everyday words you can never spell right

restaurant, Australia, soldier

With restaurant I always want to spell it something like resteraunt. With soldier I keep thinking there must be a g in there. I mean it's pronounced "sold-ger"
I don't have issues spelling so much as with typing. At my peak, I could rip 50+ wpm. Very accurate typist, always knew when I mis-keyed something to where I could stop immediately, fix the error, and move on.

But one typing thing I have always had an issue with is hitting ";" instead of " ' " when typing words such as don't, can't, etc.

It's like hitting a typing wall. I'll be ripping along and I have to dead stop just to hit the correct one...every damn time. Most times I just plow through the word knowing that no matter what, I hit the wrong key and will have to go back and fix it at the end of the sentence.

Spelling though...I guess it's the benefit of having a teacher for a parent. Never really had any word that would cause me issues over time.