Donald Trump Hit by Devastating Poll From Fox News

The GOP is dead join Liz Cheney to create a new conservative party.

George C Scott America GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
As a grown man why you so caught up in feelings based decisions

Really ponder that for a minute or two.

Now consider why your support of Trump hasn’t wavered in the least. If that is too confounding, now ponder why you attached the numbers 4-2-0 to your initials.

At some point, perhaps you will have an “aha” moment that you can’t find on Twitter—sorry, “X.”
As I said, only way Biden loses is to have some sort of physical/dementia incident on live tv during debate.

Trump has been losing a few voters non stop for a few years.

I would bet a little money Biden has a medication pump under his clothes during debate with a team of doctors driving the bus.

I see one of the users here believes what they hear on Fox, because this is the narrative they are already setting up to cover Trump after he bombs in the debate, that only a Biden zombie, kept going with super drugs, will be able to defeat Trump at the debate.

The projection is great. Don't think anyone in the Biden White House is known as "Dr. Feelgood" who recklessly hands out drugs to staff to keep them going.
I see one of the users here believes what they hear on Fox, because this is the narrative they are already setting up to cover Trump after he bombs in the debate, that only a Biden zombie, kept going with super drugs, will be able to defeat Trump at the debate.

The projection is great. Don't think anyone in the Biden White House is known as "Dr. Feelgood" who recklessly hands out drugs to staff to keep them going.
Yeah “coked out Joe” seems to be their narrative, You have to disregard the fact that Coke or any other drug that I am aware of cures, reverses or slows dementia.
So very much not ‘independent’. Thanks for clarifying

lol…that’s not the “only” way Biden loses. If Trump is just measured/steady in the upcoming debate and sticks to the facts on “what is” issues, such as the economy, immigration, etc, while Biden focuses on “what if” issues…like democracy is in peril if he losses, Trump will put people in jail, and other fear-mongering tactics…then it’s a slam dunk win for Trump.
Measured/steady... sticks to facts... 😁 Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser?? Hilarious!
Trump is incapable of bombing in the debate, according to a ton of his supporters. He'll win simply by being the biggest beligerent asshole on stage.

I really hope Team Biden hired some joke writers to load up a few rounds of zingers in Joes arsenal for Trump should he decide to be dumb enough to accuse Joe of breaking the law or some other completely ironic topic.

I think the biggest thing that will rattle Trump will be if Joe humiliates him or otherwise catches him in a lie he can't defend. Will be good for Americans who don't follow daily politics to see how thin skinned Trump really is and how petty he acts in the face of it.
He is going to come across as completley unhinged and it's going to be glorious.
We pretty much know the script - Trump will likely have a solid start as he sticks on message…but the longer it goes on, the more off-kilter he’ll get.

We saw in on both ‘16 and ‘20…he’s not capable of staying on point for the 90 minutes or so of a debate; especially if Biden is able to get under his skin.
I see one of the users here believes what they hear on Fox, because this is the narrative they are already setting up to cover Trump after he bombs in the debate, that only a Biden zombie, kept going with super drugs, will be able to defeat Trump at the debate.

The projection is great. Don't think anyone in the Biden White House is known as "Dr. Feelgood" who recklessly hands out drugs to staff to keep them going.
If you are referring to me you are wrong. I watch about an hour of TV a day and it’s sports or a rerun. I doubt I have watched network news in a decade. If I have it’s because my wife watches nbc nightly news and I hear a little while eating.

Trump can’t lose debate to his supporters. Which is all that matters.

Biden could lose votes if he passes out.

It’s really that simple and I think everybody knows it.

If anybody thinks that issues will matter. Roflmao
We pretty much know the script - Trump will likely have a solid start as he sticks on message…but the longer it goes on, the more off-kilter he’ll get.

We saw in on both ‘16 and ‘20…he’s not capable of staying on point for the 90 minutes or so of a debate; especially if Biden is able to get under his skin.
He's going to be so pissed when they silence his mic. I can't wait.
When reading a poll, always check to see if it surveys all adults, registered voters, or likely voters.

Trump seems to be ahead in polls that survey "all adults," while Biden has the edge with registered or likely voters.
I’m voting for Biden if Trump is still in this fall. But I wouldn’t take this bet. I think many independents are going to sit this one out. Hell I passionately want Trump out of our politics and even with that drive I am very reluctantly voting Biden.

Dems were so so so stupid to put him forward. If this was Whitmer vs. Trump it would be a historic landslide in favor of the Dems.
I doubt Whitmer would do better. Name recognition matters. A lot. Most people likely don't know who she is.
I doubt Whitmer would do better. Name recognition matters. A lot. Most people likely don't know who she is.
Biden’s name is more of a detractor than a benefit with independents. Independents like me who will vote for him are mostly doing so because he is not named Trump.

