It depends on how you define hopeless.
If you think that you're going to make huge changes to our society through the political process, then by all means, go ahead. You're playing a totally rigged game... totally. Nothing is left to chance. It sucks, but it's true. Now, it's hard for most to accept that. That's fine, too. It's a lot easier to resist that and keep believing the charade you've been participating in is really not a charade, than it is to realize that this political process has been so manipulated and criminalized that it is no longer the peoples' voice. It hasn't been for at least a century.
Most people refuse to learn about, or accept, the fact that our monetary system is totally rigged against us. Some even defend it! I can name a half-dozen posters here that cherish the Federal Reserve cartel. That's fine... believe it's all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips to your heart's content.
Our representatives don't serve us. They are bought-off, one-by-one. There is the occasional congressman, or woman, or even senator, who resist that. But, they are so outnumbered that they never make any headway. If they ever do try and run for an executive office, and the established wealth knows they're a threat, they get marginalized at every turn. Then, there's the constituency that is taught from birth that "you vote for the lesser of two evils." It's just like organized religion.
If you try to change or affect society's attitudes through the political process, you're in for lots of disappointment, unless you're keeping the status quo. If you like perpetual war, constant monetary manipulation and bought-off legislators... and you work the system accordingly, then you're set. That's actually not a bad thing. But, calling it Democracy, like it's being done or carried out without a corrupt system rigging it at every turn, is just a lie. A really ugly, blatant lie.