You people are absolutely intent on complicating a relatively simple situation for partisan purposes. Take off your blinders -- both sides.
The basic, elemental truth is that the preponderance of evidence and intelligence convinced virtually everybody that Saddam had WMD and was working on getting more.
See how easy it is when you establish a simple truth as a basis for explaining why Clinton, Bush, etc., did what they did?
Of course, it eliminates the chance to call people with whom you disagree liars.
Lone...when I hear the phrase "you people" I know I am correct. The FACT in this matter is that Clinton did NOT invade Iraq with the information he he...The FACT further remains that Junior felt the need to go to war with Iraq for any number of reasons...reasons he needed help in creating to do so..and he (Junior) assigned his cabinet lev el officials to explore these possibilities.
YES! I admit that Clinton had "evidence" (rather intelligence) to go after Bin Ladin but not necessarily Iraq. He chose not to. There has to be a reason why he chose to do so....To do so would have greatly helped in diverting attention from "Monicagate", but he did not choose to do so.
O'Neill's admission in his book is really damning evidence that Junior was looking to pick a fight with Iraq over anything, regardless how trivial or unfounded the reason may have been. This was probably encouraged by Cheney and Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. These three might be the real liars here. However, Junior pulled the trigger. He gets the credit. And certainly not Clinton. this instance there are folks who are liars. And yes, I do disagree with most of them.