DSM Area Hawk Fans


HB Heisman
Nov 13, 2014
As you know, the time has come to put the Hawks back on top of the college wrestling world. It's a team effort, from the head coach all the way down to you and me. Everyone has a role.

One huge advantage the Iowa program has over the rest of the nation is the size and passion of its fan base. We're seeing a glimpse of what Hawk fans can do as a small fraction of Iowa fans has raised nearly $13,000 in 3 days on a message board -- just because we felt like doing it. Impressive! We need to harness that power and put it to work in supporting our guys, like never before.

A few of us in the DSM area are looking to put together a team of diehard Iowa wrestling fans so that we can accomplish some big things for the Iowa program in central Iowa. If you love Iowa wrestling, you're determined to be part of the effort to get the Hawks back on top where they belong, and you're willing to put in some time and effort to make that happen, please email

Thanks, go Hawks, and LET'S DO THIS, HAWK FANS!!!
This is where some money can be made...HWC has a volunteer army that they can exploit...especially during wrestling season at some of the high school tourneys. I am going to be in IC by the end of the month and I know guys like BBW and others in the area would be willing to step up and raise money...even if its just enough to cover traveling expenditures for our athletes annually. It's going to take a whale or three to get the facilities done.

I am in though if anybody wants to get an IC/CR committee going.
This is where some money can be made...HWC has a volunteer army that they can exploit...especially during wrestling season at some of the high school tourneys. I am going to be in IC by the end of the month and I know guys like BBW and others in the area would be willing to step up and raise money...even if its just enough to cover traveling expenditures for our athletes annually. It's going to take a whale or three to get the facilities done.

I am in though if anybody wants to get an IC/CR committee going.
Chief, you're officially the Iowa City steering committee chair. When you talk about a "volunteer army", you ain't kidding. It's gonna be f**.
Chief, you're officially the Iowa City steering committee chair. When you talk about a "volunteer army", you ain't kidding. It's gonna be f**.

I think it is REALLY time to pool our talents and resources on this in Central Iowa and beyond. I like where this is going with mini fund raising strategies within MULTIPLE communities. These small steps will lead to bigger steps. With the collection of general Hawk fans along with the diehard wrestling fans who will roll up their sleeves, the sky is the limit here! Need to start thinking from the rabid wrestling fan to the typical Hawk fan to get involved (kids to grandparents).

Now it is time for all of us to step up in some small way and generate ideas, mini-fundraising opportunities and momentum, just like what has been done on this board with the amazing donations.
I think it is REALLY time to pool our talents and resources on this in Central Iowa and beyond. I like where this is going with mini fund raising strategies within MULTIPLE communities. These small steps will lead to bigger steps. With the collection of general Hawk fans along with the diehard wrestling fans who will roll up their sleeves, the sky is the limit here! Need to start thinking from the rabid wrestling fan to the typical Hawk fan to get involved (kids to grandparents).

I have a GREAT feeling the foundation and administration will step up, now it is time for all of us to step up in some small way and generate ideas, mini-fundraising opportunities and momentum.
Absolutely, FT. I envision local Iowa wrestling steering committees in communities around the state and throughout the country, similar to local I-Club chapters. The I-Club is already in place nationwide. It wouldn't be hard to identify the diehard wrestling fans among the local I-Club chapters and get them mobilized to focus specifically on wrestling. Great opportunity for Hawk fans outside of Iowa to directly help the cause.
I'm in the Des Moines area. I'm willing to do whatever is needed to help. I could also try to incorporate something with my business for donations. I've been to several of the golf outings, banquets and the plunge. I have discussed getting more of the Des Moines area fans to some of these events with Randy on a few occasions.
"many hands make light work"
"todays preparation is tomorrows performance"
My email is
@scottyslinger on twitter
This is where some money can be made...HWC has a volunteer army that they can exploit...especially during wrestling season at some of the high school tourneys. I am going to be in IC by the end of the month and I know guys like BBW and others in the area would be willing to step up and raise money...even if its just enough to cover traveling expenditures for our athletes annually. It's going to take a whale or three to get the facilities done.

