would want to be a cop there......
So I don't buy the whole, "Blacks have it worse!" thing in this regard. But if we agree that blacks have it bad and so does everyone else...or that we could all have it better, than some Kudos well deserved to Black Lives Matter for becoming a movement! Unfortunate name, in my opinion, but at least some folks were trying to do something.
too bad more than half the people they whine about are low life criminals. they'd be better off sticking up for the ones that were actually good citizens!
I would love for you "dimwitted" libs to spend a few days in the life of a cop, then come back to me buddy. How's that sound?

Obviously you haven't read any of my posts on this thread. Or you have your head farther up your ass than I previously gave you credit for.

For the record, I think the vast majority of our police officers are good people trying to do a thankless job. I'm guessing there aren't many who get up in the morning and think to themselves Man, first opportunity I get, I'm going to shoot or slam to the ground an unarmed black guy.

Regardless, it's not about how many people are shot and killed by police that's the issue; the issue is are the shootings warranted and justified--most are.

How about remove your head from your ass, improve your reading comprehension skills, then come back to me buddy. How's that sound?

Oh, and I'm not a lib.
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As promised in my posts earlier the Clay Travis Outkick the Coverage show is on podcast. The June 19th episode can be downloaded by anyone. The CK discussion starts just after minute 3 and ends around the 14:30 mark. It's worth listening too. As BNGBleeder was questioning the stats I was talking about for good reason they came from my memory of Clay's discussion. Not sure I had them correct but you will hear Clay quote them and he says they can be found on his blog/site. I have not looked for them myself. He also referenced the Washington Post article many have seen as a reference.

He also discusses CK on June 6th around the 40-45th minute. Somewhere in there but the June 19th episode is the one to listen to for debate.

Clay Travis's show is one I've added the last 60 days or so and really like it. With anyone I do not always agree with his insights but for whatever reason like his delivery and show.