Do you still test for Covid when you get sick?


HR Legend
Dec 16, 2001
Iowa City, IA
We don't. Found a couple buried in my cupboard yesterday and just threw them out because they were collecting dust. Just stay home and away from people if I feel like shit (which I never really do).

What say you HORT? Still out there shoving qtips up your nose if you have a sniffle?
We don't. Found a couple buried in my cupboard yesterday and just threw them out because they were collecting dust. Just stay home and away from people if I feel like shit (which I never really do).

What say you HORT? Still out there shoving qtips up your nose if you have a sniffle?
Mine and my wife's covid weren't detectable by rapid tests, both with at-home kits and urgent care. Only the PCR caught ours. I thought I had strep. ...her symptoms were different.

In short, nope.
Got sick a few weeks ago and we had some old tests laying around so I went ahead and tested a couple days in a row. Negative, but the damn cough lingered like Covid. I suspect I had covid, but maybe the current Covid variants aren’t compatible with old tests? Hell last time I had covid in 2022 the rapid tests only showed positive several days after I got symptoms. I won’t be buying more rapid tests.
Nah...what are you going to do depending on what it says? If you're sick and symptomatic, stay home.

Maybe if you were going to visit grandma in the nursing home or whatever, but you really shouldn't be giving her the flu either.

If you are 65+ or 75+, then maybe, as there are some treatments that could help get ahead of an ugly case, but for regular's just pretty much the same rules as other illnesses.
Nope. Kids have been sick on occasion but even the doctors didn’t push to test. I haven’t been sick since Covid happened. Still don’t think I’ve ever had it.
The only times I've ever tested were mandatory - a couple of times for travel, and once prior to surgery when I tore my Achilles. I had to delay the surgery after a positive test - I'd been sick for a couple of days 10 days prior to the test (which was a couple of days before the scheduled surgery).

I'm fairly certain I had it at the end of August; stayed home in bed for a couple of days, then worked from home for a couple more to avoid bringing it into the office & getting anyone else sick. I believe I had it due to how sick I felt, then the fact that I lost all sense of smell for a week or so after I started feeling better.
Yes, solely because I've got 3 immunocompromised family members that I spend time with regularly. So I test for covid if I'm feeling shitty and might be around them at some point. Just helps know if I need to postpone things or not.

If I have no plans to be around them, then no I don't.
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Yes. Work in the medical field and don’t want to pass it to patients or family
Nope. I tested a couple of times around the time I got COVID because I had severe symptoms. I was also tested prior to that by the walk-in clinic, but I just had a sinus infection.

I'll test if I have major symptoms, or if I have symptoms when I'm planning on attending an event with a lot of people.