Exactly WHEN Was America Great???

Nov 28, 2010
If we want to make America great again, we should probably be able to answer that question. But it isn't that easy because - duh! - best at what?

Apologies to those for whom the article is behind a pay wall. Here's a snip of one of the interesting charts. It's interactive in the article. And there are some charts comparing Ds and Rs, too.


Maybe from the end of WW I to just before the stock market crash and Depression. Then again after WW II until full involvement in Vietnam. Then mid 80's until 2001.
America has been among the great countries since its founding. But in terms of the best era, I must disagree with you. Post WW1 was marked by serious racial violence (e.g. Tulsa), the economy was built on a crumbling foundation - a golden era that begat the depression. Oh and booze was outlawed.
If we want to make America great again, we should probably be able to answer that question. But it isn't that easy because - duh! - best at what?

Apologies to those for whom the article is behind a pay wall. Here's a snip of one of the interesting charts. It's interactive in the article. And there are some charts comparing Ds and Rs, too.


Eagles, Flyers, Sixers and Phillies all made championships.

Culminating with a Phillies WS followed by a Reagan election.

1983 was close. When the Sixers won it. But 1980 is fine.
Maybe from the end of WW I to just before the stock market crash and Depression. Then again after WW II until full involvement in Vietnam. Then mid 80's until 2001.

America has been among the great countries since its founding. But in terms of the best era, I must disagree with you. Post WW1 was marked by serious racial violence (e.g. Tulsa), the economy was built on a crumbling foundation - a golden era that begat the depression. Oh and booze was outlawed.

We know now that the glitz and glamour of the “roaring 20s” papered over a lot of cracks in the overall economy, American society, etc.

Being fair to people at the time, while apt of those cracks were visible, for many they were missed because they involved evolutions in the economy that most didn’t know to look for in the first place.
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I still think I (and all of us) were so fortunate to have been born in this country.
Are we perfect? NO. Have we seen some really stupid things go on? YES.
Ups and downs YES.
Wanna go somewhere else? Buh bye.
I’m happy to be here. We got a lot. We should fix a lot of things but nowhere has a shot at perfection.
If we want to make America great again, we should probably be able to answer that question. But it isn't that easy because - duh! - best at what?

Apologies to those for whom the article is behind a pay wall. Here's a snip of one of the interesting charts. It's interactive in the article. And there are some charts comparing Ds and Rs, too.


Some or most is complete bullshit. Try harder.
I’m happy to be here. We got a lot. We should fix a lot of things but nowhere has a shot at perfection.
Agree. Everywhere on this planet is a trade off. There ain’t no Shangri-la.
Who can tell me they would prefer to live in a place like Sudan? Afghanistan? Somalia?
Europe might look better to some - but so much of it is better because of the US military protecting it.

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