Dear Beth Goetz, Please End The Brian Ferentz Era Tonight!


HR Heisman
Jul 15, 2023
Please? Although he's really done nothing for years, tonight is especially embarrassing as he's obviously spent ZERO time preparing for this game. The D is in it....we should be in it....we could be in it with a modicum of effort and offensive preparation. Boot him now, or this is a preview of the lazy assed offense and game plan he will roll out for the bowl game. Michigan ? Iowa 0 at the final gun..............
Please? Although he's really done nothing for years, tonight is especially embarrassing as he's obviously spent ZERO time preparing for this game. The D is in it....we should be in it....we could be in it with a modicum of effort and offensive preparation. Boot him now, or this is a preview of the lazy assed offense and game plan he will roll out for the bowl game. Michigan ? Iowa 0 at the final gun..............
For once, I agree with you.

**** Brian. He can GTFO and never come back.
Also, please tell KF that your office has the final say on who becomes the new OC and how much freedom they have in the design/implementation. If he quits, so be it. He'd be leaving a lot of green and coaching legacy on the table, so I don't think he would resign.