I work for a large employer in Des Moines and have for 18 years. I am pretty indifferent to my current job. I appreciate the pay and benefits and vacation ... but it's sort of just a job to me. After all, it's why they call it "work." ... In my 18 years I have worked in several different areas of the company and had many different managers. Some I really liked but many of them I did not and many of them left me wondering how they became managers.
As they say, most people leave their manager - not the job. It's interesting, I work in communications (i.e. editor, speech writing, etc.) and I see lots of different information related to consumer research. Read a recent report that only about 25% of employees are engaged in their jobs.
It's a challenge. It's still an employers market. They can pick and choose when they hire because there are so many people still underemployed or unemployed who are looking to make a move. That's why when a job opens up (even internally where I work) I am going against many other candidates from across the country (my company is coast-to-coast + international).
I think employees are under a lot of pressure ... expected to do more ... expected to have more skills ... in my world of communications, I am not also expected to learn graphic design (even though two completely different fields). Employers are to blame for employees not being engaged. It's about making shareholders happy.
For the past 5 years I have simply been telling myself that my job is a means to an end .. meaning ... I will simply use them so I can acquire enough funds to retire. As I mentioned, I love my vacation time and that is very important to me. I am not a "check my email while on vacation or away from work type of guy" ... I leave work at the end of the day ... and my Blackberry sits and charges overnight ... Some days I feel like the guy on Office Space (after he gets hypnotized) ... Days I just don't feel motivated by any of it ... And then other days I do enjoy certain aspects of my job ... Unfortunately, it's just a job to me ... but my company is to thank for that.