

He looks like a Muppet.
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From left wing media, former FoxNews and current NewsNation host demolishes Tater Tot

Conservative Host TRASHES DeSantis In BLISTERING Segment | The Kyle Kulinski Show

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The same idiots who support this are the same ones who will complain about rising prices. My God they're dense.

The rule, as I understand it, concerns me personally. I coach in our local youth soccer program; my area has a fairly large Hispanic population, largely the result of having historically been an agriculture-based area (citrus, strawberries, melons, cattle...). At times, I'll drive players home after practices, or bring them to/from games when we play out of town. I'd honestly be shocked if some of the kids I've coached through the years weren't children of folks who were not here legally (in all likelihood, some of the kids themselves were here illegally).

So if I drive a 12 year-old kid home after practice instead of leaving him alone at the park (or making him walk home in the dark), I'm potentially a criminal? F that. I'll roll the dice & hope for a short prison sentence.
Not at all surprising. He has, and been allowed to have, an elevated view of himself.

I’ve never understood, until now, why Meatball was only worth $300,000 in 2018 despite being a double Ivy, Harvard Law graduate and member of congress. You have to be astoundingly bad with money to have so little compared to what most with similar credentials and experience have. Turns out he lives extravagantly and is terrible with money. I do however look forward to the next lecture on fiscal responsibility from him or one of his remaining fans.
I’ve never understood, until now, why Meatball was only worth $300,000 in 2018 despite being a double Ivy, Harvard Law graduate and member of congress. You have to be astoundingly bad with money to have so little compared to what most with similar credentials and experience have. Turns out he lives extravagantly and is terrible with money. I do however look forward to the next lecture on fiscal responsibility from him or one of his remaining fans.

But.....if you elect him, he'll be "good" and "responsible" with YOUR money.... 🙄
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I wonder why people think he’s a phony?
Does it matter? The Religious Right spooned ever so tightly with the 2 Corinthians guy would couldn't name his favorite passage from the Bible. If DeSantis can deliver power to them they will spoon him just as tightly.
They don't care if he's wretched towards people. They don't care about his vainglorious nature. They just want the power he'd bring that would allow them to influence government.
Either in this thread, or another one, someone mentioned that DeSantis has started to mispronounce Kamala, when referring to Vice President Harris. And, he won't show her the respect, or show the office she holds any respect, by addressing her as Vice President.
Of course, the average GOP voter probably laps that up, but I assume this does hurt him with moderate women. There is a pattern of rudeness about him.
Does it matter? The Religious Right spooned ever so tightly with the 2 Corinthians guy would couldn't name his favorite passage from the Bible. If DeSantis can deliver power to them they will spoon him just as tightly.
They don't care if he's wretched towards people. They don't care about his vainglorious nature. They just want the power he'd bring that would allow them to influence government.

Same with Desantis. He's pandering to the hate.

No policy. No solutions. Nothing for Main St Americans except the ability to persecute and hate the people they're told to hate.

Nothing remotely Christian about this.