You can also solve name recognition with a $30 million ad buy. Name recognition is an awful reason to roll out a candidate at least a decade past his prime.
Biff is going to biff this debate big-time. Apparently he's not planning on doing any mock debates. He is reversing his earlier claims that he will crush Biden and now says that Joe will be very tough. And probably most telling of all, Idiot boy is claiming that he might lose on purpose.
Biff is going to biff this debate big-time. Apparently he's not planning on doing any mock debates. He is reversing his earlier claims that he will crush Biden and now says that Joe will be very tough. And probably most telling of all, Idiot boy is claiming that he might lose on purpose.
Yes, because that makes total sense.
Biden’s name is more of a detractor than a benefit with independents. Independents like me who will vote for him are mostly doing so because he is not named Trump.

You can also solve name recognition with a $30 million ad buy. Name recognition is an awful reason to roll out a candidate at least a decade past his prime.
Herschel Walker is widely viewed by a lot of people as being an unhinged nutjob. Yet he was very competitive for his election even with a loss. Name recognition is a huge advantage in politics even with some negative views.
Herschel Walker is widely viewed by a lot of people as being an unhinged nutjob. Yet he was very competitive for his election even with a loss. Name recognition is a huge advantage in politics even with some negative views.
It’s a valid point to a degree, but easily solved with a strong primary performance + money. Most people know who Mayor Pete is and he was an absolute nobody before running in 20.

In any event, I remain somewhat reluctantly on team Biden…I just hope there are more independents like me that want to see Trump out of politics permanently.
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It’s a valid point to a degree, but easily solved with a strong primary performance + money. Most people know who Mayor Pete is and he was an absolute nobody before running in 20.

In any event, I remain somewhat reluctantly on team Biden…I just hope there are more independents like me that want to see Trump out of politics permanently.
It’s hard to say - name recognition is almost always better to have than not because it means people know you.

I’d argue this was a major advantage for Biden in ‘20 as Trump repeatedly tried to paint him as a radical socialist, only for that to fall flat because everyone knew who Biden was.

Pete’s performance in ‘20 was all the more impressive because nobody really knew who he was; and why I think he has an excellent chance to be the nominee in the next few cycles.
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It’s hard to say - name recognition is almost always better to have than not because it means people know you.

I’d argue this was a major advantage for Biden in ‘20 as Trump repeatedly tried to paint him as a radical socialist, only for that to fall flat because everyone knew who Biden was.

Pete’s performance in ‘20 was all the more impressive because nobody really knew who he was; and why I think he has an excellent chance to be the nominee in the next few cycles.

It didn't fall flat. It was effective with independent voters, especially in South Florida.
I see one of the users here believes what they hear on Fox, because this is the narrative they are already setting up to cover Trump after he bombs in the debate, that only a Biden zombie, kept going with super drugs, will be able to defeat Trump at the debate.

The projection is great. Don't think anyone in the Biden White House is known as "Dr. Feelgood" who recklessly hands out drugs to staff to keep them going.
They just have cocaine in the White House. 😉. Here’s an idea…just drug test both Biden and Trump before the debates. Take all the speculation out of it.
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He is going to come across as completley unhinged and it's going to be glorious.
I disagree…I would think Trump handlers would be drumming it in his head to be measured and don’t take the “bait” of any Biden zingers. The best thing for Trump to do is let Biden drone on as he’ll eventually bring up some “folksie fairy tale”.
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I disagree…I would think Trump handlers would be drumming it in his head to be measured and don’t take the “bait” of any Biden zingers. The best thing for Trump to do is let Biden drone on as he’ll eventually bring up some “folksie fairy tale”.
Trump be measured? hahahahah

Trump wings everything. He's a freestyler. And usually that just results in him ranting about random shit (see the sharks and batteries clip for a recent example).
If you are referring to me you are wrong. I watch about an hour of TV a day and it’s sports or a rerun. I doubt I have watched network news in a decade. If I have it’s because my wife watches nbc nightly news and I hear a little while eating.

Trump can’t lose debate to his supporters. Which is all that matters.

Biden could lose votes if he passes out.

It’s really that simple and I think everybody knows it.

If anybody thinks that issues will matter. Roflmao
Wrong, If women know their freedoms are being taken away, that is a major issue for them.
The losing on purpose is particularly weird. So we're to believe he's throwing things just to keep it interesting?
I listened to the Clay Travis radio show this afternoon on my way home from work. He was eluding to Orange Shitstick “throwing” the debate so Biden could win and stay in the race. They are worried he will drop out and know someone else would mop the floor with that ugly mop head. Also sets him up nicely to appear stupid as he will and save face (at least in MAGAMINDS)
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I listened to the Clay Travis radio show this afternoon on my way home from work. He was eluding to Orange Shitstick “throwing” the debate so Biden could win and stay in the race. They are worried he will drop out and know someone else would mop the floor with that ugly mop head. Also sets him up nicely to appear stupid as he will and save face (at least in MAGAMINDS)
Maybe they shouldn't have spent so much time labeling Biden as senile...The ironic part here is that Biden wins by showing up and speaking in complete sentences.
Wrong, If women know their freedoms are being taken away, that is a major issue for them.
It wouldn’t be as close as it is if it as only about abortion.

It would be slaughter if anybody but Biden was running.

In an odd twist, it would be a laugher if anybody but Trump was running for the republicans.
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