Exactly WHEN Was America Great???

And the posts on this board show that there are people who are still under the impression that it was true - so if Reagan was campaigning on it then it was an effective message. What’s the excuse forty years later unless it’s just ignorance?
Did I say it was NOT effective? You and I agree however, it was not the truth. American voters seldom deal with facts and truth….they vote for what they “hear”……even today.
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Exactly WHEN Was America Great???​

I'd say November 15, 1992 at the Hooters 500 when Army Apache helicopters were flying overhead at a NASCAR race.


1. Pretty much any time before Andrew jackson
2. 1863-1885
3. Calvin Coolidge’s term.
4. 1940-62.
5. 1980-96
6. 2002-06
7. 2008-14.
1. Pretty much any time before Andrew jackson
2. 1863-1885
3. Calvin Coolidge’s term.
4. 1940-62.
5. 1980-96
6. 2002-06
7. 2008-14.
Have to disagree with 1 and 2. In large part because of slavery and then Jim Crow era, but also because we’d only begun to tap into the vast resources that would help make us great.

How we treated native Americans during those decades is not laudable either.
I bet you actually believe republicans are for the above.
Don't know, don't fvcking care actually. Thought that shit was funny. I let all you partisan nut suckers figure out the political aspects. And in case I wasn't clear, FVCK trump and FVCK Biden. ...although, I'm voting for the damn cadaver in November just to keep that Orange POS out of office.
Don't know, don't fvcking care actually. Thought that shit was funny. I let all you partisan nut suckers figure out the political aspects. And in case I wasn't clear, FVCK trump and FVCK Biden. ...although, I'm voting for the damn cadaver in November just to keep that Orange POS out of office.
  • Haha
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Growing up in a small town in the 70s and 80s was pretty solid. Didn't have to worry about safety, at least the abduction kind, always had friends to run around with and we didn't want for much, despite not having much.
The 1980's had a lot of historical events.

1980’s Historical Moments

(In no particular order)

Americans became familiar with Indiana Jones and Maverick.

America had a Great Recession early in the decade with 10% unemployment.

The Savings and Loan Crisis struck costing taxpayers $160B.

Family farms were being replaced with Corporate Farming. But we did hold 4 Farm Aid concerts to help those farmers that failed. Also, International Harvester went out of business.

Japanese cars started overrunning American markets and Japanese factories started producing in the States. They had about 50% of the US market by the end of the 1980’s.

Mom and Pop stores were being replaced by the Big Box stores.

The Challenger blew up. So, did Mt. St. Helens.

There was a big stock market crash in October 1987. Black Monday occurred on October 19, 1987.

Organized Labor was destroyed.

The AIDS crisis started. Ryan White became a national celebrity.

Americans became familiar with Supply Side Economics and the Trickle-Down Effect.

We tripled the National Debt in only 8 years.

The Star Wars program proved to be a failure with many cost overruns. (See tripled debt.)

In 1980, America had 13 billionaires. By 1990, America had 66.

The Rush Limbaugh show premiered in 1988 and preserved the Reagan Legacy.


The Iran-Contra Scandal came to light, but the president couldn’t recall much about it.

The US Navy shot down an Iranian air liner.

The Berlin Wall fell in November 1989.

We invaded Grenada and Panama.
I still think I (and all of us) were so fortunate to have been born in this country.
Are we perfect? NO. Have we seen some really stupid things go on? YES.
Ups and downs YES.
Wanna go somewhere else? Buh bye.
If someone wanted to go somewhere else wouldn't they say bye?
I still think I (and all of us) were so fortunate to have been born in this country.
Are we perfect? NO. Have we seen some really stupid things go on? YES.
Ups and downs YES.
Wanna go somewhere else? Buh bye.

Very few countries in the world would I have been able to do would I have been able to accomplish what I was able to do as a cripple (masters, own a home, work full-time and teach, etc.). But I guarantee in those other countries I would have had a higher standard of living, because:

