Democrats renew push to expand Supreme Court

Leftists had no issue when the court was majority left leaning and now that it has changed they want to change the rules. Strange why people know the left is anti American.
Let's have some term limits. Maybe we can re-visit how SCOTUS justices are appointed because the current system is a sham.

SCOTUS justices shouldn't be making rulings destroying 50+ years worth of settled law.

SCOTUS justices shouldn't be able to accept gifts from donors at any level. This is basic ethics
I think it’s a bad idea to expand the court. Since Kamala will be president the next 8 years, she should have the chance to appoint a couple of justices.
Rs can go pound sand on this topic after they pulled the crap not allowing Obama to fill the vacancy when Scalia died and then turned around and crammed in Coney Barrett a month after Ginsburg died and only a couple of weeks before the election. Turnabout is totally fair game at this point.
America will have
Let's have some term limits. Maybe we can re-visit how SCOTUS justices are appointed because the current system is a sham.

SCOTUS justices shouldn't be making rulings destroying 50+ years worth of settled law.

SCOTUS justices shouldn't be able to accept gifts from donors at any level. This is basic ethics

I agree with term limits and ethics standards but not your assertion of "settled law". Courts can get things wrong. Their members are not infallible.
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Rs can go pound sand on this topic after they pulled the crap not allowing Obama to fill the vacancy when Scalia died and then turned around and crammed in Coney Barrett a month after Ginsburg died and only a couple of weeks before the election. Turnabout is totally fair game at this point.

Your side moves to 13, the other side moves to 17, and around and around we go.
Leftists had no issue when the court was majority left leaning and now that it has changed they want to change the rules. Strange why people know the left is anti American.

Polls show you are full of crap. Check them out before you continue to make yourself look dumb again.
Let's have some term limits. Maybe we can re-visit how SCOTUS justices are appointed because the current system is a sham.

SCOTUS justices shouldn't be making rulings destroying 50+ years worth of settled law.

SCOTUS justices shouldn't be able to accept gifts from donors at any level. This is basic ethics

I believe this is the plan, not expanding like some may think.
America will have

I agree with term limits and ethics standards but not your assertion of "settled law". Courts can get things wrong. Their members are not infallible.
The Supreme Court has overruled itself over 300 times (per Wikipedia). The longest period between original decision and being overturned is 136 years.

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