Doch interview with Rhabdo Chris Doyle

Kirk ran the ship and approved every aspect of the program and reaped the benefits of Doyle's work for Years and let Doyle take a bullet over what has been proven to be absolute BS by a bunch of race grifters , Is it really a shock Doyle has Kirk on His pound sand list for life?
So for the sake of the program and ALL the staff members what should Kirk have done?
Kirk ran the ship and approved every aspect of the program and reaped the benefits of Doyle's work for Years and let Doyle take a bullet over what has been proven to be absolute BS by a bunch of race grifters , Is it really a shock Doyle has Kirk on His pound sand list for life?
So the BS was proven by them receiving millions of dollars?
Kirk ran the ship and approved every aspect of the program and reaped the benefits of Doyle's work for Years and let Doyle take a bullet over what has been proven to be absolute BS by a bunch of race grifters , Is it really a shock Doyle has Kirk on His pound sand list for life?
Pretty one sided take. Doyle also benefitted from Ferentz allowing him to be part of the program. Doyle took the bullet because he was specifically the main issue in the allegations. I’m sure Ferentz, like you, didn’t think the allegations were a big deal. I somewhat hold that opinion as well, but times change and so do popular opinions on certain topics. Maybe with the rhabdo stuff, Doyle as beyond saving. I don’t know what you expect KF to do? What would you do? Just go down with him? I don’t blame KF for his choices and I wouldn’t blame Doyle for being bitter. I liked Doyle as well, but as irreplaceable as he was, the staff has done a good job still putting players in the NFL without him.

Welcome to the world of nuance.
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At the time - everyone knew someone would need to fall on the sword - and that someone was Doyle.

It stinks all the way around - that one of the best strength coaches in the country - one who developed countless players - became the scapegoat during the flavor of the month movement … It really is unfortunate if the two coaches no longer speak.
So the BS was proven by them receiving millions of dollars?
Boombox Shut Up GIF
It was garbage much like many things that get pushed in the Media only found out later to be BS. Just because they paid does not make it true. Look at other garbage suits that have been paid over the year
Pretty one sided take. Doyle also benefitted from Ferentz allowing him to be part of the program. Doyle took the bullet because he was specifically the main issue in the allegations. I’m sure Ferentz, like you, didn’t think the allegations were a big deal. I somewhat hold that opinion as well, but times change and so do popular opinions on certain topics. Maybe with the rhabdo stuff, Doyle as beyond saving. I don’t know what you expect KF to do? What would you do? Just go down with him? I don’t blame KF for his choices and I wouldn’t blame Doyle for being bitter. I liked Doyle as well, but as irreplaceable as he was, the staff has done a good job still putting players in the NFL without him.

Welcome to the world of nuance.
Welcome to the World of Hunter laptops and loyalty to Your Guys. Kirk could have chosen that hill to fight on instead He chose to let the grifters take one of His bests scalp over utter nonsense by disgruntled loose with the truth opportunists . Your world of nuance is weak and defeatist . the willingness to let 1 Mans career be destroyed that is under Your Leadership flies against everything in My being and if I had that kind of un loyal weak defeatist attitude I would have buried many more of My Troopers I led that I did and had many more meetings in living rooms with grieving spouses than I did .
Kirk ran the ship and approved every aspect of the program and reaped the benefits of Doyle's work for Years and let Doyle take a bullet over what has been proven to be absolute BS by a bunch of race grifters , Is it really a shock Doyle has Kirk on His pound sand list for life?

Think about it from Kirk's POV though. If he resigns along with Doyle, then that's his legacy. He's surrendering to the absolute BS. And it becomes him. What's the right move? I think it was BS that Doyle was let go, but I also understand why Kirk didn't resign.
I've changed my perspective as time has passed. I have a really hard time believing that Ferentz would block him out completely if there wasn't more to the story. I have many complaints about him as a football coach, but his integrity has never been a question. I don't beleive he would participate in the framing a coach. Something happened for him to turn his back. And I don't think it was to make Doyle the patsy to save his own ass. Just my opinion.