I am in though if anybody wants to get an IC/CR committee going.
Have spoken with randy and tom and the support shown here has them shaking their heads. I certainly do not want to damper this out pouring of support as we need to keep it going and expand it where ever possible. However, one thing we need to keep in mind is that everything needs to be coordinated with and run through the WRC directorate and or Tom and Terry. Both to make sure it is not over stepping where they are trying to negotiate added support from within the Admin and the foundation and of course also is within the frame work of any rules and or regulations. My suggestion would be that each cell have a point man who would get any ideas/endevors cleared and approved by the appropriate individuals. JMO
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Have spoken with randy and tom and the support shown here has them shaking their heads. I certainly do not want to damper this out pouring of support as we need to keep it going and expand it where ever possible. However, one thing we need to keep in mind is that everything needs to be coordinated with and run through the WRC directorate and or Tom and Terry. Both to make sure it is not over stepping where they are trying to negotiate added support from within the Admin and the foundation and of course also is within the frame work of any rules and or regulations. My suggestion would be that each cell have a point man who would get any ideas/endevors cleared and approved by the appropriate individuals. JMO
Definitely. Very good point.
I'm in the Des Moines area. I'm willing to do whatever is needed to help. I could also try to incorporate something with my business for donations. I've been to several of the golf outings, banquets and the plunge. I have discussed getting more of the Des Moines area fans to some of these events with Randy on a few occasions.
"many hands make light work"
"todays preparation is tomorrows performance"
My email is
@scottyslinger on twitter
I'll be getting in touch ASAP. Feel free to drop me an email at, too.
Have spoken with randy and tom and the support shown here has them shaking their heads. I certainly do not want to damper this out pouring of support as we need to keep it going and expand it where ever possible. However, one thing we need to keep in mind is that everything needs to be coordinated with and run through the WRC directorate and or Tom and Terry. Both to make sure it is not over stepping where they are trying to negotiate added support from within the Admin and the foundation and of course also is within the frame work of any rules and or regulations. My suggestion would be that each cell have a point man who would get any ideas/endevors cleared and approved by the appropriate individuals. JMO

Boy, I would think and hope any organized parallel effort to promote the HWC would be done with the blessing of the HWC itself. Anything else would be counter productive.
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Boy, I would think and hope any organized parallel effort to promote the HWC would be done with the blessing of the HWC itself. Anything else would be counter productive.
I have a hard time imagining anything that wouldn't be approved, but I do think there's something to be said for the HWC and the Iowa program, itself, being aware of what's going on out there to raise funds on their behalf.
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I have a hard time imagining anything that wouldn't be approved, but I do think there's something to be said for the HWC and the Iowa program, itself, being aware of what's going on out there to raise funds on their behalf.
Plus unless things have changed drastically the individual satalite groups could piggy back off of the central HWC's 503c designation.
I have a hard time imagining anything that wouldn't be approved, but I do think there's something to be said for the HWC and the Iowa program, itself, being aware of what's going on out there to raise funds on their behalf.

I didn't mean to offend or accuse. You seem like a truly great guy and I very much appreciate your efforts. Your heart is in the right place. But before you work on someone's behalf it only makes good sense to get their buy in and approval. A relationship needs to be built. Legal issues should be considered. Conditions, parameters, policies and expectations need to be agreed upon, etc.
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I didn't mean to offend or accuse. You seem like a truly great guy and I very much appreciate your efforts. Your heart is in the right place. But before you work on someone's behalf it only makes good sense to get their buy in and approval. A relationship needs to be built. Legal issues should be considered. Conditions, parameters, policies and expectations need to be agreed upon, etc.
Steps are being taken to make sure this is a cohesive effort. Some of us have been around the block.
Have spoken with randy and tom and the support shown here has them shaking their heads. I certainly do not want to damper this out pouring of support as we need to keep it going and expand it where ever possible. However, one thing we need to keep in mind is that everything needs to be coordinated with and run through the WRC directorate and or Tom and Terry. Both to make sure it is not over stepping where they are trying to negotiate added support from within the Admin and the foundation and of course also is within the frame work of any rules and or regulations. My suggestion would be that each cell have a point man who would get any ideas/endevors cleared and approved by the appropriate individuals. JMO

You mean the strip club car wash fundraiser I was planning is out? ;)
Spooner - I understand your comments but your concerns are totally misplaced. Before anyone does anything it will be approved. I agreed to a hefty pledge ASSUMING it is kosher. And hard to do what WWDM stared if nobody wanted to join in and help.
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I'm not so sure this is true.
When I was on the I Club board and president in Omaha it's exactly what we did. All donations and checks need to be directed and made out to the non profit entity. That and liability concerns are being looked into, however, so we will see if things have changed.
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Bump. We now have 10 members ready to rock and roll for the good of the HWC and Iowa wrestling. I'm sure there are many more fans in the DSM area who will want to jump in and help out. Just bumping to make sure they see this invitation.

