Does Aid for Ukraine End with This Election?

You think an army that - after almost 3 years - has failed to achieve victory over Ukraine is going to conquer all the nations of a NATO-led Europe? The same Ukraine being ruled by a shitty little, cocaine-addicted actor/comedian?

🤣 🤣 🤣
Over a period of time.....ABSOLUTELY YES.
exactly; the last clause is the key. To be clear, that's casualties rather than deaths, but ukr is not exactly what i would call better positioned to absorb those kinds of numbers than russia is.

and the fact that russia is using prisoners and koreans is not something to take heart in. it's a luxury they can afford.
Using untrained prisoners and N. Koreans is not a luxury. Lol.

There goes your credibility on this topic.
Nothing stopping Europe from sending weapons and aid even if we don’t.
Exactly what should happen no matter the election outcome. Make Europe help more (their share), some already do and some don’t.
if you are suggesting that russia can beaten militarily, what is the pain point that ukraine inflects, or the geographic position they take -- presumably in some sort of counteroffensive - where Russia gives up.
I’ll bite. We take the muzzle off the dog of war and let them target Moscow, St. Pete etc. and see what bubbles up from that.
Biden still has a couple of months to funnel money to Ukraine. If Harris wins they aid will continue as well. The Dem power brokers have to feed the MIC.
At some point Russia will have to cut its losses. 600,000 dead soldiers and counting. They're actually letting people out of prison in exchange for military service at the front. So they're fighting with an untrained military, and shitty equipment. And economic sanctions that have crippled their economy.
Point of order, I read this too fast first time - not 600k dead, dead and injured, but apparently over 100k dead is possible. Yikes.