DeSantis Needs a New Nickname. How About "Stinky"

Nov 28, 2010
His (and the Republican Party's) extreme climate change denialism doesn't pass the smell test. And his own state is one of several that will pay the price.

This is a longish article that hard to cut and paste effectively. Apologies to those on the wrong side of their paywall.

Fast-rising seas could swamp septic systems in parts of the South

An estimated 120,000 septic systems remain in Miami-Dade County, their subterranean concrete boxes and drain fields a relic of the area’s feverish growth generations ago. Of those, the county estimated in 2018, about half are at risk of being “periodically compromised” during severe storms or particularly wet years.

Miami, where seas have risen six inches since 2010, offers a high-profile example of a predicament that parts of the southeast Atlantic and Gulf coasts are confronting — and one scientists say will become only more pervasive — as waters continue to rise.


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