DNR confirms gray wolf found dead on interstate near Davenport


HR King
May 29, 2001
An animal found dead on an interstate near Davenport has been identified as a gray wolf.

The wolf was found by State Conservation Officer Brooks VanDerBeek last Monday. It was Iying in the median of I-80, near the interchange with I-280, according to a news release from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

VanDerBeek collected the animal, which was taken to the Iowa State Veterinary Diagnostic Lab in Ames. A necropsy confirmed it was a male gray wolf, estimated to be about 2 years old.

“He was in fair shape physically, with not much fat under the hide but a good amount of fat internally,” state wildlife veterinarian Dr. Rachel Ruden said in a news release.

The wolf had parasites, including Echinococcus tapeworms, which can infect people through ingestion of eggs in feces. Ruden said this serves as a reminder for hunters, trappers and wildlife rehabilitators to take care when handling coyotes and foxes.

The DNR is planning to send tissue samples for DNA testing to verify whether the animal is a true wolf or a hybrid, as well as its population of origin.

Vince Evelsizer, state furbearer biologist, said the wolf likely originated from the Great Lakes population in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

The Great Lakes wolf population is the closest to Iowa, and it has been growing in recent years. Over the past five years, Iowa has averaged one to five wolves roaming through the state.

“Wolves have a complex social structure and will naturally disperse, typically in the fall or winter, not necessarily associated with breeding,” Evelsizer said in the news release.

A gray wolf was captured on a trail camera in Delaware County in November, and while the dead wolf “appears to have similar coloring” to the wolf in the photo, Evelsizer said the DNR doesn’t know for sure whether it’s the same animal.

Wolves are protected in Iowa and there is no open season.

“While it is rare for wolves to be in Iowa, this serves as a reminder to coyote hunters to be very sure of your target before pulling the trigger,” Evelsizer said.

Coyotes typically weigh 25-40 pounds, whereas wolves typically weigh 70-110 pounds. The wolf killed near Davenport weighed 77.5 pounds, and measured 62 inches long from nose to tip of the tail.

Last winter, I was walking my dog near 80 in the woods, and I came upon what looked like a wolf from the distance
Last winter, I was walking my dog near 80 in the woods, and I came upon what looked like a wolf from the distance
Years ago a friend of mine worked for the DNR down in Johnson County and mentioned seeing a wolf once or twice during his years there around Coralville. It was probably around 2010ish.
Every time that I've seen a wolf in person, I've been surprised at how big they are. A couple of times when I first saw movement, I thought it was a deer. Also, if you aren't sure if a canine is a wolf or a coyote, it's almost certainly a coyote.