Duke's Kyle Filipowski Injured by fan as Wake Forest fans storm the court

Those posting about opposing fans cynically storming the court if their team loses on the road have a good point. Could see Illinois doing this and wiping out an Iowa win at CHA.
Players have 100% control over their own celebratory jumps. They have very limited control over fans storming the court.
I see this is turning into a covid like conversation, Life has risk and opportunities for fun and celebration. Giving up freedom for fun due to small chance or risk is unamerican. We need to celebrate life when we can. Living life with too many rules is less enjoyable. Lets celebrate . The risk is small. Filipowski will most likely be fine and do great the rest of the year.
"Not a normal stride" and "tried to push after the trip" are both perfectly reasonable actions from a player having 100+ idiots running full speed toward him.

The Duke player has 0% contributory negligence here.
Definitely not saying there weren't hundreds of students running on the court. But he tripped the one (and tried to push the student) and was injured. Pretty easy to see. 100% not his fault though because there should have been no fans on the court.
If fans storm the court the home team forfeits the game immediately and school is fined quarter million dollars. Fine would double every time it happens.

Looking at the Wake Forest film, I see 100's of fans initially and in the end maybe a thousand fans on the court. How is a school going to be able to guard against that type of crowd action and it only happens once every 10 years or so?

I remember Iowa fans at Carver stormed the court after Fran's 1st team beat a highly ranked Purdue team. That was not a good Iowa team. Your solution is an Iowa forfeit...not meaningful because Iowa wasn't going anywhere. They could have fined the Iowa program $1 million....and Iowa would be $1 miillion poorer, but it would be cheaper to pay that fine then hire 50 or 100 security guards for each game to guard against the 1 time in 10 years that a shocking upset occurs.

NCAA should go ahead and Ban court storming (symbolic) and do some fines, higher some more security and arrest a few fans for tresspassing and we'll see some improvement. I wouldn't expect court storming to be solved and the issue is not the most pressing issue in USA today anyway.
I see this is turning into a covid like conversation, Life has risk and opportunities for fun and celebration. Giving up freedom for fun due to small chance or risk is unamerican. We need to celebrate life when we can. Living life with too many rules is less enjoyable. Lets celebrate . The risk is small. Filipowski will most likely be fine and do great the rest of the year.
Until someone gets seriously injured or killed. But's all in good fun, and that's the important thing!
Until someone gets seriously injured or killed. But's all in good fun, and that's the important thing!
You may be right. Should probably ban all alcohol, boxing, swimming pools,and be sure everyone masks up and works from home.
full text of tweet;

TRENDING: Kyle Filipowski’s family members are on social media stating that he was groomed by his Mormon girlfriend, and is no longer in contact with his family.

Filipowski is 20 years old and his girlfriend (28) graduated from UAlabama in 2018, they started dating when he was in high school.

Filipowski was “nervous” in NBA Draft interviews on the subject and this could be the reason he fell to the second round.

Now, he heads to the Utah Jazz, of all teams.

What a wild story.

full text of tweet;

TRENDING: Kyle Filipowski’s family members are on social media stating that he was groomed by his Mormon girlfriend, and is no longer in contact with his family.

Filipowski is 20 years old and his girlfriend (28) graduated from UAlabama in 2018, they started dating when he was in high school.

Filipowski was “nervous” in NBA Draft interviews on the subject and this could be the reason he fell to the second round.

Now, he heads to the Utah Jazz, of all teams.

What a wild story.

I wish I could have been groomed
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