Beat me to it. My first thought as well. (As he turns around a framed picture of the pope on his nightstand.)Soaking?
Beat me to it. My first thought as well. (As he turns around a framed picture of the pope on his nightstand.)
damn right. I bang out some shower squats and stair pushups too, son.Nice!
Add some fish oil and you'll be even more shredded.
Chipotle sucks, OP
why don't you two just fight ot out at diarrhea bar.Panchero’s is for zeroes. It even rhymes bro.
why don't you two just fight ot out at diarrhea bar.
Gonna have to wait. I’m poopin right now.why don't you two just fight ot out at diarrhea bar.
Damn bruh! That’s a lot of calories, and you eat that over processed shit daily? Lazy ass can’t even make your own chicken, rice and bean bowl?Bowl, no cheese, double chicken, 1/2 and 1/2 beans, add vegetables, pico, lettuce, easy on the rice…sometimes I get saucy and throw in sour cream. Every damn day. Well, not quite.
Damn bruh! That’s a lot of calories, and you eat that over processed shit daily? Lazy ass can’t even make your own chicken, rice and bean bowl?