Do you gets texts for campaign contributions?


HB All-State
Apr 15, 2006
I’ve gotten three for Harris in the last hour. One mentioned that Barbra Streisand was endorsing her, and all three saying there would be 700% matching donations.
I typically get a couple a week from Dem congressional candidates and maybe once a week from the Trump camp.
Oddly, I’ve never given a cent to a political candidate nor do I allot the few dollars to them from income tax forms.
I can post “stop” as a reply and put them on ignore on my phone but I imagine they have enough phones to outlast me.
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It’s been nonstop for weeks. Somehow, I’m on both parties lists and I’ve never donated to either party, ever.

Just got one 6 min ago from ActBlue, asking for $5 and they would match 4X.
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I get them quite frequently. It is so hard typing in my credit card details on my little cell phone. I'm getting $5 Hokas since I donated over $100 today. My wife gets dirty, dirty propositions, I just get requests for donations.
No but the RNC constantly sends me snail mail... at least once a week. That's got to be way more expensive than texting
Oh sweet jesus don't get me started. At least 3-5 every day, and especially ever since VA sorta-kinda came into play. The worst thing is, my personal policy is that I do not donate to candidates that I cannot personally vote for, because I think republican government just works better that way.

The worst of it is, they all refer to me by my wife's name, which basically means they're just inappropriately accessing certain databases. I get them from both sides. One side also frequently refers to me as "Florence," as apparently some old bitch from Annandale named Florence Setzer put my cell phone number (which I've had for well over two decades) into some sort of voting registration record about a decade ago, and I've been getting texts ever since.

I actually reached out to the local party official here, who is a good egg, about it. He actually got into a big and public pissing match with Winred, which was essentially signing retirees up to donate, and then financial withdrawal transactions showed up in a way suggesting it went to the local party (so he had to deal with complaints from people he had no contact with). Apparently ActBlue does this too, though to a lesser degree. The bottom line from him though, sadly, was that pretty much once somebody captures you in the system, there is no way out.

This is pretty much the one thing I've written all of my elected representatives about -- legislation to apply the same anti-spam prohibitions and remedies to political solicitations that apply to commercial ones. Whoever does it in the future will have my vote forever. But I'm not holding my breath, as they know what side their bread is buttered on.
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