End to End AI - FSD Beta V12.2.1 (updated 02.20.24)

OP’s Mom was on autopilot last night. I didn’t even have to turn her on. She anticipated everyone coming at her and was very responsive. This latest release has been her best.

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I look so forward to them getting this stuff worked out. I'll get back 45-90 minutes back a day depending...


Sadly, the local police and family lied about every detail of that crash.

Police lied said no one was in driver seat. The neighbor saw the owner get in the driver’s seat.

Wife said he only had 2 drinks, toxicology had him drunk as a skunk.

FSD was not purchased for that vehicle and autopilot(for highway driving with lane lines) is not able to be turned on in that unmarked neighborhood.

Nothing as reported by the media was true. Sorry that you were lied to by an ignorant policeman trying to protect the family’s image from the reality a man drove drunk and killed his friend and biased media reporting their anti-Tesla agenda.
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I look so forward to them getting this stuff worked out. I'll get back 45-90 minutes back a day depending...

Thanks @seminole97 it was reported throughout the morning that several beta testers were experiencing similar issues with their FSD seemingly regressed, they were told to download additional patches of the software or do a hard restart and the performance was dramatically improved. These TSLAQ accounts that you found will not tell you this context. Follow the actual drivers, not these propagandists.

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Thanks @seminole97 it was reported throughout the morning that several beta testers were experiencing similar issues with their FSD seemingly regressed, they were told to download additional patches of the software or do a hard restart and the performance was dramatically improved. These TSLAQ accounts that you found will not tell you this context. Follow the actual drivers, not these propagandists.


Sadly, the local police and family lied about every detail of that crash.

Police lied said no one was in driver seat. The neighbor saw the owner get in the driver’s seat.

Wife said he only had 2 drinks, toxicology had him drunk as a skunk.

FSD was not purchased for that vehicle and autopilot(for highway driving with lane lines) is not able to be turned on in that unmarked neighborhood.

Nothing as reported by the media was true. Sorry that you were lied to by an ignorant policeman trying to protect the family’s image from the reality a man drove drunk and killed his friend and biased media reporting their anti-Tesla agenda.

Same type of people want to “Make America Great Again”. How can anyone not see how dangerous that is to American innovation?

Why anyone would want to constantly be under attack like this is beyond me.
I wondered how to get in on the beta, seems it was just opened up:

  • Tesla rolled out a long-awaited software update late Friday that allows customers to request access to its controversial, Full Self-Driving Beta (FSD beta) program. Drivers who get a high safety score from Tesla will get access.
  • FSD Beta gives drivers early access to new features that aren’t debugged yet, including “autosteer on city streets” which enables drivers to automatically navigate around complex urban environments without moving the steering wheel with their own hands.
Electric vehicle maker Tesla rolled out a long-awaited software update Friday night that allows customers to request access to its controversial Full Self-Driving Beta (FSD Beta) software.

The move delighted fans of CEO Elon Musk and Tesla, but it risks drawing the ire of federal vehicle safety authorities who are already investigating the automaker for possible safety defects in its driver-assistance systems.


Musk has been promising Tesla owners an FSD beta download button for months. In March 2021, he wrote in a tweet that the forthcoming button would give users access to the latest FSD Beta build as soon as their car connected to Wi-Fi.

He changed that approach, however. Now, Tesla has a calculator it uses to give drivers a “safety score,” and determine who will be allowed to get and use FSD Beta software.

Screen-shots shared with CNBC by Tesla owners with FSD indicate that the company’s “safety score” is akin to an insurance risk factor score.

Tesla’s systems tabulate a drivers’: “Predicted Collision Frequency, Forward Collision Warning per 1,000 Miles, Hard Braking, Aggressive Turning, Unsafe Following Time, and Forced Autopilot Disengagements,” according to correspondence and screenshots viewed by CNBC.

Tesla’s system does not, at this time, appear to measure and account for how often drivers fail to keep their hands on the wheel, how quickly they take over driving when prompted, or how consistently they keep their eyes on the road.

Only users who have a great driving record for a full week, in Tesla’s view, may gain access to FSD Beta.
That sums up the current status pretty well. Although I would submit that CNBC is a heavily biased and disreputable source when it comes to anything Tesla related due to their advertiser’s influence. Their operations are heavily funded by fossil fuel companies and legacy automakers. Their ridiculous CNBC spots featuring nitwit after nitwit on anything Tesla related is proof.
I know Tesla is using more cameras. I guess one thought that popped in my head is driving conditions; winter during a winter snow storm or after a big snow storm where driving after the storm the slush and muck will dirty up the vehicle in no time while driving… or gravel roads.. my backup camera will pick up debris and is basically useless to me until I clean it off. Maybe a dumb question but is there some tech that self cleans the outer camera lens exposed to the elements?
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I know Tesla is using more cameras. I guess one thought that popped in my head is driving conditions; winter during a winter snow storm or after a big snow storm where driving after the storm the slush and muck will dirty up the vehicle in no time while driving… or gravel roads.. my backup camera will pick up debris and is basically useless to me until I clean it off. Maybe a dumb question but is there some tech that self cleans the outer camera lens exposed to the elements?

Glad you asked.

Laser beams, no really.

First, props to Elon for the most phallic Twitter avatar of all time.

I’m certain this thing could handle my commute and likely 99% of where I find myself driving. Hard to imagine when I need to replace my car it wouldn’t be with one that has this feature.