Dr. Phil with a Mic drop on school closings, as the crazies at the View try to re-write history.

It’s like all these ****ing geniuses here forgot that it’s not the children that this protected, but their immuno-compromised grandparents. Like my mom who fought cancer during the height of the pandemic and who is now in remission and with a good prognosis. She had to be driven to and from the U of I Hospital via yours truly and my siblings. We were much safer for her without in-person school. So our family would like to thank all the non-assholes here and in our local health departments. My daughter is fine and even more so because of these extra years she has her grandmother in her life. Dr. Phil has always been a fraud. BAU.

For the record, I was making fun of the idiots that can't move on from 2020 and feel victimized by the majority of people's willingness to do what they could to help people like your mom... and my Dad.
It’s like all these ****ing geniuses here forgot that it’s not the children that this protected, but their immuno-compromised grandparents. Like my mom who fought cancer during the height of the pandemic and who is now in remission and with a good prognosis. She had to be driven to and from the U of I Hospital via yours truly and my siblings. We were much safer for her without in-person school. So our family would like to thank all the non-assholes here and in our local health departments. My daughter is fine and even more so because of these extra years she has her grandmother in her life. Dr. Phil has always been a fraud. BAU.
All of that AND it was completely fvcking stupid to shit schools down for as long as many did.
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Which state(s) closed their schools for 2 years? That was Phil's statement. California?
They kind of buried the lede there:

n the survey of educators, principals, and district leaders conducted last month by the EdWeek Research Center, about half of respondents said their schools were closed for the “perfect” amount of time, while 40 percent said their schools were closed for too long. Just 11 percent of respondents said their school closures were too short.
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Which state(s) closed their schools for 2 years? That was Phil's statement. California?
Good question. March 2020 was when the first schools started closing. And March 2021 was when it was announced that teachers would be given priority for vaccinations. I know there were a lot of schools closed after that with teacher union demands of replacing air filtration units in some places.
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Depends a lot on locale. Since they live in the NY/LA bubble, it makes sense they would say 2 years because teachers fought like crazy to not go back to the classrooms in NY/LA and it really did linger for about 2 years. For many, it disrupted 2 school years. So in any case, it's not exactly right or wrong to claim 2 years.

I don't think whoopi tried to rewrite anything, she came across like she was still willing to die on the hill of COVID lockdowns even though most now recognize how wrong that was. I don't think she changed her position at all though, at least from that clip, and I actually give her credit for sticking to her guns, even though I obviously disagree with her position.
I will go so far as to say I still don't think we can say what would have been 100% correct, even now. That's the problem. Instead of doing a legitimate RCA on this type of thing and coming up with an actual gameplan for the next pandemic, we just bitch about what the other side did. Which, btw Trump is the one who actually shut things down (which I think was the right call). It would have helped if he didn't throw the only pandemic plan we had when he first got in office.
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The left will never ever be able to run from one of the worst policies we have seen in decades. They try to cover up the failure with ridiculous anecdotal stories that isn’t backed by data that closing schools saved people’s lives. That simply isn’t true and the school lockdowns imposed(to watch Belem try and argue online schooling was good is something) by many many blue states during the 20-21 school year simply wasn’t backed by any science or data at all. As a result an entire generation of students are struggling as the data indicates.

The revisionist leftists on here and in the mainstream who still argue this was good policy are simply political shills and really no different than MAGAts when it comes to blind cultist loyalty to a cause or a political team. Because it was blue state governors who kept schools closed for the most of 20/21 school year(almost all agree schools should have been closed during Spring of 20 as we figured out what was going on) loyal Team Blue members(many can be seen in this thread) will never admit what an absolute disaster this policy has and will have on America.
It's amazing how both sides are "re-writing this". First of all, hindsight is 20/20. Easy to say those things now after the storm has passed. That being said, Dr. Phil says schools were shut down for two years. Maybe he lived they were, but here they weren't even shut down for a full year.
We knew pretty early that young children were extremely low risk for severe symptoms form Covid. The schools were initially closed to protect the teachers not the students. When it became clear that people didn't care about the teachers, the narrative switched to the kids.
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If he said 'shut down' he's wrong any way you look at it.
Here in CA my kids schools were 'shut down' for 2-3 weeks while they sorted out on-line schooling.
Looking to engage in an actual discussion with you….are you for taxpayer paid college tuition?
We knew pretty early that young children were extremely low risk for severe symptoms form Covid. The schools were initially closed to protect the teachers not the students. When it became clear that people didn't care about the teachers, the narrative switched to the kids.
Right but those students could easily (and I imagine in some cases did) bring that home to their parents. The strategy of closing down schools was to slow down and mitigate the spread. I think they knew that kids were low (but not zero by any means) risk.

I think what people are forgetting is how we had literally zero information to go on and the White House did a shitty job initially organizing info and plans as did the CDC too. It was disorganized chaos all around. By early 2021, we had a vaccine and a bit more information. I think this is a case of some people applying today's knowledge back to 2020.
Dr Phil looked like an idiot. My wife's school moved online from spring break 2020 until schools started in August 2020. They were online for around 8 or 9 weeks. And when they went back quite a few kids and teachers got Covid, some worse than others. But the dumbest thing was his deal about leaving the kids with their sexual abusers. What happens to them after school and on breaks and over the summer?
In Tally, the schools were closed until August 2020. Parents then had the choice of sending their kids back to school or online from home. My daughter chose to send my grandaughter to school (about half of the students went back to school).
Right but those students could easily (and I imagine in some cases did) bring that home to their parents. The strategy of closing down schools was to slow down and mitigate the spread. I think they knew that kids were low (but not zero by any means) risk.

I think what people are forgetting is how we had literally zero information to go on and the White House did a shitty job initially organizing info and plans as did the CDC too. It was disorganized chaos all around. By early 2021, we had a vaccine and a bit more information. I think this is a case of some people applying today's knowledge back to 2020.
People aren’t talking about March-May 2020 when they are talking about the lockdowns of schools. They are referencing what many blue states did during most of the 20-21 school year which was keep in person learning closed even though many other states had opened up schools safely in the fall. It was simply done for political reasons and it has cost a lot of people in many ways.
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It was everywhere and all data indicates that. Those don’t admit that is because of political purposes only.
Just my thoughts- online school was a mess here- in a great district.

I can’t imagine what it was like in smaller districts, or underfunded (poor) districts.

I think it varies how long it was done district to district. I feel like 2021-2022 was hybrid/optional here? It’s been a while