I agree with a lot of what you say here - especially about guards playing in the system vs. solo "hero ball". It definitely seemed like Fran unfairly jerked around Joe Toussaint. However, besides Toussaint, which guards did Fran run off that were actually good enough to play at this level? Are you referring to Ahron Ulis and Bowen? I think Thelwell and Harding are both better than Ulis and Bowen. Is there someone I'm forgetting?frans system is great for guards when you look superficially. There is a reason he ran off any other guard that penetrated. Fran will get some interest and keep it because by all accounts he's a fun guy and his offense scores points. When potential guards look deeper, they see cause for concern.
No guard in the country wants to be handcuffed and told to be a perimeter passer while waiting for screeners to get other people open shoots. Athletic guards, the ones that play the second weekend, want to penetrate and pick and roll.