  • I wouldn't have been $45k in debt to get that education and that's with a full assistantship all three years
  • I wouldn't have had to pay 1/5th, at least, of my yearly pay for crippled health shit, my prescriptions were ~$150 a month (and actually paid more with Medicare till the Inflation Reduction Act), medical supplies were ~$80 a month, co-pays ~$50, etc.
  • I wouldn't have had to wait 2+ years to finally get my surgery for my MRSA bone infection because all I had was Medicare (when I lost my insurance my original plastic surgeon wouldn't do it unless I paid $8k upfront)
  • While trying to find someone to do the surgery, I had to go to Birmingham to find someone, I went septic three times and one of them was life threatening
    • It came on overnight (with 105+ temps, hallucinations, etc.) and I didn't go to the ER for 6 days, I was very out of it. It had to have been very bad because my nurse, doctor, and sister tried to baker act me, but I talked my way out it all 3 times (have no clue how,) Though if I'm being honest I might not have been talking to anyone all those times, like I said I was hallucinating. It wasn't till I woke up at 3 in the morning on the floor in my closet and I had to wake my neighbor to come help a naked cripple back to bed when I realized I'm not in my right mind and should probably go to the ER.
    • The doctor bitched me the fvck for not coming in immediately, he said I was a day from losing my hand and two days from ICU/death. He said he's had patients die after just 2 days of my symptoms.
  • Owning a home is something I'm very proud of, but I'll probably sell it within the next few months and find a place to rent. Why? Because I'm now paying more for home owners insurance per month than the original mortgage payment. And the political leaders in this state would rather own the libs than work on real problems such as this. I'm sure the millions in contributions they receive from said companies have nothing to do with this.
Very few countries in the world would I have been able to do would I have been able to accomplish what I was able to do as a cripple (masters, own a home, work full-time and teach, etc.). But I guarantee in those other countries I would have had a higher standard of living, because:

  • I wouldn't have been $45k in debt to get that education and that's with a full assistantship all three years
  • I wouldn't have had to pay 1/5th, at least, of my yearly pay for crippled health shit, my prescriptions were ~$150 a month (and actually paid more with Medicare till the Inflation Reduction Act), medical supplies were ~$80 a month, co-pays ~$50, etc.
  • I wouldn't have had to wait 2+ years to finally get my surgery for my MRSA bone infection because all I had was Medicare (when I lost my insurance my original plastic surgeon wouldn't do it unless I paid $8k upfront)
  • While trying to find someone to do the surgery, I had to go to Birmingham to find someone, I went septic three times and one of them was life threatening
    • It came on overnight (with 105+ temps, hallucinations, etc.) and I didn't go to the ER for 6 days, I was very out of it. It had to have been very bad because my nurse, doctor, and sister tried to baker act me, but I talked my way out it all 3 times (have no clue how,) Though if I'm being honest I might not have been talking to anyone all those times, like I said I was hallucinating. It wasn't till I woke up at 3 in the morning on the floor in my closet and I had to wake my neighbor to come help a naked cripple back to bed when I realized I'm not in my right mind and should probably go to the ER.
    • The doctor bitched me the fvck for not coming in immediately, he said I was a day from losing my hand and two days from ICU/death. He said he's had patients die after just 2 days of my symptoms.
  • Owning a home is something I'm very proud of, but I'll probably sell it within the next few months and find a place to rent. Why? Because I'm now paying more for home owners insurance per month than the original mortgage payment. And the political leaders in this state would rather own the libs than work on real problems such as this. I'm sure the millions in contributions they receive from said companies have nothing to do with this.
It’s really too bad all of the rich people on this message board don’t actually care for mankind isn’t it.
Just think if we lived in a world of love and helping our neighbor. Instead many will choose to blame God for putting you through all that you have gone through.
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It’s really too bad all of the rich people on this message board don’t actually care for mankind isn’t it.
Just think if we lived in a world of love and helping our neighbor. Instead many will choose to blame God for putting you through all that you have gone through.

Lol, I know you're being facetious..see I understand humans, we're am apex predators, so everything you said isn't our genes. Can't fight evolution. That's why stringent regulations are needed. So which side hate regulations?
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Lol, I know you're being facetious..see I understand humans, we're am apex predators, so everything you said isn't our , genes. Can't fight evolution. That's why stringent regulations are needed. So which side hate regulations?
Sorry, I don’t even know what you are trying to say with all those typos and grammar errors.
Around WWII but still very flawed with how we treated African Americans.
Agree with what you are saying, but every time in US history has had its flaws. If having flaws means we were never great then we need to rethink the very definition of greatness. Michael Jordan wasn't perfect. Heck, his career 3 point percentage is 32.7%.
Agree with what you are saying, but every time in US history has had its flaws. If having flaws means we were never great then we need to rethink the very definition of greatness. Michael Jordan wasn't perfect. Heck, his career 3 point percentage is 32.7%.
I agree with you as well. Let's keep it going!
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Agree with what you are saying, but every time in US history has had its flaws. If having flaws means we were never great then we need to rethink the very definition of greatness. Michael Jordan wasn't perfect. Heck, his career 3 point percentage is 32.7%.
This is the sort of thing that should be obvious to anyone who thinks about it for more than a second, but thanks to the magic of television and cinema people have developed this idealized vision of what particular eras of our history were like.
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I woke up at 3:30 and started hitting the pot and vodka hard.

