*****Dumping ground for The Daily Rex Chapman Tweet & other assorted interwebz stuff****

Good way to catch a conviction.

I’m not saying it’s right, but I understand.

They really need to start letting people put out "dummy" packages at their houses, that link to a Bluetooth connection near the door.

As soon as it loses connection (along w/ accelerometer/GPS indicating movement), paint 'bombs' in the box get set off, bursting out of 4 or more sides of the box. Anyone who shows up with that paint color gets arrested, and the box has GPS tracking inside to use as trial evidence.

Bait packages would dramatically deter porch pirates; all we need is laws indemnifying Amazon or anyone else from any injury after someone steals the package - you steal it, you forfeit any right to sue over any injury incurred from the paint bombs going off.

Person w/ the bait package can shut off the active status from a smartphone and/or Amazon account.

Good luck cleaning out your shitty car of paint bomb mess after playing Porch Pirate...
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