Does anyone know who HawkeyeChronicles is ?

When Padilla came in and fumbled the snap, he kind of went off, with his tweets getting meaner and meaner with each mistake Alex made, until it became pretty clear he had lost perspective and was just trying to bash Padilla and piss off those who had wanted him put in the game

It was kind of excessive, but then again I love his Hawkeye history game highlight Tweets, so I'm willing to give him a pass this time around. I mean, a LOT of us were probably a bit excessive during that debacle yesterday

But yeah, he kind of lost it a little in the 2nd half
Not any worse than what was posted here yesterday. Lots of people taking a strange victory lap.

Yeah, Padilla blasted for a bad half of football in comparison to all the other bad halves of football this year, and last, and two years ago.

The line sucks and the qbs suck.

It's to the point where people are pounding their chest about being "the most correct" for the reasons of why we suck.