Daniel Penny cleared of all charges

When in the course of applying a chokehold for 6 minutes would you have thought they were no longer a threat?
Regardless of how you feel about this, don't you think you would have let up after they lost consiousnss/stopped fighting.
Honestly can't say how rationally I'd be thinking when doing something as physical as that. Very easy right now to think through some 12 step process, isn't it?
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There won't be serious pushback/violence. Only the grifter activist class is claiming to be offended by Penny's actions. Regular New Yorkers of all races and classes know the deal, most of them have been in similar scary situations. This shouldn't have been brought, and the attempt to turn it into something greater will fall flat.
So tell me, what did the person who died in this case do to warrant being taken down and put in a deadly chokehold for 6 minutes? All I have ever heard is the dead person got on the train and said "I am hungry and thirsty and I want to die." Is that it. Oh and he was begging for money. Wow, kill them all. You have free rein at the intersection to kill all those panhandlers begging for money.

Please tell me he did more than that to deserve being choked to death. I will wait for your answer
Where did you get your information from? Did you get it from the BLM people talking yesterday? Honestly, this has been a national story now for over a year. The fact that this is the information you have compiled is an embarrassment to either your news sources of choice or your complete lack of interest in it.
Bullshit…Penny’s life, all the other people in that subway car, was threatened. The guy is a hero, not a vigilante.
Until he failed to act responsibly and back off the choke hold, you might have had an argument. Then he committed murder or manslaughter if some such thing. As he choked the life out of the criminal, he exceeded his obligation/ duty to those in the car with him. Sorry. There was a crime or two committed here that deserved a trial.
Nah, I like seeing you be logical and non partisan
Well, it is surprising when you can recognize it. Usually you're too busy making sure that everyone knows that you're the manliest man to ever man. And totally don't secretly watch gay porn.
Until he failed to act responsibly and back off the choke hold, you might have had an argument. Then he committed murder or manslaughter if some such thing. As he choked the life out of the criminal, he exceeded his obligation/ duty to those in the car with him. Sorry. There was a crime or two committed here that deserved a trial.
I have no issue with taking him to trial - his actions ended another's life.
But I also have no issue with the verdict.
Well, it is surprising when you can recognize it. Usually you're too busy making sure that everyone knows that you're the manliest man to ever man. And totally don't secretly watch gay porn.
Point out one post talking about how manly I am. If you feel like someone talking about fitness is too much, that’s on you
Point out one post talking about how manly I am. If you feel like someone talking about fitness is too much, that’s on you
Right, you're totally not the guy who posts about his dick size and how well he bangs his super hot wife. Not the guy who says things like "what you are describing is the demasculinizing of our culture."

I'd bet good money that you have videos that you share with other 'fun couples'.
Bullshit. In America we do not reward vigilante ante justice. The days of the Old West are long behind us…or should be. This guy deserved to be charged and taken to trial. The rest is up to the jury. But make no mistake, vigilantism cannot be tolerated in America.

It’s the Wild West right now just with less tumbleweeds and stagecoaches.
Right, you're totally not the guy who posts about his dick size and how well he bangs his super hot wife. Not the guy who says things like "what you are describing is the demasculinizing of our culture."

I'd bet good money that you have videos that you share with other 'fun couples'.
I did say that, because It’s true. In a past relationship, in did send videos to fun couples, but that was decades ago
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I was completely shocked this was even brought to trial and am satisfied that justice was served in this case. If the races were reversed, I would have felt exactly the same. The justice system in some of these states needs to start fighting criminals instead of the victims. The fact that BLM is making this about racial injustice and trying to fire up their base is disappointing, but not surprising.
Nice to see common sense prevail occasionally
Until he failed to act responsibly and back off the choke hold, you might have had an argument. Then he committed murder or manslaughter if some such thing. As he choked the life out of the criminal, he exceeded his obligation/ duty to those in the car with him. Sorry. There was a crime or two committed here that deserved a trial.
Sorry, your opinion is in the minority here.

Like father ... like son.

His father is grifting off his son's death and calling for extreme violence against those applauding justice. Not hard to figure out which party he is registered with.

Probably the first time the "father" wanted anything to do with his son.

He's just seeing dolla bills right now.
Until he failed to act responsibly and back off the choke hold, you might have had an argument. Then he committed murder or manslaughter if some such thing. As he choked the life out of the criminal, he exceeded his obligation/ duty to those in the car with him. Sorry. There was a crime or two committed here that deserved a trial.
LOL - Nope, the jury of his peers didn't buy your version of how it went down.
Did the guy die at his hand? Is that not minimally “manslaughter”? The jury was wrong in the OJ verdict too. Are you fine with how that one turned out?
I get what you’re saying. Like when Biden stole classified documents, kept them on the floor of his garage then lied about them, you’re saying he definitely committed a crime, but the FBI said even though he committed a crime, he was too old or some shit so…whatever.
I get what you’re saying. Like when Biden stole classified documents, kept them on the floor of his garage then lied about them, you’re saying he definitely committed a crime, but the FBI said even though he committed a crime, he was too old or some shit so…whatever.
If that’s your take…good for you. Neither has anything to do with the other. Biden didn’t kill anyone whereas this guy did.
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