No way could I have gotten an owl that size past the damper in my fireplace.
It looks like Krypto! (Superdog for the younger posters and those who may not remember).
I heard the cat's doing a geography exam now, a new home search.
This election WAS for the soul of America. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
My uncle used to have a burro like that. He was named Jack. My uncle would see him out in the barn lot and just yell out his name, "Hey, Jack!" and old Jack would just bay back at my uncle in the same fashion. It was cute, and funny.
The other dog is probably thinking, "If you don't tell him, I won't either."
2020 has basically been a really long version of one of those really s****y apocalypse movies that I usually stop watching less than an hour in because it's so far-fetched. The difference is that I've been stuck in this s***show for several months.