Edit, that call is not going to do Iowa any favors

In the PR department. Horrible call.

I’ll take it lol. But woof
Are you kidding me? They were testing the whistle on every pass all game. Great defense is easy when you’re fouling every other play lolz. Yeah they have good length and some talented players. But they didn’t need to chicken wing on this play- if that screen leads to a game winning shot? You can get away with not being set here but not the elbow.
Jerry Seinfeld Popcorn GIF by Sheets & Giggles
The ref felt bad that Cooper Dejean got screwed and figured what better time to make it up to Iowa fans.
We need about 3 more calls like tonight in important games to make up for the Cooper Dejean call. That call was horrible and lost us the game. This call was justified, we are just not used to receiving a call like that in our favor
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