Do you believe we will have free and fair election in November?

Will the election be fair?

  • Yes

    Votes: 65 76.5%
  • No

    Votes: 20 23.5%

  • Total voters
What part of the current electoral system doesn’t “work”?
We vote, they count, rinse and repeat.

Maybe you meant to say that, “Not everyone agrees the current system produces the desired winners it seems.”
It's funny how certain places results are tallied within minutes of the polls closing while others can take hours or even days.

That's not working. We can do better. We should strive for better.
I've heard the left cry for years about the electoral college, not because it's broken but because they dont always get their desired results. So you can stop with the projection
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That needs to change IMHO. In the year of our lord 2024 we have the technology to count the votes quickly and accurately. If we must have mail in ballots, they should have to be received and counted on or before election day.
It’s up to state legislatures how/when these votes are counted. Not you. Not I. There were lots of “one time” procedures used in 2020 to count votes because of Covid… however, nothing was shown to be @ikkegal” despite Trump abs his mouth…he lost where damn court appearance he made concerning vote counting procedures…yet ge kept flapping his guys instead of conceding.
It's funny how certain places results are tallied within minutes of the polls closing while others can take hours or even days.

That's not working. We can do better. We should strive for better.
See, you refuse to understand the differences involved in the grand scheme of our electoral processes.
Fifty states with different methods.
Some states do not allow absentee vote counts to begin until after the polls close.
Some states count mail in votes only if received by Election Day, others count them if post marked by Election Day.
I am familiar with several states who extend in person voting hours if people are in line. Other states, I cannot comment about.
There are many other differences, but you are adamant that all are counted immediately.
Not gonna happen.
As I read that…it appears that they are focusing on encouraging/using in-person voting vs other methods (such as mail in, etc). I don’t really look at that as voter suppression as much as trying to enhance voting integrity. This country has a federal holiday for a lot of things, why don’t we just have a federal holiday where vast majority of people simply go in-person to show an ID and vote? I realize there would need to be exceptions for military, shut ins that can’t physically go to vote (so absentee voting for them), but overall I think such a system of voting would alleviate a lot of concerns.
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As I read that…it appears that they are focusing on encouraging/using in-person voting vs other methods (such as mail in, etc). I don’t really look at that as voter suppression as much as trying to enhance voting integrity. This country has a federal holiday for a lot of things, why don’t we just have a federal holiday where vast majority of people simply go in-person to show an ID and vote? I realize there would need to be exceptions for military, shut ins that can’t physically go to vote (so absentee voting for them), but overall I think such a system of voting would alleviate a lot of concerns.

It got shot down in federal court
I like mail in voting because it is convenient for me. I get the ballot several weeks ahead of time. Additionally I participate in more local elections with the mail in ballot. One other aspect is that I can research candidates and ballot measures while I look at the ballot. I suppose you can do that when voting in person but it could potentially be seen as a bit rude taking up time in the voting booth while others wait.
As I read that…it appears that they are focusing on encouraging/using in-person voting vs other methods (such as mail in, etc). I don’t really look at that as voter suppression as much as trying to enhance voting integrity. This country has a federal holiday for a lot of things, why don’t we just have a federal holiday where vast majority of people simply go in-person to show an ID and vote? I realize there would need to be exceptions for military, shut ins that can’t physically go to vote (so absentee voting for them), but overall I think such a system of voting would alleviate a lot of concerns.
Because there are exceptions. Once you acknowledge there are exceptions that exception will spread and eventually you will have exactly what we have now. For instance, you have people working away from home. Do you expect them to travel home to vote? Or on vacation. What about those working 24 hour shifts? Firemen etc. And, one more time. They system isn’t broken now. It works perfectly fine. Why change it?
Because there are exceptions. Once you acknowledge there are exceptions that exception will spread and eventually you will have exactly what we have now. For instance, you have people working away from home. Do you expect them to travel home to vote? Or on vacation. What about those working 24 hour shifts? Firemen etc. And, one more time. They system isn’t broken now. It works perfectly fine. Why change it?
If you can't find the time within 30 days of the election to vote or mail in vote, you're not a serious voter.
I've heard the left cry for years about the electoral college, not because it's broken but because they dont always get their desired results. So you can stop with the projection
Not even remotely the same thing. I want people to have easy access to voting. We should make it easier, not harder to vote. But I want everyone's vote to count the exact same. A national office requires a national vote, state of residence shouldn't matter. Make the candidates earn every vote. A handful of swing voters in a handful of states shouldn't decide the presidential election.