My mom had a reading over Zoom a few years ago after my grandpa (her dad) passed. She nailed so many things about him and my mom--stuff she had no way of possibly knowing. Like my grandpa's birth weight, and about the time my grandpa accidentally stepped on my mom's cat and killed it. Things about Mom's childhood and her relationship with my grandpa. My dad was sitting in the opposite corner of room, the medium had NO idea he was even there--mom's laptop was facing my mom the entire time. She asked, "Who is *dad's name*?"
Mom: My husband
Medium: I have another male who I think is your father in law? (My other grandpa passed nearly 25 years ago). He wants to know why *Dad's name* is over there hiding in the corner and not participating. He also wanted me to tell your husband, "See? This is NOT a bunch of fvcking bullshit."
The night before the reading, my dad was giving my mom a ton of shit about doing it. I was there when the conversation took place. Dad said, "*Mom's name*, you know this is all a bunch of fvcking bullshit, right?"
My mom recorded the entire reading, it was really awesome to listen to.