If you live in the DSM area and want to get involved, please email
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When I was on the I Club board and president in Omaha it's exactly what we did. All donations and checks need to be directed and made out to the non profit entity. That and liability concerns are being looked into, however, so we will see if things have changed.

I misunderstood what you were saying. Yes, donations made directly to the 501(c)(3) are tax deductible. I thought you were implying that a group could piggyback with the 501 and receive benefits, such as non-profit postage. Sorry for my confusion.
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This is great-- will try to keep everyone up to date as I can-- right now Im expecting a meeting with Tom and Admin in next 10 days--after that we can see what direction he feels is best to go.

The staff/athletes and board really are enthused about the donations and willingness of the people on this forum.

What can we do short term--- help us get people to the banquet and golf outings!

If anyone has any auction items they would be willing to donate--that is great also-- we have kids,spouses etc attend.

Thanks a ton!
WWDM...I moved back to WDM 1.5 years ago after 8 years on the east coast. I've been thinking about suggesting that the DSM area fans figure out a way to get to know each other and work together to help the team, but have sat on my hands with the idea. Thanks for spurring us to action here and being a great cheerleader and a great example on the donation thread.

Long way of saying that I would be thrilled to be a part of the DSM area crew that you're putting together. Will send you an email tonight.
WWDM...I moved back to WDM 1.5 years ago after 8 years on the east coast. I've been thinking about suggesting that the DSM area fans figure out a way to get to know each other and work together to help the team, but have sat on my hands with the idea. Thanks for spurring us to action here and being a great cheerleader and a great example on the donation thread.

Long way of saying that I would be thrilled to be a part of the DSM area crew that you're putting together. Will send you an email tonight.
Welcome aboard, man! The more, the merrier! You're member #14, and we're growing fast! I'll answer your email and fill you in.

Anybody else in the DSM area -- you have an open invitation to join in on the f**! We're already having a good time working on behalf of the HWC and the Iowa wresting program. It's gonna be a f** ride, so jump on in if you'd like!
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Correction. . . . The DSM group is up to 17 members, in just a few days. Pretty impressive, and it's a VERY strong group with varied talents. This group is gonna make things happen! No pressure at all, but if you're in the DSM area and want to join in, please don't hesitate to drop an email to We'd love to have you join the team, and many hands make for light work.
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I hope the Eastern Iowa Hawk fans aren't going to let Des Moines out do us. Email me if you want to join up and help.


Sorry for the hijack
No problem at all to piggy-back off of our thread, but I suggest you make a separate thread to attract more attention to prospective IC area fans. Might get more bang for your buck that way.
No problem at all to piggy-back off of our thread, but I suggest you make a separate thread to attract more attention to prospective IC area fans. Might get more bang for your buck that way.
Understand the enthusiasm and agree we need satellite clubs in Central, NW, West and far Eastern and or S. Eastern Iowa. However, we already have a club here in the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area....the HWC board. It might be more productive to get invovlved with it and help them with man power both for current fund raising efforts and in being able to add new ones. We could talk to the current board and see how they would like things structured here to realize the best results. Could be they will be all for a new chapter here. Guess I could ask if that would be good with all HWC fans here in the IC/CR area?
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Welcome aboard, man! The more, the merrier! You're member #14, and we're growing fast! I'll answer your email and fill you in.

Anybody else in the DSM area -- you have an open invitation to join in on the f**! We're already having a good time working on behalf of the HWC and the Iowa wresting program. It's gonna be a f** ride, so jump on in if you'd like!

WWDM, I think you need to remember that F** in Hawkeye vocabulary is a four letter word.