This explains a 💩ton. Hope you can get some help or you have a friend or family member who can get in your face and tell you what’s what.
The repelling of Fascism, the 3rd Reich and the Holocaust. Democracy won. It's on the line again globally 2024
I should have known…or rather known better than to ask.

You could have simply kept your answer to the first sentence.

I almost want Trump to win just to prove how ridiculous you are. However I despise Trump so much that I can endure another 4 years of Biden.
Very few countries in the world would I have been able to do would I have been able to accomplish what I was able to do as a cripple (masters, own a home, work full-time and teach, etc.). But I guarantee in those other countries I would have had a higher standard of living, because:

  • I wouldn't have been $45k in debt to get that education and that's with a full assistantship all three years
  • I wouldn't have had to pay 1/5th, at least, of my yearly pay for crippled health shit, my prescriptions were ~$150 a month (and actually paid more with Medicare till the Inflation Reduction Act), medical supplies were ~$80 a month, co-pays ~$50, etc.
  • I wouldn't have had to wait 2+ years to finally get my surgery for my MRSA bone infection because all I had was Medicare (when I lost my insurance my original plastic surgeon wouldn't do it unless I paid $8k upfront)
  • While trying to find someone to do the surgery, I had to go to Birmingham to find someone, I went septic three times and one of them was life threatening
    • It came on overnight (with 105+ temps, hallucinations, etc.) and I didn't go to the ER for 6 days, I was very out of it. It had to have been very bad because my nurse, doctor, and sister tried to baker act me, but I talked my way out it all 3 times (have no clue how,) Though if I'm being honest I might not have been talking to anyone all those times, like I said I was hallucinating. It wasn't till I woke up at 3 in the morning on the floor in my closet and I had to wake my neighbor to come help a naked cripple back to bed when I realized I'm not in my right mind and should probably go to the ER.
    • The doctor bitched me the fvck for not coming in immediately, he said I was a day from losing my hand and two days from ICU/death. He said he's had patients die after just 2 days of my symptoms.
  • Owning a home is something I'm very proud of, but I'll probably sell it within the next few months and find a place to rent. Why? Because I'm now paying more for home owners insurance per month than the original mortgage payment. And the political leaders in this state would rather own the libs than work on real problems such as this. I'm sure the millions in contributions they receive from said companies have nothing to do with this.
I now understand why you have become such a different person than the funny and engaging one who posted over the years.

Your homeowner insurance has skyrocketed like so many fellow Floridians but as I recall your house got basically destroyed by a hurricane over that way - and weren’t you trapped in the upper part of the house to escape the flooding?

Is your student debt eligible to be cancelled by Biden’s administration decree?

And here’s a hard question for you - if you’re so broke why are you chugging vodka and doing pot? They ain’t free.
Get off that crap. Try some Delta8 or Delta9. I have a relative who takes it to help their anxiety and my relatives in that branch of the family swear it’s made them give thanks every day cause they’re living with a new person.
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Very few countries in the world would I have been able to do would I have been able to accomplish what I was able to do as a cripple (masters, own a home, work full-time and teach, etc.). But I guarantee in those other countries I would have had a higher standard of living, because:

