Does Trump have a Lindsay Graham Gloryhole picture or something?

He has gone from show me the proof, to I won’t read the transcripts. I assume his next move will be to sit on the steps of the Capital and stage a boycott of the impeachment trial.
He will win re-election, but we will always have the video of him being all sanctimonious during the Clinton impeachment to laugh at.
He has gone from show me the proof, to I won’t read the transcripts. I assume his next move will be to sit on the steps of the Capital and stage a boycott of the impeachment trial.
He will win re-election, but we will always have the video of him being all sanctimonious during the Clinton impeachment to laugh at.
And who can forget that epic speech protecting Bart Kavanaugh?
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If only we could get Graham, Gaetz, Nunes and Hannity on Marine 1 with the president with a pilot that has one parachute on board.
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