"Fans" go after EJ Liddell after #2 Seed Ohio State falls to a #15 seed


HR King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa
Reporters are retweeting this so I think it's ok to post. Warning: the language is bad.

At the end of this post, see D'Mitrik Trice's comments; it is not just Iowa players who get attacked by "fans;" this seems to be a pretty common occurrence for players, no matter the school.



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Reporters are retweeting this so I think it's ok to post. Warning: the language is bad.

At the end of this post, see D'Mitrik Trice's comments; it is not just Iowa players who get attacked by "fans;" this seems to be a pretty common occurrence for players, no matter the school.



I’d be extremely embarrassed if I saw Iowa fans doing this. This is disgusting what these people are doing.
It just shows how low and disgusting our culture has gotten. No respect for anyone anymore. Our culture thinks its okay to kill an unborn baby up until the day it is born. So why does this kind of talk surprise anyone.
Yes this seems like the perfect place to bring up abortion. Thought for a second I was on HROT board.

Shows what people think they can say anonymously. Disgusting. Ohio State player is handling it as best he could
The outside world wonders why you have Instagram or Twitter to begin with.

Even still, that is absolutely disgusting to read. People do suck and go out of their way to show it. Good on Trice to show some support.

Why do the players have Instagram or Twitter? Because they can and they should be able to.

What kind of fvcking question is that after what was posted in the OP?
It just shows how low and disgusting our culture has gotten. No respect for anyone anymore. Our culture thinks its okay to kill an unborn baby up until the day it is born. So why does this kind of talk surprise anyone.

You are a piece of work. It's okay to go after Washington because he played bad? How about people not go after any players with crap like that.

I didn't mean they should go after him, I could have worded that better. I just meant it was misdirected anger. I don't know how anyone could watch that game yesterday and determine that Liddell is the one who lost it when Washington was throwing up brick after brick down the stretch.
I didn't mean they should go after him, I could have worded that better. I just meant it was misdirected anger. I don't know how anyone could watch that game yesterday and determine that Liddell is the one who lost it when Washington was throwing up brick after brick down the stretch.

I wlll agree with that. Washington played as poorly as I've seen him. He is a good player who had a bad game. It happens. These aren't robots who are incapable of playing bad. Especially with "lose and the season is over" looming over you.
Just read those vile posts from OSU ''fans'' and think about who says things like that in those words. Keep that in mind when trashing people with a broad brush.
It just shows how low and disgusting our culture has gotten. No respect for anyone anymore. Our culture thinks its okay to kill an unborn baby up until the day it is born. So why does this kind of talk surprise anyone.
No sheet, I wish God would make sexual assault, fraud, insurrection, antisemitism, lying, sex outside of marriage, murder, etc a sin but no we have to worship the golden calf with those kind of faults. Of which I am surprised God's fine with the worshipping of a golden idle. This is the right board for this isn’t it?
I’m not shocked. We have many posters here who cross the line quite often.
Yep, the OT board is full of them. Angry, hateful, miserable people who live angry, hateful, miserable lives.

Unfortunately, this is what society has become. And it will only continue to get worse. My advice to people: stay off Twitter and all similar platforms. Don’t spend most of your waking hours with your face glued to your phone. Stop acting like idiots and learn to respect others, especially those who may have different opinions than you.

The people trashing Liddell are scum.
Wanna go to a “glamour” school?

This is the other side.

Not a thing surprises me about it.

Yeah, this is shocking behavior. Not anything about this scenario should be expected just because a kid plays at a high profile school. Jesus.
I might have my moments but social media is the worst. These kids did unspeakable things to get through the season so their fans had something to cheer about and they turn on them like purana feeding on dead meat.
Although in retrospect, if Twitter or Facebook were around during any of Iowa's early departures from the tournament in the late 70's, 80's, or 90's the results would have been the same.
There are no difference in fan bases....
I’d be extremely embarrassed if I saw Iowa fans doing this. This is disgusting what these people are doing.

While it would be logical to assume they were OSU fans, given the anonymity of an online user it could have been anyone. A fan from a rival school trying to stir things up, who knows. It is ridiculous and embarrassing and any fanbase that did this should be ashamed.
While it would be logical to assume they were OSU fans, given the anonymity of an online user it could have been anyone. A fan from a rival school trying to stir things up, who knows. It is ridiculous and embarrassing and any fanbase that did this should be ashamed.

So true....the rival fans stir up trouble for us and everyone else in the country. Hope the truth of who they are comes out eventually. I would love to expose all of those dudes.

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