  • I wouldn't have been $45k in debt to get that education and that's with a full assistantship all three years
  • I wouldn't have had to pay 1/5th, at least, of my yearly pay for crippled health shit, my prescriptions were ~$150 a month (and actually paid more with Medicare till the Inflation Reduction Act), medical supplies were ~$80 a month, co-pays ~$50, etc.
  • I wouldn't have had to wait 2+ years to finally get my surgery for my MRSA bone infection because all I had was Medicare (when I lost my insurance my original plastic surgeon wouldn't do it unless I paid $8k upfront)
  • While trying to find someone to do the surgery, I had to go to Birmingham to find someone, I went septic three times and one of them was life threatening
    • It came on overnight (with 105+ temps, hallucinations, etc.) and I didn't go to the ER for 6 days, I was very out of it. It had to have been very bad because my nurse, doctor, and sister tried to baker act me, but I talked my way out it all 3 times (have no clue how,) Though if I'm being honest I might not have been talking to anyone all those times, like I said I was hallucinating. It wasn't till I woke up at 3 in the morning on the floor in my closet and I had to wake my neighbor to come help a naked cripple back to bed when I realized I'm not in my right mind and should probably go to the ER.
    • The doctor bitched me the fvck for not coming in immediately, he said I was a day from losing my hand and two days from ICU/death. He said he's had patients die after just 2 days of my symptoms.
  • Owning a home is something I'm very proud of, but I'll probably sell it within the next few months and find a place to rent. Why? Because I'm now paying more for home owners insurance per month than the original mortgage payment. And the political leaders in this state would rather own the libs than work on real problems such as this. I'm sure the millions in contributions they receive from said companies have nothing to do with this.
The rise of anti-semitism and the intolerance of our fellow citizens who might have a different viewpoint is a greater danger.
A lot of the RW projection about anti semitism are lies. Trump dined with Nick Fuentes a massive anti semite recently. That says it all.
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A lot of the RW projection about anti semitism are lies. Trump dined with Nick Fuentes a massive anti semite recently. That says it all.
WOW. Good thing he didn’t grab a coffee with Claudine Gay or you’d be apoplectic.
Don’t put down women if they are able to stay at home with their kids and they and the spouse decide that’s the best path for their family - but don’t put down women who need to help support a family either.
I agree with this but would add ... Don't put down women who WANT to support their family and have a good career. That to me is the nuanced difference in this Harrison Butker stuff.

Many women want to have a career and do more outside the house. Some don't. And either is cool with me as long as both partners agree to it AND they can financially swing it. I have come across a few religous families who do it but can't financially swing it. To me, that's not being responsible.
Very few countries in the world would I have been able to do would I have been able to accomplish what I was able to do as a cripple (masters, own a home, work full-time and teach, etc.). But I guarantee in those other countries I would have had a higher standard of living, because:

  • I wouldn't have been $45k in debt to get that education and that's with a full assistantship all three years
  • I wouldn't have had to pay 1/5th, at least, of my yearly pay for crippled health shit, my prescriptions were ~$150 a month (and actually paid more with Medicare till the Inflation Reduction Act), medical supplies were ~$80 a month, co-pays ~$50, etc.
  • I wouldn't have had to wait 2+ years to finally get my surgery for my MRSA bone infection because all I had was Medicare (when I lost my insurance my original plastic surgeon wouldn't do it unless I paid $8k upfront)
  • While trying to find someone to do the surgery, I had to go to Birmingham to find someone, I went septic three times and one of them was life threatening
    • It came on overnight (with 105+ temps, hallucinations, etc.) and I didn't go to the ER for 6 days, I was very out of it. It had to have been very bad because my nurse, doctor, and sister tried to baker act me, but I talked my way out it all 3 times (have no clue how,) Though if I'm being honest I might not have been talking to anyone all those times, like I said I was hallucinating. It wasn't till I woke up at 3 in the morning on the floor in my closet and I had to wake my neighbor to come help a naked cripple back to bed when I realized I'm not in my right mind and should probably go to the ER.
    • The doctor bitched me the fvck for not coming in immediately, he said I was a day from losing my hand and two days from ICU/death. He said he's had patients die after just 2 days of my symptoms.
  • Owning a home is something I'm very proud of, but I'll probably sell it within the next few months and find a place to rent. Why? Because I'm now paying more for home owners insurance per month than the original mortgage payment. And the political leaders in this state would rather own the libs than work on real problems such as this. I'm sure the millions in contributions they receive from said companies have nothing to do with this.
I think if you do some research, you might want to reconsider some of your points.

For instance, in Germany, your free college educational opportunities are slotted beginning in the 3rd grade, and change based on performance every few years. If you want to pursue an opportunity outside your slot, you pay out of pocket. No federal guarantee college loan.

In most EU and UK countries, health care is rationed. While you likely would still get the health care you need, you might have to wait a long time for that care.

That free healthcare isn't free, it's paid for by taxes, and everyone pays taxes.

I share your concerns with insurance in Florida, but insurance has gone crazy everywhere, and it's largely due to inflation everywhere, and hurricanes in Florida. Houses and vehicles cost way more to replace than they did pre-covid.
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