It’s like all these ****ing geniuses here forgot that it’s not the children that this protected, but their immuno-compromised grandparents. Like my mom who fought cancer during the height of the pandemic and who is now in remission and with a good prognosis. She had to be driven to and from the U of I Hospital via yours truly and my siblings. We were much safer for her without in-person school. So our family would like to thank all the non-assholes here and in our local health departments. My daughter is fine and even more so because of these extra years she has her grandmother in her life. Dr. Phil has always been a fraud. BAU.
For the record, I was making fun of the idiots that can't move on from 2020 and feel victimized by the majority of people's willingness to do what they could to help people like your mom... and my Dad.