ESPNw Story

Since the University administration OK'd Griesbaum's termination, the ESPN "investigation" has obviously missed something, and the current coach is a female. As for the other women coaching changes - VB has stunk for years, Digman should have won more and this is the first male coach of the team; the female golf coach was replaced by a female; the rowing coach was sued by former players; and the softball coach was replaced by a female. I've never read anything concrete about why she retired, but if she still wanted to coach a college team I would think she'd have had ample opportunities by no. Instead she teach young kids in the area. Seems like a nice retirement.

Meanwhile the men's basketball coach is in his 5th year, men's golf 1st year, men's gymnastics 4th year, men's tennis 1st year, so there's been equal turnover on the men's side as well under Barta
I think you missed the point of the article.

It's not about hiring women.
It's about their treatment when they're hired and the double-standard.
I wouldn't be surprised if Barta is somewhat uncomfortable with women being coaches and acting like coaches, and a few other things that sometimes go into that(hint). Which is too bad.. However, they bring up things which I think don't pertain to treatment differential between male and female coaches. The rhabdo thing. It was not a problem all that well known in the athletic world and the conditioning that brought in on had been done through the years, and had been done by KF's own son (who didn't get it, BTW). They said they say they will never do that particular exercise again. I assume they mean it. Now if they mean the rowing coach who brought on a suit by a rower against the Univ. for an injury, just possibly that could be put up against the rhabdo, but I sort of doubt it.

Then, Fran M. -- Did a woman coach do something similar during a game--get double T's and not be supported by the AD. Never heard of that happening.. Let's not have apples and oranges.

Just what is the double standard? Male coaches can be tough on their players and female coaches can't.? The AD listens to the female players' complaints more than the male players' ones? It kinda sounds like that is the main problem. And makes one wonder if the female players do complain more, and why (or their parents).

The volleyball program has been bad through a series of coaches. If Iowa finally has found a coach who can do something with that sport I support him. (Hope he can ) I wish the women coaches could have and I doubt it was lack of support. The one who really took it to the dumps was hired by Grant. (And I am a big supporter of Grant and all she did ).
I really hope certain people don't try and spin this into an "equal rights" campaign. How long has Iowa had exclusively womens coaches for the womens sports? I don't think the terminations and new coaches is a big deal.
Originally posted by LinusPF:

I think you missed the point of the article.

It's not about hiring women.
It's about their treatment when they're hired and the double-standard.
I didn't miss it. It would be a valid point if only women coaches were terminated or retired in the past 5 years and were all replaced by men. But there have been just as many men coaches replaced and most of the women were replaced by women.

If the point was that Barta doesn't work well with women, then yes I missed it.