End to End AI - FSD Beta V12.2.1 (updated 02.20.24)

Sigh….have you used it yourself? Have you driven in a Tesla with FSD engaged?

Do you have, you know, an opinion of your own to share about the video links I’m providing to you?

Is any of it interesting?

Something anything has to better than regurgitating old shit after the NHTSA already closed their investigation. Move on for focks sake.
So....ignore what's said in the manual provided by Tesla until drive one? Seems smart!
Right and to Tesla "Properly" means only on highways.

Tesla's owners manuals say: “Autosteer is intended for use only on highways and limited-access roads with a fully attentive driver.”

And yet, all their marketing tweets show it self parking and doing u-turns.

I can't imagine why people are confused.
They want to market it as true FSD but with the CYA language in the manuals and court filings. It’s bullshit.
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Unless they normalized the dataset for road classification this is disingenuous. Autopilot is used almost exclusively on highways which have FAR fewer accidents on average vs. city streets. So unless you de-average the data by type of road you simply cannot make this comparison.

I have autopilot and love it. It is probably safer than me driving unaided…so not sure why they wouldn’t just show an apples to apples comparison.
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Unless they normalized the dataset for road classification this is disingenuous. Autopilot is used almost exclusively on highways which have FAR fewer accidents on average vs. city streets. So unless you de-average the data by type of road you simply cannot make this comparison.

I have autopilot and love it. It is probably safer than me driving unaided…so not sure why they wouldn’t just show an apples to apples comparison.

And they won't make that data comparison, because it won't show you what they want to show you.
I am referring to autopilot not FSD. Autopilot is basically fancy adaptive cruise control. Not useful on surface streets. FSD is obviously more comprehensive. But the chart in question combines these two.

If you want apples to apples you should de-average by street classification and by type of automation.

I have no doubt FSD it is safer than unaided driving, but the magnitude of benefit implied in the chart is likely not accurate.

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