brock has been killed by a few guys when it comes to assists, a bit like clark with her fever teammates. Brock has set the table many times to have guys miss wide open threes. Dix, for a lot of them.
I think brock should play with drew. Fran see's himself in every tall white skinny player, playing out of position we've had. His dislike of athletic pg's is nothing new but he needs to reconfigure how he plays people and the combinations that play. Fran is to pg's as kirk is to qb's.
Fran can't bring himself to change is offense to work with multiple guards that penetrate. He thinks he's an offensive genius. His offensive genius is not playing defense to save energy for offense and tempo. It's not some genius philosophy.
To give Fran some credit: i think he is a master of BLOB plays. One of the best coaches in the country at it.