I am a big fan of Ulis, but to be fair, he has taken so few 3 pointers, its hard to deduce much of his 3 point game.
He has struggled with field goal shooting in general, largely driven by many missed "bunnies," which is quite frustrating. He just needs to continue to build confidence, make more of the easy ones and he should be fine. I dont think he will ever be a lights out shooter but he has a nice all around game otherwise.
Perkins is a head scratcher, he had some long range momentum early in the year and the wheels just fell off. Lost his MOJO. He is a great athlete, plays excellent defense and can get to the rim, but needs to get some confidence back.
Joe T has the best mid range game of the 3, but is very shaky from 3. He is a great FT shooter and needs to keep taking it to the rack. I am fine with him launching 1-2 3's per game.