Wallace was a defendent at one point and he made him Asst Head coach.
Welcome to the World of Hunter laptops and loyalty to Your Guys. Kirk could have chosen that hill to fight on instead He chose to let the grifters take one of His bests scalp over utter nonsense by disgruntled loose with the truth opportunists . Your world of nuance is weak and defeatist .
Lol ok gramps. It’s time to turn off Fox News and go to bed. I hope your dreams are full of Trump flags and truck stickers. Sleep well, Lion.
I wonder if Howe and Morehouse got little woodies because they could talk about the diversity issue again. Two of the biggest hacks in media history. And both basicly unemployed and looking like unbathed bums.
I used to think Morehouse was the top notch reporter covering the Hawkeyes and really respected his opinion. This whole thing showed me that these snowflake reporters are Charmin soft and it's no wonder it's a dying hack industry and none of them can keep a job.
Taken responsibility.
And THAT would have been the best thing for the program, especially when this whole thing was a BS money grab. Ridiculous. Funny how 120 some guys did the workouts but only a handful of guys (who reportedly didn't hydrate properly the few days before) were affected. Its also Kirks responsibility if guys go out drinking and then get in car wrecks I suppose?
And THAT would have been the best thing for the program, especially when this whole thing was a BS money grab. Ridiculous. Funny how 120 some guys did the workouts but only a handful of guys (who reportedly didn't hydrate properly the few days before) were affected. Its also Kirks responsibility if guys go out drinking and then get in car wrecks I suppose?
Responsibility for what? Kirk met with every parent of every rhabdo player in an hours long meeting where he took full accountability. The racism crap was settled by administration because fighting a civil suit is pointless. Plenty of examples of bs getting paid out. Take responsibility for what?
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Kirk ran the ship and approved every aspect of the program and reaped the benefits of Doyle's work for Years and let Doyle take a bullet over what has been proven to be absolute BS by a bunch of race grifters , Is it really a shock Doyle has Kirk on His pound sand list for life?
That is exactly correct.
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The move to get rid of Doyle was the right move at the time. If this was just a normal profession, Kirk could have ridden out the storm and kept Doyle around. In college football, you need to be able to recruit. Keeping on Doyle would have killed our recruiting, particularly with black high schoolers. Unfortunately, I think it did temporarily hurt our recruiting anyway.
Responsibility for what? Kirk met with every parent of every rhabdo player in an hours long meeting where he took full accountability. The racism crap was settled by administration because fighting a civil suit is pointless. Plenty of examples of bs getting paid out. Take responsibility for what?
I think your talking to the wrong person dude. I wasn't the one going after Kirk......
Just to clarify this thread for some, the OP's post was about the RHABDO incident. Its has nothing to do with Wadley or recruiting black players or junior as several have tried to enter in. The supposed racial crap was years later........
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Interesting for sure. Kirk was surely in a tough spot. I know Doyle ended up the scapegoat. If he had thrown his support 100% behind Doyle would they have set a match to the whole program and everyone of the coaches been canned when they brought in a new regime?
I wouldn't say that Doyle was scapegoated entirely.

As I'm on record (many times) writing - I think that the whole situation was preventable. The main problem was, at the time, that there was not a mechanism for feedback between players to Kirk (or the AD) where the players could feel heard (and free from retaliation). Had such a system been in place, then Chris would have been rebuked much earlier ... but in a way where retraining could have reconciled the issue (for the benefit of all parties involved).

I believe that after the whole City-Boyz fiasco and the correlated onslaught of bad-behavior - I think that Kirk and the staff wanted to crack down on things ... and Chris played the role of the "enforcer" because he had the most frequent contact with the guys.

I would surmise that Chris likely felt scapegoated and let down by Kirk (that Kirk didn't adequately have his back). Of course, that strikes me as ridiculous because there's no way that Urban Meyer would have attempted to hire Chris without Kirk's reassurance that Chris wasn't truly a liability.

However, on the other hand - I don't think that Kirk knew the details of what Chris was doing as the enforcer. Thus, I think that Kirk also viewed Chris's actions as a betrayal as well ... a misrepresentation of his intent.

Consequently, I could see why both sides felt wronged by the other.
Just to clarify this thread for some, the OP's post was about the RHABDO incident. Its has nothing to do with Wadley or recruiting black players or junior as several have tried to enter in. The supposed racial crap was years later........
Actually this is completely wrong. It’s all about what happened later. Or are you saying they haven’t spoken since the rhabdo incident???
The racism/systemic bias is & always was BS. Doyle wasn't a racist, period. I believe KF was firm on that point throughout.

However, Doyle was a huge prick. That alone was sufficient to get him 'scapegoated' in this day & age.

The entire ordeal was best summed up by KF himself when he said - in reference to the program - we desire to be demanding without being demeaning.

In this day & age (and many of us come from an era where our coach would publicly berate or demean players), you just can't do that anymore. It's going to catch up to you & get you fired.
On Hawkeye Hotspot with Howe and Morehouse, Dochterman is going through edits of a Chris Doyle interview.

Interesting nugget: Kirk and Chris haven't spoken since his firing, plus at Gallery's HOF enshinement, both sat at the same table and still never spoke to each other.
Doyle would still probably have a job if he had just done as he was told. Ferentz tried protecting him, but Doyle killed his own career with his strongly worded public statement when was told to STFU.