Drudge claiming Bern is out.


HB Legend
Jul 20, 2001
Essentially, Drudge is calling Bernie a dead candidate walking. Predicts all over in 2 weeks. I find Bernies campaign to be essentially throwing the election away, he could easily destroy Hillary, but he does not attack her where she is weak. Almost seems like he was a token candidate.
Essentially, Drudge is calling Bernie a dead candidate walking. Predicts all over in 2 weeks. I find Bernies campaign to be essentially throwing the election away, he could easily destroy Hillary, but he does not attack her where she is weak. Almost seems like he was a token candidate.
Maybe he is just waiting for her to be arrested?
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If she wins Super Tuesday on March 1st, it will be all over but the crying. She currently leads by almost 500 delegates.
He will go to the convention and demand a speaking slot on the night before Hillary gets the nomination.
He is still raising money like crazy and its anticipated that he will out raise Hillary in February. He'll be in it for nothing more than to move Hillary left.
Essentially, Drudge is calling Bernie a dead candidate walking. Predicts all over in 2 weeks. I find Bernies campaign to be essentially throwing the election away, he could easily destroy Hillary, but he does not attack her where she is weak. Almost seems like he was a token candidate.

Drudge is the proverbial blind squirrel looking everywhere for nuts. Every now and then he finds one, but his success rate is very low.
I agree that he seems like more of a token candidate not doing what is clearly need to attack and win.
Rush Limbaugh today said bernie never was in the running, never was going to be allowed to compete
I agree that he seems like more of a token candidate not doing what is clearly need to attack and win.

But yet, most democrats I know claim he is their first choice. It is very bizarre.

He has nobody to blame but himself. He gave up in the first debate when he said he didn't care about her emails. She was so stunned all she could do was giggle, say "thank you, I agree!" and then giggle some more. She literally couldn't believe how stupid he was to take that issue off the table.

Here's the interesting question - the hard core lefties here on HROT will vote for whoever has the "D" next to their name... but will she get a decent turnout? I think many people are turned off by her. (yes, say the same about Trump if you must and be "that poster")
Well, if Drudge says so. I know that's where I go first to get my news on what's happening on the Liberal side of things.
Essentially, Drudge is calling Bernie a dead candidate walking. Predicts all over in 2 weeks. I find Bernies campaign to be essentially throwing the election away, he could easily destroy Hillary, but he does not attack her where she is weak. Almost seems like he was a token candidate.
This years Democrats seem to be much more "issue" driven, CeMar. And that is not a bad thing. You and yours oughtta try it sometime....but first you guys need to have an idea.
That is simply a provocative headline linking to a story detailing the near impossibility of Sanders winning the nomination. The story is accurate, the deck is very stacked in Hillary's favor.
That is simply a provocative headline linking to a story detailing the near impossibility of Sanders winning the nomination. The story is accurate, the deck is very stacked in Hillary's favor.

I don't understand why Bernie and his followers havenot gone ballistic over this. The entire election was rigged, and yet they do nothing , whihc really makes me wonder if they really cared at all anyway. Bernie could DESTROY Hillary, especially on here health, which is horrible,and yet he does nothing. Seems to me that he is in this to get a big payoff from Billary in the end,.
I don't understand why Bernie and his followers havenot gone ballistic over this. The entire election was rigged, and yet they do nothing , whihc really makes me wonder if they really cared at all anyway. Bernie could DESTROY Hillary, especially on here health, which is horrible,and yet he does nothing. Seems to me that he is in this to get a big payoff from Billary in the end,.

Sanders..who is NOT a Democrat, understood this was going to be a huge obstacle from the get-go. Bernie doesn't need sympathy...he needs more votes. He sure as hell doesn't need Republicans advising him on political strategy. If I were a Repubber, I think I would understand I have political problems of my own.
Maybe he is just waiting for her to be arrested?
Dunno... I think the GOP is hoping that happens because that shit storm they're throwing at us now isn't going to take up residence in the WH any time soon!
Regarding Prime... he always predicts the worst. If nothing happens... no one remembers. If something bad occurs... he says "See, I told you so".

Good and bad stuff happens all the time. Life goes on and everyone will survive. Never sweat the small stuff.
Regarding Prime... he always predicts the worst. If nothing happens... no one remembers. If something bad occurs... he says "See, I told you so".

Good and bad stuff happens all the time. Life goes on and everyone will survive. Never sweat the small stuff.
Stupid statement, as if my timeline on here is that long. I've predicted economic crash, correctly said that Hillary will be the Democratic choice, despite most democrat supporters liking Bernie better.

We are now in the midst of an obvious conspiracy with Justice Scalia, and of course the lemmings won't think twice.

Learn the world before it learns you.
Sanders..who is NOT a Democrat, understood this was going to be a huge obstacle from the get-go. Bernie doesn't need sympathy...he needs more votes. He sure as hell doesn't need Republicans advising him on political strategy. If I were a Repubber, I think I would understand I have political problems of my own.
it's been proven all the votes in the world won't help, not with superdelegates and two headed coins and marked cards
You mean like a Al Gore got shafted over the hanging chads?
yes he did. Then obama got installed and shafted hills. Now hills shaftimg berns. But, you are more than happy to say repubbers shaft dems but when dems do dems:silence
Superdelegates change their mind. Refer back to Hillary vs. Obama....

This is one everybody is missing -- and the media is doing a poor job of explaining. If Sanders were to actually win the most delegates, the Super Delegates would most likely switch and vote along with the voters in their state. Hillary has not locked-up all of those votes.

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